when your energybar is depleted, rather than producing instant extraheat for every extra point of damage, your mech will no longer cool down, but heat up gradually until your energy levels are normalized again.
for exact numbers, the math guys can calculate feasable suggestions. this topic is mainly to discuss a more realistic and possibly more strategic implementation of heat penalties to the game.
why gradually generating heat would be more realistic should be obvious. why it is more strategic might not be as obvious. this system would give you the option to burst an enemy mech in a desperate situation, with the a guaranteed VERY long cooldown shutdown after that bursting (because for up to 6 [-120 energy] your mech will not even start cooling down) and potentially serious damage/death to your own mech.
please post your opinions and possible suggestions for numbers into this thread.
posts like "this sucks" arent welcome. if it sucks in your opinion do a post like "this sucks, because:..." < " ... " being a your reason for thinking so. (just because i assume someone taking it literally