Wecx, on 03 September 2016 - 10:29 AM, said:
Your right, i have opted out of playing the last month because there is an assault event where people load up on LRMs, than a Cyclops event (more LRMS) now this new stupid event.
I mean thats like 3 weekends i have not played because of dumb events.
Yea it thats another issue is that all the events seem to praise LRMS, especially this whole tagging and narcing event, the only way to get anywhere when playing, is to boat up a couple of lrm 20s and some small pulse lasers to do any real damage.
Krevvie, on 03 September 2016 - 06:31 AM, said:
I can't say I want fewer events, but I will say that some of the current event goals seem to encourage lower-quality play. When the goals were all assault mechs, I won one Domination map by taking my fastest Locust and getting to the target area a full minute before anyone else on either team could (no achievement for a win with zero shots fired on either side, alas,) and when the goals were all light mechs, suddenly every map I took my whale out in was like being the lone adult in a room full of berzerker coked-up second-graders.
This current goal "The Flea", where players have to stay in third-person mode for an entire game over multiple games, has my personal vote for worst ever, in terms of the type of gameplay it encourages. I can't see my maps so I can't really coordinate, I can't really see where I'm shooting a lot of my direct-fire weapons so my accuracy is crap, and enough of my teammates are in the same boat that our overall gameplay is super derpy. (A lot of people seem to be putting their hopes in LRMs for a win as a result, myself included.) The only saving grace here is that sometimes the other side is doing the same thing--but even then, the overall experience is just generally much, much dumber than usual. For example, I went out of 3rd person mode in a match because a whole ball of the other team were doing the third-person goal thing and the best they could do to coordinate was to deathball up behind a mountain in the Alpine map, and we pummelled them without coordinating at all or even having a plan. We won like 12-2 with random peekaboo and the occasional ill-considered charge.
edit: typos and an added sentence
I agree, and im not sure what PGI was thinking when they thought giving rewards to people for playing in 3rd person for a whole match is a good idea, and the only build that even works in 3rd person, YEP YOU GUESSED IT, L R M S.
adding 3rd person rewards, narcing and tagging rewards, uav rewards, Is a recipe for A whole 5 days of an LRM hurricane in every match.
Supersmacky, on 03 September 2016 - 03:07 AM, said:
I completely get what you are talking about and see the same things. Don't know what it is about people that an event makes them go off the rails. I think a lot of people get in a rush to complete the challenge
All of that said, I enjoy free stuff (as do most people). So, to me, I am ok with frequent events. Usually after the first couple of days of the event people settle down.
Additionally, just because other people in my team are acting stupid doesn't mean I have to do the same. I try to capitalize on that stupidity (ie, shooting the crap out of the enemy while they are focused on my team mate because of something dumb they are doing).
Also, I find that even during events playing either earlier in the day or later at night gives more satisfactory results. I am guessing there is a certain prime time player mentality. I see the same sort of dumb behavior even without events happening during prime time, although to a lesser degree.
So, I feel your pain, but I like free stuff. So, in the end, the constant chain of events don't bother me so much. Just like on non-event days I try not to take it too seriously. I don't always succeed, but I try.
I definitely understand where you are coming from, and i am never going to complain about getting free items in game, its just all the events seem to do is praise LRM boats, 6 mechs with lrms, a bunch of dumb brawlers suicide diving for kills, just ruins the whole purpose of "teamplay" in my opinion.
Edited by Dragoth2594, 03 September 2016 - 01:46 PM.