Allow me to demonstrate. This is how much your Archer has to expose itself in order to get a LoS, highlighted in green. Basically your entire torsi. And if you have your launchers open, denoted by red, then the enemy can spot you even easier from behind cover.

Now compare that to another similarly profiled Heavy mech that is also known in lore for carrying dual LRM20s--the Mad Dog. See how little the Dog has to expose, in order to spot the enemy?

IMO, it would be better if PGI moves the cockpit to a higher vantage point, so that the mech gets a new lease on life. Remember how some people like to say "Get your own lock, LRM noob"? Well, the Archer is one LRM mech that can't get a lock by itself without seriously endangering its safety.

Finally, I know some BT purists will likely get a stroke from such decision, but I think this case is a special one. Archer needs it. Not to mention the TT miniatures had high mounted cockpit, as shown here.

Do you think PGI should raise the cockpit of the Archer?
Edited by El Bandito, 22 August 2016 - 05:24 PM.