Intel Gather Needs To Contribute To Match Score!
Posted 10 September 2016 - 02:59 AM
0 damage, 7 intel collected, game does not qualify for the event. And collecting intel is the whole point of the scouting mode. Pls concern and change Match score formula!!!
Posted 10 September 2016 - 06:21 AM
For example in Assault, ignore the objectives, but deal 800 Damage, losing the match -> Still 400+ Matchscore, get a little pump in PSR as well. OTOH, capture the enemy base in Assault alone, without a single shot fired to win and matchscore is something below 50, your PSR remains stale.
Posted 10 September 2016 - 07:02 AM
does not qualify for event
very pissed off. beeing a sneaky scout wont pay - is that a bad joke ?
Posted 10 September 2016 - 10:17 AM
Posted 10 September 2016 - 11:33 AM
Along with this, if the pug map mode is conquest and the team wins by capture (not kills) because of a brave and smart little light, this light (or whatever weight class) should be rewarded handsomely with a substantially higher match score and c-bill amount. I cant tell you how many close capture point matches I have won for my team because they all died so quick and everyone refused to cap (alpha and bravo lance). Where I had capture accelerator installed and had to strategically either cap till neutral then move or slightly cap for points then run or cap all the way. Its a lot of work. Close to zero reward. The wins solely were because of my work. The team died very quickly. There was no way to win on kills.
Right now match score strongly relies on damage done. Its incredibly lopsided and heavy handed in regards to this stat. No other metric really pays out or matters regardless of the mission or the effort/benefit one provides to your team by scouting/harassing capping et.. A mech may do a lot of damage because they have tons of weapon but make stupid trades and die quick substantially hurting the team. Doesn't matter. You will be substantially rewarded with Cbills and a high match score. You are a light pilot who splits the team, harasses from the rear causing others to turn around, scouts for the team, and/or wins by caps.... doesn't matter.... you didn't do as much damage as that foolish heavy/assault who had tons of weapons. You will not get a good match score, CBillls even though you won the game for your team. This game is incredibly unbalanced right now. Damage rules, nothing else really matters...unfortunately.
There needs to be substantial cbill and match score points awarded for doing things like capping, scouting, harassing, hit and runs, dividing enemy team etc. etc. That's not how it is now. Now, damage rules. As Metallica says, "nothing else matters". PGI, please change this.
Edited by Blue Pheonix, 10 September 2016 - 11:55 AM.
Posted 11 September 2016 - 06:26 AM
It is annoying to urge your teammates to stop collecting intel while the task is to defend.
Posted 13 September 2016 - 10:31 PM
Keep on arguing!
Posted 17 September 2016 - 02:23 AM
Posted 17 September 2016 - 06:26 AM

Posted 18 September 2016 - 03:28 AM

Posted 18 September 2016 - 04:08 AM
Posted 18 September 2016 - 04:58 PM
Posted 18 September 2016 - 11:15 PM
Posted 21 September 2016 - 06:54 PM
I had the same thing happen several times. bloody annoying. The match score really needs to be varied to bias towards the objectives. Damage is less important on capture and scouting than on skirmish. Domnination damage is less important than contributing to the countdown or stopping some one elses counter (by fire etc)
Posted 27 March 2017 - 02:22 AM
Posted 27 March 2017 - 07:34 AM
And yes it desperately needs to be implemented!
Had a match the other day, we had gather, went off to the right, collected intel. My team ran off to the left, then they were shouting at me for not following them. I decided to fetch one more point that was on the way over to them, so they'd shut up already. by the time I was at about 300m away from them, they were swarmed and died one after another to a 4drop Griffin 2Ns.
me in my little unskilled Jenner immediately took off, collected the last couple Intel. all the while 4 Griffins are chasing me, trying to cut me off. cornering me etc. I ducked, evaded, and finally escaped through the extraction point at 35% Health with one leg left. Sure I didn't do much damage, but in the long stretch I won the game, not the 50-90 DMG each of my other teammates did, Nor that they didn't even bother to collect one lousy intel. I collected 10, heart racing, being insulted along the way, managed to win the game ... result ... a matchscore around 50... not enough for the event.
A successful mission has to give an appropriate Matchscore! The mission was to escape through the extraction zone with one Intel!!!! I brought 10! that is 1000% more than asked for!
Posted 27 March 2017 - 02:59 PM
Scouts drop in via dropship as do defenders. Set it so attackers are the only one's able to see nodes to capture, it is more of you are a scout moving into an area and deploying nodes than capturing them, or using your mech itself to capture data at given points. In older games they would have been waypoints instead of devices. Now, to signify where someone did a scan have the current node point in it’s deactivated mode be placed after the attacker scans it. For the attacker also have the nodes visible and spinning, this is to easily represent where they need to go.
Defenders now being unable to gain intel points themselves are more of looking for where nodes were placed in an attempt to figure out where the enemy scouts are moving too and from, isolate them, and eliminate them. To further this asymmetry I would make it so defenders have no actual count of how many points have been collected. At a threshold the enemy dropship will be called in however, at that point the attackers can keep collecting points while it is in route, but, defenders get what is effectively a radar ping of the direction of the dropship as command sends out information on where radar is picking up the intruders dropship flying through their airspace. This means you have to take some guesses as to where the drop ship is going to be while the attackers get the LZ as a waypoint on their hud (look to MW4 for how it should look). This will push people into playing the mode differently as the objectives are different and the defender is at a disadvantage with having to figure out where to be and when.
This also coupled with major rewards for each intel point gained and extraction reward for each player out (double for the player, who makes it) for the scouting team. Defenders get a good chunk of change for killing scouts end of story, no matter the stage. Because it is only when they get on the dropship that the intel has escaped and defenders have failed so it doesn't matter how much intel the scouts have gathered for how much the defenders get paid out upon defeating the scouts.
Edited by Moonlight Grimoire, 27 March 2017 - 02:59 PM.
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