Nice post Koni, nearly missed it.
Bishop Steiner, on 05 August 2016 - 03:29 PM, said:
A few different paths chosen, a few different voices listened to during CB...and MWO might have embarked on a much different, and far less contentious path than the one we have witnessed.
But I think the truth is, no matter the debates.. Russ always had his eyes on a simple FPS catering to Esports. Nothing more.
This is the long and the short of it really, the E word was mentioned even in closed beta, a Zombie bear hunting fps but with Battlemech shells was really all we were likely to get in the long run (new people if they care to, will find these type of games were all P.G.I made under different company names )
We just chose to be optimistic, because we wanted to believe, despite all the evidence, which is why there is so much bitterness around the place, because it gets pushed in our face on a monthly basis each patch day.
P.G.I is for most people judging by staff turn over, a stepping stone on the way to a good job, they have an exceptional Concept artist, and the texture artist is there on the same level.
However, when I see Russ on record for having hired two new map guys, I read we have two talented, interns who I'm going to abuse the hell out of, until they get fed up and leave.
Only May 2017 if it's on time Bish, but yes, its the place where real Battle tech games are made, and I shall hope by 2020 there is a company strong version out there, but I still ain't playing it for the PvP