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Kurita Defense?

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#1 RG Wolf Vickers


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Posted 05 October 2016 - 09:36 AM

While beating random faction 12 mans is fun, would be a bit sweeter if the Kurita muscle would que to defend their planets.

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#2 AnTi90d


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Posted 05 October 2016 - 10:09 AM


Check for yourself. Other than the (mostly German) Daerons (who only really play.. um.. I think Wednesday around 2pm EST) everyone else pretty much quit. If we can't get at least 8 people together on the TS, most of the remaining holdouts won't drop; (if they feel they don't have a chance at winning, they won't play.)

Blame Bullock; our numbers significantly dropped off about a week after the announcement that he's stealing our bucket and removing our ability to fight for our faction. The last FP event seems like it was our last hurrah to enjoy the mode that he's killing off so he can have Quickplay with DropDecks.

Rest in peace, House Kurita.. I'll still buy the Sword of Light dekkels if Russ ever puts them out.. although he probably won't.. because I'm on the Blacklist and he's the kind of guy that doesn't want his enemies to see any bit of joy. (It's such a slap in the face to see them release the Genyosha dekkel when the SoL was the most famous unit and requires two dekkels and one of them is already in-game, it just needs to be color swapped to be era-appropriate..) I really do miss Faction Play; Quickplay is so dull and boring, lacking tactics and organization..

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#3 RG Wolf Vickers


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Posted 05 October 2016 - 10:38 AM

That discussion was held during the trough of FW. While not much improvement in numbers is clearly evident they are there.

The doom and gloom forum warriors will jump all over that statement but as much as they want the attention, they should be ignored. They spend more time complaining then they do dropping ffs.
As soon as my group ques up, a group ques in response. There may be a 1-2 hour window during the US late cycle where it is ghost town but we fought ~8 matches back to back last night.

Admittedly I do not have experience with other game titles / developers but from what I've seen PGI adapts. Save your faction by organically reviving it and getting in them grouped and in to ques. The "bucket" system seems to be a fail safe that may not be needed if numbers continue to slowly increase.
Get your guys, reach out to us when ready and let's have us some fun.

#4 Tavious Grimm


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Posted 05 October 2016 - 04:51 PM

I've faced you quite a few times over the course of the week. Your unit is pretty good. AnTi90d speaks truthfully, point in case, the other night we had an attack lane on Moore, (no clue why) I managed through cajoling and begging to get 11 people together to drop on Moore. We needed one more. We sat in the waiting window for almost 25 minutes and all the while pleading through faction chat for just one more pilot. Never got one. The mode is dead or dying. House Kurita was the one House that had no shortage of pilots. We had 3 or more fronts in the early days and kept our borders mostly intact. Believe me if we had half of what we had you would get all the combat you could handle and then some.

#5 Lyoto Machida


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Posted 05 October 2016 - 05:01 PM

Maybe if CW wasn't so much hot garbage, people would play. I mean...my friends list in game is pretty much a list of a couple hundred inactive pilots (of all factions, not just Kuritans) at this point.

For a mode that was supposed to be the centerpiece of the game, it's pretty dead and evidently that's how PGI wants it.

#6 RG Wolf Vickers


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Posted 05 October 2016 - 07:56 PM

View PostTavious Grimm, on 05 October 2016 - 04:51 PM, said:

I've faced you quite a few times over the course of the week. Your unit is pretty good. AnTi90d speaks truthfully, point in case, the other night we had an attack lane on Moore, (no clue why) I managed through cajoling and begging to get 11 people together to drop on Moore. We needed one more. We sat in the waiting window for almost 25 minutes and all the while pleading through faction chat for just one more pilot. Never got one. The mode is dead or dying. House Kurita was the one House that had no shortage of pilots. We had 3 or more fronts in the early days and kept our borders mostly intact. Believe me if we had half of what we had you would get all the combat you could handle and then some.

Thank you for the compliment.
We go IS occasionally and they refuse to attack. I don't know why IS never attacks but have been in that exact position. We could go anecdote for anecdote but every other thread in the FP sub section does that. The majority of the players are new and the developer has to use their limited resources towards them. At least from a business standpoint. Hopefully someone within your ranks realizes the resurgence is coming and can re ignite the Kurita units. Hope to see you out there Tav 07

#7 Ultra-Laser


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Posted 05 October 2016 - 10:25 PM

View PostRG Wolf Vickers, on 05 October 2016 - 07:56 PM, said:

Thank you for the compliment.
We go IS occasionally and they refuse to attack. I don't know why IS never attacks but have been in that exact position. We could go anecdote for anecdote but every other thread in the FP sub section does that. The majority of the players are new and the developer has to use their limited resources towards them. At least from a business standpoint. Hopefully someone within your ranks realizes the resurgence is coming and can re ignite the Kurita units. Hope to see you out there Tav 07

I've been doing what I can to rally the troops for a few weeks here and there and one of the most encouraging things I've seen this week is that there are starting to be posts made in the HK forum that aren't mostly me. Having posts go up every day or so is almost staggeringly lively compared to last month having a week or more between responses.

While I can't put my finger on it I can definitely feel something in the air shifting. The last few times I dropped with a team in the HK TS something about it gave me that feeling I had back in my CW beta days. We were still undermanned and just as backfooted as we were the times before that but something about the atmosphere made it seem like a worthwhile effort was being made even when we came out with a loss, that the futility of the effort wasn't worth lamenting as long as we made a sincere effort in our attempts at victory. Even waxing nostalgic over the early CW beta days felt more like a comparison to our present rather than a bitter recollection of the past.

The stagnation of purely defensive drops frustrates me of course, but it helps to know that there are other players on the lookout for an opportunity to take the fight to the enemy gives me hope that there will be people ready to lead the charge when the HK player count picks up. I've seen a few new names pop up here and there, and I will do what I can to show them how fun Invasions can be when they're not the ones being farmed into oblivion.

#8 FallingAce


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Posted 06 October 2016 - 01:20 AM

At the start of Phase 3 Kurita was active. Active enough to push Smoke Jag all the way back to it's home world.
Once we couldn't attack Smoke Jag any more, we tried attacking Davion, Liao and Marik. No one defended.
Instead of mercs joining Smoke Jag (or wolf or ghost bear for that matter) and reinforcing it's population, they all piled into Jade Falcon. Contract system did nothing to balance the factions.

Combine the flaming pile of crap that is Phase 3 with no one to fight and most pilots moved on, some from the game completely.

#9 Exard3k


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Posted 06 October 2016 - 02:28 AM

View PostAnTi90d, on 05 October 2016 - 10:09 AM, said:


Check for yourself. Other than the (mostly German) Daerons (who only really play.. um.. I think Wednesday around 2pm EST) everyone else pretty much quit. If we can't get at least 8 people together on the TS, most of the remaining holdouts won't drop; (if they feel they don't have a chance at winning, they won't play.)

Wednesday + Sunday. We're doing around 6 Matches per week + a few matches with small groups of 2-5 players with the guys from Kurita TS. traffic has been much higher in the past. We dont have the numbers to have any influence on the map. EU timezone.

We played lots of CW (especially scouting) when new phase was released. I took a break for about 2 months and when I returned, CW wasn't that popular anymore.

Edited by Exard3k, 06 October 2016 - 02:54 AM.

#10 AnTi90d


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Posted 06 October 2016 - 06:34 AM

Thanks for the topic.. We actually managed to have several matches last night.

..too bad that Marik pugs are too heavy to carry.. lol.. (At least they weren't Liao pugs.. *shudders at the thought*)

View PostExard3k, on 06 October 2016 - 02:28 AM, said:

Wednesday + Sunday.

Cool.. I might try to take a break from cleaning the house and pop in on Sunday.

#11 RG Wolf Vickers


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Posted 06 October 2016 - 08:58 AM

Awesome seeing you and a few of the guys in the fight last night Tavious. We definitely sat up as your team and one other Kurita group has really given us a fight even when severely outnumbered as you were in the most recent meeting.

Looked like we shifted well to isolate your group in the city after your group made a stealthy entrance thru the left gate. Unfortunately a few of your pick ups squirreled after our harasser allowing for a push in to the body of your under manned group. Our IFC pilot is very talented in that role, as the pick ups who pursued him found out very quickly.

Once we had the momentum we did our best to keep the group unable to re organize and it was a steep uphill for your pick up group to recover.

Was fun nonetheless and we hope to see you out there again. 07

#12 Tavious Grimm


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Posted 06 October 2016 - 03:30 PM

Yeah, was a good match, the hope was to circle around and hit you from the rear and flank. Just pug luck lol. Your outfit is relentless though and that is a credit to both you and the lore of the Smoke Jags in general. They may be fumeiyona sukamu , but they fight with determination and ferocity. And while I may lose and groan about it lol, I look forward to future fights with you. (I'm hoping that is an accurate translation, I'm trusting my Googlefu)

#13 AnTi90d


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Posted 06 October 2016 - 07:34 PM



Anata wa rippa ni tatakaimasu.
Watashi wa, watashitachi no tsugi no tatakai o kitai shite imasu.

...or something like that..

#14 RG Wolf Vickers


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Posted 07 October 2016 - 10:38 PM

We saw a lot of action on the attack cycle tonight including a 12 man Kurita unit that gave us a strong fight. Colonel Marines also came in to assist with the pick up crew your faction fielded but ultimately their burden was too great. To those members that we hard pushed their first wave for a burn and turn victory, we did not want to sour your enthusiasm for the following drops. We had a smaller unit here we wanted to ensure got the planetary victory to help keep enthusiasm high on this end.

We may end up on that side of the fight after we ensure our drop decks and strat is in order to assist effectively. Hope to keep the fights going gents, o>

#15 Mi Ro Ki


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Posted 08 October 2016 - 02:02 AM

Lol @ this. Just run kodiaks, Russ adores it! Well you gave our recruits a good lesson anyway :) Hopefully when cw factions are reworked and population not spreaded out like sprinkles on bread we might actually have a game mode worth a damm. So far it's casual gaming for the lolz till that happens. Enjoy the pugs!

#16 Temu


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Posted 08 October 2016 - 02:54 AM

is there any place detailing the specifics of faction play? I get bits and pieces about it.. but nothing detailing exactly what the setup is that i can find. I am still trying to get my skill up before jumping in but really can't wait to be able to support the House :(

#17 RG Wolf Vickers


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Posted 08 October 2016 - 12:38 PM

View PostMi Ro Ki, on 08 October 2016 - 02:02 AM, said:

Lol @ this. Just run kodiaks, Russ adores it! Well you gave our recruits a good lesson anyway Posted Image Hopefully when cw factions are reworked and population not spreaded out like sprinkles on bread we might actually have a game mode worth a damm. So far it's casual gaming for the lolz till that happens. Enjoy the pugs!

Regardless if it's a lances of kodiaks, Nightgyrians, Dires, it can be countered. The coordination has to be there as well as execution. A group of recruits will benefit the most AFTER a failed defense during the after action discussion. What was working, what failed, where we set up, where we could have set up to increase the chance of success, etc.

It's my perception that the individuals that fail in FW are quick to rationalize their failure by blaming the game mode. The fact is if the other 10 in that drop were your unit members the exact same defensive strat will have different outcomes. Again, execution. Understanding that and having the ability to articulate that to groups correctly will keep groups positive and continuing drops. You can't put a little league player in front of a major league fast ball and expect them to get a hit. What you can do is make the experience a positive one rather then a negative one.

#18 RG Wolf Vickers


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Posted 08 October 2016 - 12:47 PM

View PostTemu, on 08 October 2016 - 02:54 AM, said:

is there any place detailing the specifics of faction play? I get bits and pieces about it.. but nothing detailing exactly what the setup is that i can find. I am still trying to get my skill up before jumping in but really can't wait to be able to support the House Posted Image

There really isn't other then spread out all over the forum which is not the most time efficient way of learning. Experience is the number 1 way. Getting with members/groups that know the game mode, asking questions, and following along. Ebon Keshik does not / is not recruiting but never mind helping out any member or group looking to get more from FW. Regardless of faction. Feel free to send me a friend invite when I'm online and you can hop to our TS for crash course discussions. Same invitation goes out to anyone reading this.

#19 Tavious Grimm


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Posted 08 October 2016 - 02:13 PM

COMA led drops are usually pretty successful. I know they're one of the highest ranked loyalist teams and I've known most of them for a few years. Since the release of the Kodiak, there is no doubt it has been a game changer for the Clans. Strats and tactics are always evolving, some work better then others. Just gotta keep dropping and learn from each engagement. I hope to get some drops tonight.

#20 Nothar


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Posted 08 October 2016 - 03:47 PM

Yeah sorry we're on the Australian time zone, and currently in prep for world tourney so our FP time is down. Stick around you'll hit the great wall of COMA sooner or later!

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