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What Happened To Lop?

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#1 Max Recoil


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Posted 22 August 2016 - 03:51 PM

Nobody seems to be renewing contracts and nobody ever online.

#2 Khalcruth


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Posted 22 August 2016 - 07:12 PM

Sorry there Gallien. I've been the one that's been doing the faction play contracts lately, but I wasn't able to be online when the last one came up on Thursday, and then I was out of town all weekend. I thought I had arranged for someone else to renew it, but it looks like it slipped through the cracks until a few hours ago.

In any case, I've been playing faction warfare just about every day, but I'm not sure where everyone's gone - a couple people are exclusively doing the World Championship stuff. But there are a lot of folks who seem to have completely stopped playing in the past few months.

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