The idea of having a 'mech destruct itself on overheat is not good at all.
We sure need a better heat management system, but this heat self-destruction must be erradicated. It's not canon, and it's not a fitting punishment for overheating.
Better would be simply to reduce movement rates, and this is just a starting idea to get us moving.
PS: I play BT since 1998, and MW since MW3. I've not played the MW RPG, though. The heat system must be redesigned.
PS2: sorry if I offended any developer, but this heat system can and should improve.
On the same topic, 2 points:
- Ammo cook-off on heat, fitting punishment for a low-heat weapon subsystem;
- 10 HS are mandatory because a twice damaged engine generates 10 extra heat. Does damaged engines generate extra heat on MW:O?
Edit: added poll, posted on general discussion.
Edited by AbsUserName, 12 April 2016 - 08:51 AM.