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How To Harass (Skirmishing Style)


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#1 Zombie Gandhi


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Posted 03 August 2016 - 12:07 PM

So there's a lot of roles to play (brawler, fire support, etc) in MechWarrior Online, and while this isn't really a tutorial, I hope it does give some insight to any who need it, about how to play a harasser.

While a lot of it may be a "No duh!" kind of information, it's still a reinforced example of lateral thinking, and keeping some whits about you as to positioning. Learning not to hug enemy mechs (as I do prefer closer quarters) is a skill I myself am working to unlearn.

#2 Spleenslitta


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Posted 03 August 2016 - 12:28 PM

Nice video.

But i did notice you struggled to get in range with your ML's untill that Bounty Hunter Marauder showed up.
I found my solution to that problem long ago. A mixed loadout. I know this will lessen the pinpoint damage and you will be less likely to get kills.

But you will always have a weapon for every occasion if you got both long and medium/short range weapons. In my case this upped my total damage values per match.
If you make notes of how far you are away from the enemy averagely you are throughout your matches you might find some valuable information about your own fightingstyle.

I noticed i was on average about 400-500 meters away but i wanted to able to take every opportunity so i got an ER PPC and ERML.
But mounting more medium lasers would make my mech too hot. So i went with this build instead to acquire more close range punch whenever the opportunity presented itself.
I use my Kit Fox with 1x ER PPC, 1x ERML, 1x ERSL, 4x MG's, JJ's and ECM.

Edit: I almost forgot. Having such a flexible weapon loadout gives you one more major advantage when you got superior speed in comparison to your opponent.
You get to choose the range you engage your enemy. If he is in an Atlas made for brawling you go long range and he becomes helpless.
If it's a mech focused on long range you get up close and take him on with your short range weapons.

Sure you're more likely to lose against a specialist at his chosen range but you can adapt to anything decently enough.

Edited by Spleenslitta, 03 August 2016 - 12:53 PM.

#3 Zombie Gandhi


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Posted 04 August 2016 - 04:40 AM

Since the video's recording, I have experimented with other builds (I snagged two more Cicada's as well), to varying degrees of success.

The idea, or rather, my focus, with harassing, is more about the angle of attack, than pure range. I know range is important, and can greatly minimize damage taken and so forth, but I've been finding it's my angle of attack, that really does the trick.

If I start to become to focus of a mech's attention, I'll peel out (thanks to the speed), forcing the mech pilot to focus on the closer threat (I try not to roam about solo), and then I'll dive back in and look to the flank. This works all the greater if I'm able to post up with something heavy and scary, like a Kodiak.

I do decently with my 3M, with an ER-Large Laser, and three Medium Lasers. Me and PPC's don't quite get along, though I suppose if I don't keep practicing, I'll never improve with 'em.

#4 Spleenslitta


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Posted 04 August 2016 - 05:35 AM

View PostZombie Gandhi, on 04 August 2016 - 04:40 AM, said:

The idea, or rather, my focus, with harassing, is more about the angle of attack, than pure range. I know range is important, and can greatly minimize damage taken and so forth, but I've been finding it's my angle of attack, that really does the trick.

I'm very much about the angle of the attack too. Difference is i do my work solo.
Weird thing is i survive longer by being alone....yup. it's weird and yet it's completly logical.

I could describe what i do but that would make it necessary to put up an unwelcome textwall in your thread that has to broken up into 5 posts so as to not make the forum freak out.
Unlike you i do not have the skills to make videos so i had to make do with maps, windows paint and words.

You might find a few mindtricks inside the guide that can be used even though you prefer to keep yourself near your team.
Tricks that make the enemy believe you will appear in one place when you're really going somewhere else. Makes the enemy look in the wrong compass direction.
Most of those tricks are in Post 2# inside the first spoilerbutton and Post 5# inside the second spoilerbutton. That should spare you some reading....

As for the PPC's - Keep practicing with them and leading the target will come instinctivly.
I have done 2 instinctive shots with an ER PPC that were so difficult that i will remember them till the day i joyfully do bunnyhops into my grave. XD
I twitched with my hand and the PPC bolts hit. No time to conciously lead the target...just twitch and BOOM.

#5 Requiemking


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Posted 04 August 2016 - 05:59 AM

There are many different ways you can harass an enemy team, you don't necessarily need a fast mech. Granted, a fast mech helps, but Harassment pretty much boils down to "annoy the enemy team till they aren't shooting your teammates", and honestly, this can be done with just about any mech. Even a fast heavy like a max-engined Dragon can pull it off. As a matter of fact, in some ways I think speedy Dragons are actually quite useful for this role.

#6 Surn


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Posted 04 August 2016 - 06:00 AM

You should point out that this is for quick play solo matches.

#7 Zombie Gandhi


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Posted 04 August 2016 - 08:32 AM

View PostRequiemking, on 04 August 2016 - 05:59 AM, said:

There are many different ways you can harass an enemy team, you don't necessarily need a fast mech. Granted, a fast mech helps, but Harassment pretty much boils down to "annoy the enemy team till they aren't shooting your teammates", and honestly, this can be done with just about any mech. Even a fast heavy like a max-engined Dragon can pull it off. As a matter of fact, in some ways I think speedy Dragons are actually quite useful for this role.

Way back when, that's how I used to pilot my Dragons. I played them in a fire support/harassment role. Their high speed among heavies (at least at that time) make them excellent skirmisher and other such flanking styles of play.

View PostSurn, on 04 August 2016 - 06:00 AM, said:

You should point out that this is for quick play solo matches.

I do tend to solo drop, though the same lateral thinking of movement, is what I used to use in clan drops (back in closed alpha). It worked quite well then. Unless clan drops and their meta has changed?

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