Quicksilver Kalasa, on 28 September 2016 - 05:54 PM, said:
Similar strike capability maybe, but not as good because of velocity differentials and heat cost.
I don't see how the Clan version is any worse in these respects.
The Clan 'Mech will bring spare heat-sinks while the Inner Sphere version will have fewer to none, depending on the weight class. Both sides have issues with velocity on their 20-class ACs already.
Right, but even with an XL, you need a perfect storm of hardpoint type, number, and 'Mech weight to really push it. We're talking eight energy and a ballistic in the arm at 55 tons, and even that would merely put you at parity with a Storm Crow. Alternatively, three missile racks and a single ballistic at 65/70 tons, but again you won't really be doing anything you can't do on an EBJ or TBR.
I think the most powerful isUAC/20 wielder would end up being the MAD-BH2 (75 strike with double tap) or the Firebrand (65); one is slow while the other is checked by the nature of isXL. Atlas would have a 92 strike, but has all the disadvantages of being an Atlaas.
LFEs would make building around IS 20s a lot easier.