SamsungNinja, on 27 August 2016 - 05:18 PM, said:
Yeah, let me just flip the steering wheel on my car from one side to the other.
Possible? Yes. Easy? No. Worth it? Almost never.
This is why. Accept it and move on, unless you just like to bat your gums and want things your way. If you were actually seeking to know the reason and understand it, then there are plenty of examples given by others in this thread.
So, either your initial inquiry was disingenuous or we're done here.
Next question.
Blah blah blah I lack imagination, blah blah blah.
If I can flip the steering wheel and drive on the other side depends on situation? Hell yea! Want to not drive at a disadvantage in Britain or Japan? Flip the steering wheel. Done!
See, your "we're done here" really doesn't add any depth to the situation. At least El Bandito is trying with the knowing the location bit... (which I still don't see how that's better. you keep repeating how it is right now without actually offering how it is superior. like, what is the correlation between knowing where to shoot and more fun? Basically, knowing where to shoot is more fun because... lawlz? I can at least tell you that making things more tactical to add a random factor is a lot more fun to a lot more people. Example: we no longer have slot machines from the 80s. People want news games, new rules, and new random factors. Static gameplay with repetitive "let's just do this one thing" is the most boring concept ever.)
O and come on, we all post here because we want to see if we can bend things toward what we envision as the better game. No one post here to kiss @ss to Russ and pat him on the back. Example in point? Check front page and see how many positive "you did it!" thread vs how many "you suck, we hate you" and "let's do this instead" threads. So it's entirely asinine to suggest that I want things my way, because I DO. That's the whole point. Or else there would be no discussion and suggestion ever.
You think the guy suggesting mini-map color change is doing so for everyone? Hell no, he's doing it because it bothers HIM. Because none of us can speak for others, of course we can only speak for ourselves. If enough other people happen to come along and like the idea, then change... follow by gameplay implementation. Doesn't happen everytime, but hey, that's life. You win some, you lose some. But none of these are possible without someone saying that they want certain things their way.
So I guess in a way... no discussion is not over. Maybe for you it is if you don't respond. But if you do, believe me when I say that I will match you word for word again. In which case, discussion will not be over again. So either way you play, I win. Ball's in your court now.