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Table In Forum Broken

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#1 Erox


  • PipPipPip
  • 53 posts

Posted 21 September 2016 - 02:01 AM

Can someone help me with my post, please?
I made a BBCode table for all the 3025 stock mechs. Unfortunately, the forum adds a huge amount of line breaks in front of the table. The line breaks don't show up in the editor, so I can't remove them.

Edited by Erox, 21 September 2016 - 02:02 AM.

#2 Erox


  • PipPipPip
  • 53 posts

Posted 23 September 2016 - 01:54 AM

Could this be the same problem, as with my post?


This is the problem! Your paser takes all the line breakes from within the BBCode and puts them infront of the table. So I could write all my table in one line, but I can't maintain that spaghetti code, so can you please fix your parser?
I fixed the original post and recreated the problem in this post.

Commando: COM-1B COM-1D COM-2D COM-3A
Firestarter: FS9-A FS9-H FS9-K
Jenner: JR7-D JR7-F
Locust: LCT-1E LCT-1M LCT-1V
Panther: PNT-8Z PNT-9R
Raven: RVN-2X RVN-4X
Spider: SDR-5D SDR-5K SDR-5V
Urbanmech: UM-R60 UM-R60L
Wolfhound: WLF-1 WLF-1A WLF-1B
Blackjack: BJ-1 BJ-1DC BJ-1X
Centurion: CN9-A CN9-AH CN9-AL
Cicada: CDA-2A CDA-2B CDA-3C
Crab: CRB-20
Enforcer: ENF-4R
Hunchback: HBK-4G HBK-4H HBK-4J HBK-4P HBK-4SP
Kintaro: KTO-18
Phoenix Hawk: PXH-1 PXH-1K
Shadow Hawk: SHD-2D SHD-2D2 SHD-2H SHD-2K
Trebuchet: TBT-5J TBT-5N TBT-7K
Vindicator: VND-1AA VND-1R VND-1X
Wolverine: WVR-6K WVR-6R
Archer: ARC-2R
Black Knight: BL-7-KNT BL-7-KNT-L
Cataphract: CTF-1X CTF-2X CTF-4X
Dragon: DRG-1C DRG-1N
Grasshopper: GHR-5H GHR-5N
Jagermech: JM6-A JM6-S
Marauder: MAD-3R
Orion: ON1-K ON1-V ON1-VA
Quickdraw: QKD-4G QKD-4H
Rifleman: RFL-3C RFL-3N
Thunderbolt: TDR-5S TDR-5SS
Warhammer: WHM-6D WHM-6R
Atlas: AS7-D AS7-RS
Awesome: AWS-8Q AWS-8R AWS-8T AWS-8V
Banshee: BNC-3E BNC-3M BNC-3S
Battlemaster: BLR-1D BLR-1G BLR-1S
Cyclops: CP-10-Q CP-10-Z
Highlander: HGN-733 HGN-733C HGN-733P
Kind Crab: KGC-0000
Mauler: MAL-MX90
Stalker: STK-3F STK-3H STK-4N
Victor: VTR-9B VTR-9S
Zeus: ZEU-6S ZEU-6T

Edited by Erox, 02 November 2016 - 01:24 PM.

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