Cathy, on 10 August 2016 - 11:56 AM, said:
Been using them virtually stock on an alt account, for the Battletech challenge, they are very viable at t5 and t4 teirs alas I ended up in T3 in less than ten matches for out with not an xp to its name got 4/4 and over 500 damage.
it's not very good and using pure brawl builds so far max range under 600, so sticking with the STD engine for now.
I have been playing them as of late.. and they are a bit squishy for brawlers I've noticed.. perhaps after speed tweak it might work a bit better.. But i have found using longer range builds, like LL's, Gauss, AC5's ext they are pretty nice. I can't tell you how often i get stuck at 500+ with no one willing to push into brawl range these days.. But i still havent decided if i like the XL350 or STD320.. I seam to do better in the longer range XL versions than the shorter ranged with STD's.. But give it a try and see what ya think.
Though that is Pug life.. you get Nascar'd or play turret warrior so the extra speed, and longer range really help on these mechs, because of speed/power/armor ratio. Helps avoid the extra fun of some irate random guy will go on nerd rage cause you get nascar'd. You know like on mining collective, and the 8 fast guys decided to be line to the other teams base, and your on southern Spawn even at full throttle you will get cut off by their heavy lance about the time you hit the ramps.. (then before you know it you are down 6 mechs while listening to some guy rant the whole time.) That is one reason why i try to use the bigger XL's in them at least before speed tweak, try to avoid that..
Edited by JC Daxion, 10 August 2016 - 02:32 PM.