Haunted And Hunted Event
Posted 30 October 2016 - 02:33 AM
Posted 30 October 2016 - 05:00 AM
EDIT: MC winnings AND lootbags... Except the lootbag gods seem to be very much against me this time: only gotten 50MC total so far after 4 days and not a single MechBay. Mostly GXP, Cockpit items and Tricks, some CBills

(*there's only a few I do like, like the superannoying lunchtruck and other "TOOOOT! My Urby Just Killed You!"-warhorns, but most are really lame sounding...)
Edited by Willothius, 30 October 2016 - 05:05 AM.
Posted 30 October 2016 - 01:03 PM

Edited by Moerderhoschi, 30 October 2016 - 01:19 PM.
Posted 30 October 2016 - 04:45 PM
annoying little bugger

Posted 30 October 2016 - 05:03 PM
Posted 01 November 2016 - 04:11 AM
Posted 01 November 2016 - 06:52 AM
G SE7EN7, on 01 November 2016 - 04:11 AM, said:
They have not yet finished the tournament, and people have until Nov 5 to open them.
If they wish to show the prizes, then all of the data is not yet in.
That said, I'm probably not going to get any more prizes.

I won't get home for at least 8 more hours, and the event ends in 9 hours.
On the up side,
4,337,500 C-Bills
4,800 GXP
430 MC
1 Mech Bay
4 Days Active Premium Time
11 Misc consumables
2 Flamers
1 Machine Gun
2 Small Lasers
4 Cockpit items (meh)
-- I'll take it.
Edited by ScottAleric, 01 November 2016 - 06:57 AM.
Posted 01 November 2016 - 10:20 AM

Daily Match Score Challenge: Easily accomplished by playing just 2-3 matches per day, good rewards, plenty of time to complete it even if you miss a couple of days. Nothing special about it, just some free MC for little effort, which is always welcome

Terra Therma Redux Challenge: Didn't like that one at all. The warhorn is kinda cool, but there were two bad things about this challenge. First, an individual player has only limited control over map selection, which means that completing this challenge is partially out of the player's hands. Second, the map itself is very controversial, a lot of people hate it, including myself. Not sure if I want to see a challenge like that again.
Hunt the Huntsman Challenge: A good example of how an excellent idea can be turned into an abomination. In the previous events, you only had to score a single KMDD on a specific mech over the course of the event, which added a very nice twist to the way these weekend challenges were normally played. However, this time PGI pushed it way too far. Having to hunt one specific mech for several days in a row with 11 other people on your team gunning for the same target was simply not fun, even after the bar was lowered from 10 to 6 points total. It literally ruined the games for me for the first six days of the event, and even the rewards which were quite nice could not offset the sour taste this challenge left.
Trick or Treat Event: I'm kinda on a fence about this one. Looking at my loot bags for the past 8 days + 20 bags from the pre-order bonus, the rewards weren't bad at all: I got two mechbays, a bunch of MC, C-Bills and GXP, so overall it's a pretty decent haul. However, playing 15 matches per day for 8 days straight was simply too exhausing, now I need a break so bad that I literally can't look at MWO. Come to think of it, the criterion for getting one of this year's loyalty rewards was to play 100 matches over the course of an entire year - compare it to playing 120 matches in 8 days... Plus, the rewards were too random. It was so frustrating at times, pressing the buttons one after another in hope of getting some decent stuff, and finding a ton of useless consumable crap inside the loot bags instead. And I never got the grand prize

Well, that's about it. I hope PGI will look at the player feedback from this event, and make the right conclusions

Edited by DGTLDaemon, 01 November 2016 - 10:26 AM.
Posted 01 November 2016 - 11:14 AM
Anyway, I enjoyed all the challenges - the only suggestion I would make is to possibly not paint a target on my back for half the month the next time I buy a 'mech pack.

Posted 01 November 2016 - 12:22 PM
So I had to basically play nonstop to get my 15 games in every day. I like MWO, but that's a bit much.
I don't own a huntsman, so no comment on that event. The hunt the huntsman event was a bit silly, I try to blow up all the enemy mechs, and I can't control what they bring to the field.
I get why they did the terra therma event, but that map is just terrible. Horribly dark in some areas, then ABSURDLY BRIGHT LAVA!!! Seriously man, that map gives me headaches.
Posted 01 November 2016 - 01:17 PM
Harsh on Huntsman customers, however.
Posted 01 November 2016 - 01:18 PM

As for this...
ERescue, on 27 October 2016 - 12:35 AM, said:
I just got around to opening my 120 Loot Bags. I'm very frankly NOT impressed... A measly 1 Mech Bay, but 5 Days of Premium Time! I haven't logged back into the game yet, but if PGI's staff was willing, then I would gladly exchange those days out for an equivalent value of Mech Bays, along with all the other things which I racked up during this Event. It should be, what, about 4 Mech Bays for the value of 5 separate days of Premium Time? Right now, I can't log in without triggering that, and it makes me wish PGI made those days Banked instead, if they weren't going to just provide something else to earn in its' place. I really don't get why they would stick people with Premium Time like that, which forces them to play if they're going to actually make any use of it. So cheap and rude... A slap to the faces of their player base... I'm stuck offline until I'm either ready to use it, or I have to activate it anyway in order to play in a future Event.

And this...
MovinTarget, on 28 October 2016 - 05:08 AM, said:
Lucky Damn Stiff... All I got was one, and never got the Zombie Atlas Cockpit Item either!!! I would exchange out this blasted Active Premium Time which I haven't activated yet, just to get a few Mech Bays in equal exchange!!!

~Mr. D. V. "Screwed out of piloting for now..." Devnull
Posted 01 November 2016 - 02:19 PM
Posted 01 November 2016 - 02:32 PM

Posted 01 November 2016 - 03:24 PM
Posted 01 November 2016 - 03:34 PM
This was fun plus I got free stuff

Posted 01 November 2016 - 03:57 PM
G SE7EN7, on 01 November 2016 - 03:24 PM, said:
I like the new layout as well. It's a lot more friendly to varying combat styles. Map still suffers from the ugly heat issues, which is why there are some people still trying to vote for anything else. Which ultimately led to some people having problems, based on things like their time zone, as well as their Real Life schedules and happenings. Add to that anyone who happened to start the Event package late, and it's no wonder that some complained. PGI didn't put in a safety measure to enable people to catch up missed days, so some will ultimately miss out. Thankfully, I got the Terra Therma item, so I'm able to enjoy the Jack-o'-Lantern WarHorn.

~D. V. "I hope that gives you some insight..." Devnull
Posted 01 November 2016 - 04:27 PM
I never actually hunted the Huntsman but somehow managed to get that goal rather easily. Overall, I only played 33 games total but raked in a lot of cool free stuff.
Thank you very much for the awesome event!
Posted 01 November 2016 - 05:30 PM
first day was a bust, timezone diffrences + sleeping + working = ZERO

day 2 ok . bunch of bad games but they all passed

day 3 nothing special

day 4 one again sleeping and working takes a huge chucnk of time leaving only a couple hours play, and some truley aweful games, typical of weekends

day 5 other weekend day just as little time and just as ****** games

day 6 not even worth my time trying . 1 really good game, but the rest average . yay pumkin

day 7 blurgh less n less games played as care factor drops

and the last day, today . meh!! *sigh*

all in all
i got
1.537mill cbills
4x UAV's
3x airstrikes
1x mechbay yay
1 pumpkin
and 1 nervous twtich everytime i see my mwo desktop icon
Posted 01 November 2016 - 05:41 PM
Honestly, I can’t even begin to consider purchasing hero Mechs to continue a futile chase of a single standing item. I would happily trade one of the numerous hanging pumpkins items.
Edited by KnowMeByTheTrailOfDeath, 01 November 2016 - 05:41 PM.
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