MrMadguy, on 03 September 2016 - 10:49 AM, said:
Ehhh. Sorry. I've made mistake. Not +75 sec for every enemy player alive - +75 sec for every player in your team alive. I.e. 15 minutes engage timer for all players alive (whole match - it's necessary, cuz on some maps it can take 5-7 minutes to engage for the first time) and 75 seconds engage timer for last man standing.
And this WILL WORK. Lights will have to engage with enemy team - not force enemy team to go search them around whole map. You should understand, why it's so necessary. First of all, team, that has more 'Mechs alive - winning team. And according to rules winning team is entitled to secure it's victory. I.e. they are not obligated to go searching for last Light 'Mech and risk to lose as the result. They are entitled to stay together at secure spot on the map. It's Light pilot, who is obligated to engage with them. The only thing, that prevents them from doing it - is the fact, that last Light 'Mech holds them as hostages and forces them to play his unfair starvation tactic game, otherwise they'd waste their time. I.e. other players have to perform potentially suicidal attack on this Light 'Mech pilot in order to simply try to prevent him from wasting their time. I.e. it's "I'd better die, than sit in this match for whole 15 minutes". And this is against rules. Lights are currently the only 'Mechs, that can execute starvation tactic, cuz they have speed and size advantage. This advantages can't be countered by any other 'Mechs. And advantage, that can't be countered = unfair advantage. That's why starvation tactic is considered OP in all games in the world. It allows weak player to kill strong ones only via using more time and maximum surviving tactic. All game modes in all games are built around simple rule: you're passive and avoid engagement = you lose. Even in MWO if you just hide and avoid engagement in any mode - you lose. But not Skirmish. Skirmish is broken and must be fixed. This fact makes Lights imbalanced vs other 'Mechs. And this imbalance - is one of the reasons, why I don't play this game any more.
P.S. Your videos, where one Light can kill half of enemy team, only prove, that problem must be fixed. Cuz the reason, why it happens, is not skill - it's imbalance and exploiting of unfair starvation tactic. Also starvation tactic = 100% selfish rambo-style gameplay and complete lack of teamplay.
just popping in to say how impressed i am with the mental gymnastics displayed in this post.
like, really. well done mrmadguy. you outdid yourself this time.
the light has to kill X number of heavier mechs by the time the timer runs out in order to win. the other team doesn't.
and you're arguing that he's the one applying unfair starvation tactics.
really. i'm gobsmacked. like seriously.