Was how hard would it be to convert a used one of these:

A TsuMo Tsunami motion simulator system (Originally Came with an arcade version of MW4 and Crimson Skies, etc..)
Into a functioning 6 axis full controller..? I can see removing the bubble, and making your own plexiglass one that resembles a cockpit..
It would be awesome if the connection of this into the computer in the base, was a simple USB cable or regular 9 pin cable etc..
Have to think it would be relatively simple. I Know the "games" for this system came on CD, so makes me think it was driven by a PC, so it may already have "Drivers". I also know that it had a separate driver board for the motors to move the simulator, not sure how that would work.
Being it used a modified version of a PC game it would seem to be fairly simple.. but I am not a hardware or software (Coding) person.. so not sure the difficulty level it would take to do it.
Anyone..? I know we have guys here with mad skills that might be able to know what to do..
Edited by Chuckie, 09 February 2012 - 11:03 AM.