Second, the 4vs4 matches are very different from 12vs12 and thus there is no way to compare actual TTK. But from limited experience of 1 on 1, the TTK became lower. I cannot guarantee that, but now at the PTS there is no way to disengage from the fight (and on live servers you can at laest try that with reasonable chances) or gain some seconds to breathe.
Third, the system in it's main aim to limit high Alphas failed. Not because it is a bad system, but main due to badly chosen parameters.
Look at GH penalties and at the ED penalties, especially at worst long range offenders. The heat penalty is way too low on high damages.
![Posted Image](
I do not know how the initial energy cap was estimated, but looks like it should be lowered a bit to around 25. But it can hold it's place as it is not a big issue.
Another issue is that damage to energy convertion ratio of 1:1 while accounts for spread weapons does not account for range and thus makes long range weapons preferable if their heat is manageble. The energy consumption of longer range weapons should be higher than the one of shorter ranges. It might not be the strict rule, but might help a bit and be more or less intuitive.
However, the biggest miss of the current ED iteration is in energy to heat ratio for energy overdraw. It is set at 0.5 and should be around 2-2.5 to get to what GH does now.
So, I think that the drastic change in base parameters of the ED system are needed as also not a single iteration of PTS before this can go live, but this is definately an improvement above GH.