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Cw Is A Waste Of Time

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#41 Bud Crue


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Posted 24 August 2016 - 06:31 AM

View PostMudhutwarrior, on 24 August 2016 - 05:51 AM, said:

For years I posted "CW lol" on those threads calling for it. Hate to say it but I was right all along.

Thing is it wasn't PGI that was the problem but the self entitled idiots calling for it. Same idiots who threatened to synch drop solo into oblivion when PGI announced it was splitting ques.

Same ones who now synch drop into solo to farm because well no skills.

Same ones who cry about Long Tom or LRMs.

Same ones who use "Get Better noob" or GG after a stomp they were virtually assured to win.

Same ones who cannot function without macro's.

Same ones who crank resolution to nothing so they can crank on targets who can't see them.

Same ones who are on teams running wall hack but claim they got no benefit from it or cheating doesn't happen.

You get the point. You wanted CW but now its not good enough so you come to the place you fought against daily and farm pugs. PGI can't make you happy unless they hand every advantage to you so you can inflate your scores.

Too bad.

CW lol

Umm, I actually don't get the point.

I read your post as an assertion that the players who wanted CW, wanted it only to have a mode for "inflating their (your) scores", and because the mode isn't "good enough" to do that any more those players left, and that is what is wrong with CW.
In essence: the seal clubbers have all left and that is what you see as being wrong with CW. Really? That is certainly a perspective I have never seen before.

#42 Mudhutwarrior


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Posted 24 August 2016 - 06:56 AM

View PostBud Crue, on 24 August 2016 - 06:31 AM, said:

Umm, I actually don't get the point.

I read your post as an assertion that the players who wanted CW, wanted it only to have a mode for "inflating their (your) scores", and because the mode isn't "good enough" to do that any more those players left, and that is what is wrong with CW.
In essence: the seal clubbers have all left and that is what you see as being wrong with CW. Really? That is certainly a perspective I have never seen before.

No the seal clubbers wanted it and it was too hard for them. Now they are back in Solo synch dropping and farming while telling new players and casuals to get better and chasing them off the game entirely. The good players saw where it was going and left for better shores. Many blamed PGI like I did but maybe now they would understand who and what the real problem is.
Look at all the complaint threads and see who populates the forums. Nerfwarriors and those never satisfied with the mechanics. The long tom complaints are the best because if your in a solo synch drop they spam the hell out of arty. The reason they complain is because pugs could use long toms. If it were exclusive to them it would be ok though and I reference the above arty spam.
You can consider LRMS too because they are so down on them as a no skill weapon but if they were they would not be asking for nerfs all the time. I drive an LRM boat and its the tryhards who whine the most. I say learn to play. I seem to be ok with them using or diving for cover when they head my way.
It's pretty obvious who drives the narrative here and its never ending. Post a thread about cheating or synch drops and see who comes out to defend the practice or tell you it doesn't happen. These are the loud mouths who are never satisfied. The ones who called for CW over and over and now populate Solo instead. Why , well to farm and heap ridicule on others like there "steering wheel underhive" jive. Its crap and just a cover for their own inadequacies.

PGI gave them something to build on and where are they? The one place they fought adamantly against. Total loser hypocrites the lot of them.

#43 Bud Crue


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Posted 24 August 2016 - 07:04 AM

View PostMudhutwarrior, on 24 August 2016 - 06:56 AM, said:

No the seal clubbers wanted it and it was too hard for them. Now they are back in Solo synch dropping and farming while telling new players and casuals to get better and chasing them off the game entirely. The good players saw where it was going and left for better shores. Many blamed PGI like I did but maybe now they would understand who and what the real problem is.
Look at all the complaint threads and see who populates the forums. Nerfwarriors and those never satisfied with the mechanics. The long tom complaints are the best because if your in a solo synch drop they spam the hell out of arty. The reason they complain is because pugs could use long toms. If it were exclusive to them it would be ok though and I reference the above arty spam.
You can consider LRMS too because they are so down on them as a no skill weapon but if they were they would not be asking for nerfs all the time. I drive an LRM boat and its the tryhards who whine the most. I say learn to play. I seem to be ok with them using or diving for cover when they head my way.
It's pretty obvious who drives the narrative here and its never ending. Post a thread about cheating or synch drops and see who comes out to defend the practice or tell you it doesn't happen. These are the loud mouths who are never satisfied. The ones who called for CW over and over and now populate Solo instead. Why , well to farm and heap ridicule on others like there "steering wheel underhive" jive. Its crap and just a cover for their own inadequacies.

PGI gave them something to build on and where are they? The one place they fought adamantly against. Total loser hypocrites the lot of them.

Ah. Got it. Thanks.

#44 Ghogiel


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Posted 24 August 2016 - 07:53 AM

View PostMudhutwarrior, on 24 August 2016 - 06:56 AM, said:

The long tom complaints are the best because if your in a solo synch drop they spam the hell out of arty. The reason they complain is because pugs could use long toms.

The long toms were the best seal clubbing going.
1: mostly units would do and be effective in the 4v4, which itself was the best seal clubbing farm this game had since the days of 8man atlas groups farming 8 pugs in QP pre voip. So it was mostly groups that got the long tom up in the frist place.
2: groups would tend to just not drop on an opfor long tom unlocked planet because long tom is ****.

The consequence of that was freelancers, noobs and pugs unwittingly queueing up to get farmed by the LT and often an organised group mass dropping on the planet.

Edited by Ghogiel, 24 August 2016 - 07:54 AM.

#45 El Bandito


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Posted 24 August 2016 - 09:11 AM

FW was limping along just fine until Russ implemented Long Tom, which allowed bigger units to snowball even faster. This in turn turned away a lot of lesser units and pugs from FW, which made the FW queue the ghost town today. And Russ is still being dumb enough not to remove Long Tom.

Edited by El Bandito, 24 August 2016 - 09:12 AM.

#46 Mechwarrior1441491


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Posted 24 August 2016 - 10:33 AM

There is no way to stop larger units from forming or organizing to attack a planet. Mega units would simply split off into smaller ones under the same power structure.

I'm a firm believer that units should have drop ships they can upgrade and purchase. There is only a certain number of your drop ships allowed on a single planet. Planets should take longer to lose. Operational map instead of a %. Fighting for ground before finally taking the planet.

View PostMudhutwarrior, on 24 August 2016 - 05:51 AM, said:

For years I posted "CW lol" on those threads calling for it. Hate to say it but I was right all along.

Thing is it wasn't PGI that was the problem but the self entitled idiots calling for it. Same idiots who threatened to synch drop solo into oblivion when PGI announced it was splitting ques.

Same ones who now synch drop into solo to farm because well no skills.

Same ones who cry about Long Tom or LRMs.

Same ones who use "Get Better noob" or GG after a stomp they were virtually assured to win.

Same ones who cannot function without macro's.

Same ones who crank resolution to nothing so they can crank on targets who can't see them.

Same ones who are on teams running wall hack but claim they got no benefit from it or cheating doesn't happen.

You get the point. You wanted CW but now its not good enough so you come to the place you fought against daily and farm pugs. PGI can't make you happy unless they hand every advantage to you so you can inflate your scores.

Too bad.

CW lol

Welcome to video games. PVP games, ALL of them have the above players.

#47 Mudhutwarrior


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Posted 24 August 2016 - 11:00 AM

View PostMechwarrior1441491, on 24 August 2016 - 10:33 AM, said:

Welcome to video games. PVP games, ALL of them have the above players.

I am pretty new to gaming so it is a bit shocking to get used to.

#48 Johnny Z


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Posted 24 August 2016 - 12:07 PM


Edited by Johnny Z, 24 August 2016 - 12:08 PM.

#49 dervishx5


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Posted 24 August 2016 - 12:23 PM

View PostMudhutwarrior, on 24 August 2016 - 11:00 AM, said:

I am pretty new to gaming so it is a bit shocking to get used to.

But you feel people who don't agree with you are entitled and that new players should be catered too.

That's a very entitled opinion you have.

#50 Novakaine


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Posted 24 August 2016 - 01:43 PM

PGI mistake was listen to "certain units" on how to make a great CW.
So those certain units could continue their seal clubbing CB farming agenda.
Sadly they have found out seals are not a renewable resource, and have driven them to near extinction.
Now that the seals are all but gone CW is now a wasteland.
So now they have returned to Puglandia hence why we seen an uptick in sync-dropping.
Those bottle neck maps and linear game play are the result of direct whispers in PGI collective ear.
For example CW maps gives a undeniable advantage to a certain class of battlemech.
Wherever it's attack mode or defense mode.
And it's not the Inner Sphere.
So a lot of teams have simply given up.
So why bother fighting when every advantage is given to opposing force.
And it's not the Inner Sphere Loyalists Factions.
Smaller units have all but vanished because of this transitory predatory nature.
Ah well.
Speculation wild accusations.
I don't think so.

#51 Lyoto Machida


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Posted 24 August 2016 - 02:02 PM

View PostMudhutwarrior, on 24 August 2016 - 05:51 AM, said:

For years I posted "CW lol" on those threads calling for it. Hate to say it but I was right all along.

Thing is it wasn't PGI that was the problem but the self entitled idiots calling for it. Same idiots who threatened to synch drop solo into oblivion when PGI announced it was splitting ques.

Same ones who now synch drop into solo to farm because well no skills.

Same ones who cry about Long Tom or LRMs.

Same ones who use "Get Better noob" or GG after a stomp they were virtually assured to win.

Same ones who cannot function without macro's.

Same ones who crank resolution to nothing so they can crank on targets who can't see them.

Same ones who are on teams running wall hack but claim they got no benefit from it or cheating doesn't happen.

You get the point. You wanted CW but now its not good enough so you come to the place you fought against daily and farm pugs. PGI can't make you happy unless they hand every advantage to you so you can inflate your scores.

Too bad.

CW lol

Yes...it's the players that destroyed this game, not the people who created the game and made stupid decisions regarding it.

Just like illegal drug prices are high because of the drug traffickers...not because of supply/demand issues resulting from drug policies that are profitable to law enforcement agencies and the prison industry. Prohibition worked very well to increase the power of the Mafia and it works today in the war on drugs.

#52 Mudhutwarrior


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Posted 24 August 2016 - 03:32 PM

View Postdervishx5, on 24 August 2016 - 12:23 PM, said:

But you feel people who don't agree with you are entitled and that new players should be catered too.

That's a very entitled opinion you have.

New players are the lifeblood of the game. That's not entitlement but common sense. Entitled is not giving a **** about their needs in the game.

Cells must replicate to keep the organism alive. That's science.

Need anything else?

View PostLyoto Machida, on 24 August 2016 - 02:02 PM, said:

Yes...it's the players that destroyed this game, not the people who created the game and made stupid decisions regarding it.

Just like illegal drug prices are high because of the drug traffickers...not because of supply/demand issues resulting from drug policies that are profitable to law enforcement agencies and the prison industry. Prohibition worked very well to increase the power of the Mafia and it works today in the war on drugs.

Who allowed prohibition to continue? The People.

#53 dervishx5


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Posted 24 August 2016 - 03:35 PM

View PostMudhutwarrior, on 24 August 2016 - 03:32 PM, said:

New players are the lifeblood of the game. That's not entitlement but common sense. Entitled is not giving a **** about their needs in the game.

Cells must replicate to keep the organism alive. That's science.

Need anything else?

Yeah, that's science. Not a videogame.

I want you to stop laying the problems of the game all on one group of people.

#54 Mudhutwarrior


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Posted 24 August 2016 - 03:39 PM

View Postdervishx5, on 24 August 2016 - 03:35 PM, said:

Yeah, that's science. Not a videogame.

I want you to stop laying the problems of the game all on one group of people.

I am only laying it on the one class of most vocal who dominate the forums. Not really too specific but people are getting the jist of it.

#55 Aiden Skye


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Posted 24 August 2016 - 03:41 PM

If CW has no point, then remind me what the point of quick play is? It's a game, we aren't curing cancer over here or making the world a better place. Shoot 12 mechs vs shoot 48.

#56 dervishx5


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Posted 24 August 2016 - 03:45 PM

View PostMudhutwarrior, on 24 August 2016 - 03:39 PM, said:

I am only laying it on the one class of most vocal who dominate the forums. Not really too specific but people are getting the jist of it.

While implying PGI has never done anything wrong, which is simply false. They've done a lot of wrong.

#57 Lyoto Machida


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Posted 24 August 2016 - 04:26 PM

View PostMudhutwarrior, on 24 August 2016 - 03:32 PM, said:

New players are the lifeblood of the game. That's not entitlement but common sense. Entitled is not giving a **** about their needs in the game.

Cells must replicate to keep the organism alive. That's science.

Need anything else?

Who allowed prohibition to continue? The People.

The people??? Ah, yes...because they didn't vote out the politicians in place who enacted the Volstead Act.

How do we get rid of PGI again?

In your opinion, it seems that entitled players are ruining the game for the incoming new blood. Woe is PGI, for they are powerless to do anything about it...it's the same with kids causing a ruckus for their parents at the store. I guess the parents are powerless to do anything about these little terrors causing havoc.

Maybe it's gotten to the point that we should get rid of child protective services and create a government agency for parent protective services because children wield WAY too much power over their parents these days.

Or maybe PGI and crappy parents should sack up and deal with things as the authority figures in the relationship, instead of letting others run over them...entitled gamers only run roughshod over PGI because PGI allows it.

#58 Bishop Six


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Posted 25 August 2016 - 08:31 AM

View PostNovakaine, on 24 August 2016 - 01:43 PM, said:

PGI mistake was listen to "certain units" on how to make a great CW.
So those certain units could continue their seal clubbing CB farming agenda.
Sadly they have found out seals are not a renewable resource, and have driven them to near extinction.
Now that the seals are all but gone CW is now a wasteland.
So now they have returned to Puglandia hence why we seen an uptick in sync-dropping.
Those bottle neck maps and linear game play are the result of direct whispers in PGI collective ear.
For example CW maps gives a undeniable advantage to a certain class of battlemech.
Wherever it's attack mode or defense mode.
And it's not the Inner Sphere.
So a lot of teams have simply given up.
So why bother fighting when every advantage is given to opposing force.
And it's not the Inner Sphere Loyalists Factions.
Smaller units have all but vanished because of this transitory predatory nature.
Ah well.
Speculation wild accusations.
I don't think so.

In addition to your argumentation i want to say that i think the older players are more invisible in this forum and in demanding things.

Im not that old, but with my 32 years fps and pvp are not things i grew up with. So the style of doing lots of posts and demanding/whining is more a well-known behaviour of younger people (like in Real Life).

Young players often chat sentences like "remove big maps, **** walking 3 minutes, i want farm"
So i know young players, fast grinding, quick quick quick. In my opinion they dont enjoy the experience of Battletek.

Older Players should participate more in the debates in the forum to establish a balance between all players, so PGi could have a better overview of the playerbase.

Because the older ones are more identyfing with Battletek and not with FPS in the first line. For example: Why are people blaming others for using Cyclops as a LRM-Boat? He is thought to be a long-range-support-assault.
FPS focused players are more into that meta thing in my opinion, i'm more into immersion/story/Battletek-Feeling.

Edited by Bishop Six, 25 August 2016 - 08:37 AM.

#59 Tom Sawyer


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Posted 25 August 2016 - 08:37 AM

View PostBishop Six, on 25 August 2016 - 08:31 AM, said:

In addition to your argumentation i want to say that i think the older players are more invisible in this forum and in demanding things.

Im not that old, but with my 32 years fps and pvp are not things i grew up with. So the style of doing lots of posts and demanding/whining is more a well-known behaviour of younger people (like in Real Life).

Young players often chat sentences like "remove big maps, **** walking 3 minutes, i want farm"
So i know young players, fast grinding, quick quick quick. In my opinion they dont enjoy the experience of Battletek.

Older Players should participate more in the debates in the forum to establish a balance between all players, so PGi could have a better overview of the playerbase.

That makes the assumption that PGI actually reads and or listens to the fan base. The great round table was supposed to be the lets make it great again.

At least I have harebrain's game to look forward to. But for now I shall play quick play, maybe a cw here and there if enough of us gather on TS. Lately even that is dying

#60 9thDeathscream


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Posted 25 August 2016 - 08:45 AM

View PostBishop Six, on 25 August 2016 - 08:31 AM, said:

In addition to your argumentation i want to say that i think the older players are more invisible in this forum and in demanding things.

Im not that old, but with my 32 years fps and pvp are not things i grew up with. So the style of doing lots of posts and demanding/whining is more a well-known behaviour of younger people (like in Real Life).

Young players often chat sentences like "remove big maps, **** walking 3 minutes, i want farm"
So i know young players, fast grinding, quick quick quick. In my opinion they dont enjoy the experience of Battletek.

Older Players should participate more in the debates in the forum to establish a balance between all players, so PGi could have a better overview of the playerbase.

Because the older ones are more identyfing with Battletek and not with FPS in the first line. For example: Why are people blaming others for using Cyclops as a LRM-Boat? He is thought to be a long-range-support-assault.
FPS focused players are more into that meta thing in my opinion, i'm more into immersion/story/Battletek-Feeling.

Problem is that unless your associated with certain side twitch tv presenters and units PGI doesnt listen. So the older player base has given up.

Edited by Akulla1980, 25 August 2016 - 08:53 AM.

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