I feel the large class lasers were mostly nerfed in order to gain what is a functionally unusable amount of energy draw discount that really does not make the trade off worth it.
I also reviewed the small & medium class laser changes, and only a few of them actually receive a usable buff - the others weren't nerfed per say but the net change was basically a wash as a discount on e-draw that doesn't allow you to actually use more weapons is irrelevant to how the game is actually played.
So what I've done is set E-draw back to 1:1 ratio (Damage:ED) for nearly all lasers, and then baked some buffs directly into the lasers themselves where it felt needed.
I also tried to balance IS vs. Clan lasers as best as I could, so please look at all of the weapons for a total picture.
For example, the CLPL functions more like a heavier, improved IS LLAS - that's its closest competitor.
The CMPLs function more like lighter weight, shorter ranged IS LPLS that trade heat efficiency and range for an amazing tonnage advantage.
Looking for comments and feedback on these numbers, as long as they are within the context that energy draw will go live - and keeping in mind how these weapons will now be used once the system is live, and how they compete vs. other existing weapons in the big picture of all weapons in game.
Link to table: https://docs.google....dit?usp=sharing
- Increased range to 150m
- Increased range to 125m
- Reduced E-draw to 3.5 (safe alpha of 32 points of damage from 8x SPLs)
- Increased range to 300m
- Reduced heat from 4 to 3
- Increased range to 250m
- Reduced heat from 4 to 3
- Reduced CD from 3s to 2.75s
- Reduced E-draw from 6 to 5 (safe alpha of 36 points of damage from 6x MPLs)
- Reduced range to 400m (from 405M)
- Increased beam duration to 1.1s (Down from 1.15 on live)
- Increased CD from 3s to 3.25s
- Reduced damage from 7 to 6
- Reduced heat from 6 to 5.5
- Increased range to 350m
- Reduced beam duration to 0.75 (from 0.85s on live)
- Decreased E-draw from 8 to 7 (allows safe alpha of 32 points of damage from 4x CMPLs)
- Reduced CD to 3.1s
- Increased Range to 500m
- Increased CD to 3.3s from 3.25s
- Reduced beam duration from 1.25s to 1.2s
- Increased range to 375m
- Reduced beam duration to 0.65s from 0.67s
- Increased range to 775m
- Reduced damage from 11 to 10
- Reduced heat from 10 to 9.5
- Increased CD to 3.7s from 3.25s
- Reduced beam duration from 1.5s to 1.35s
- Decreased range from 600m to 500m
- Decreased damage from 13 to 10
- Decreased heat from 10 to 8
- Reduced beam duration from 1.12s to 1s
Edited by Ultimax, 05 September 2016 - 07:47 AM.