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Your Thoughts On The New Terra Therma

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#21 Chuck Corneliusson


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Posted 12 February 2017 - 01:01 PM

My biggest complaint about this map is that it is just too dark. Please add more lighting. :)

#22 SIN Maruzen


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Posted 03 April 2017 - 10:46 PM

agreed especially near the spawns. so dark I have to use night vision to get past the walls sometimes, even with gamma all the way up

#23 ScrubLord1


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Posted 05 April 2017 - 10:04 PM

unnecessarily huge, pain the *** to play

#24 Evilwallofdeath


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Posted 05 April 2017 - 11:07 PM

Well, the big problem I see with this map, and some of the other maps where high heat and low visibility is concerned is that Thermal sensors work poorly when they should work amazing. IR Sensors are all about temperature differences, ambient temperatures don't really mean everything is white when the map is hot. With most modern real-world sensors, you'd simply calibrate the sensor to the ambient temperatures which is usually an integrated feature.

Besides that, Terra Therma along with some other maps are designed with center points of the map where people are likely to fight. Why are they likely to fight in these places? Well, one of the reasons is that there is terrain that funnels them into these areas. However, I don't think it's just that. It's because people remember where the spawns on the map are as well, so they are able to accurately guess where the majority of the enemy forces will be. The Map is huge, but the spawns are static even though they rotate through three or four variations, it's easy to remember.

How would Evilwallofdeath make it better?
1. Domination needs bigger circles on some maps, increase the radius 500m for starters, and have it spawn in a bunch of different locations. Hell, or make it tiny and HAVE IT MOVE SLOWLY AROUND THE MAP MAYBE.
2. Wider selection of spawn points.
3. Institute ambient-relative temperature gradients for ambient temperatures for IR sensor.
4. Repair or Rearm points. These would possibly force people to explore the map, and force smaller engagements. Have it cost C-bills, and unable to fix internal structure or destroyed parts?

The good things about it? Well, it's hot. And I like it when laservomit people suffer. It's visually amazing, and there is lava in the valleys which makes it more challenging to fight in.

#25 KageRyuu


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Posted 11 September 2017 - 10:56 PM

Don't know about for other purposes yet, but for FW Scouting it is straight up garbage as most of the Intel nodes are around the defender spawn, making it pointless to go for Intel.

#26 PocketYoda


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Posted 12 January 2018 - 12:03 AM

Way to hot like usual and far too much busy work to even find anyone.. Needs way better and more open road ways, more buildings like mining areas or bunkers etc..

I know its meant to be hot but lower the heat some what and players would choose it more, again its a dead map in circulation..

Really needs more slightly open terrain and some platforms people can fight on.. Sure some are there but its so dark and annoying to play on its just not fun and rightly so no one picks it..

#27 DerHuhnTeufel


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Posted 17 February 2018 - 04:10 PM

I've never been able to get this map in a rotation. Sometimes even using an 8x vote to choose it and I've never been able to get it.

#28 BTGbullseye


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Posted 03 March 2018 - 09:38 PM

Only an 8x? I've done 12x, and not gotten it.

I've only played this map 8 times total since I started (5 or 6 of which are since I started back up after the beta, when I quit due to repair/rearming costs) and I've lost all but 1 of them because my team refused to move up. I personally love this map, as it requires good heat management, which is a skill sorely lacking in this game right now.

#29 Tin Roof Rusted


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Posted 04 January 2023 - 06:18 PM

Whomever is in charge of map dynamics/colors/brightness needs a new career!

You can't see crap in this map!
Turning on night vision helps but severely limits range.
Turn on night vision...might as well jump off a cliff cos all it does is make it look like looking thru fog.

All other maps are pretty decent in brightness and only 1 I rem is too brights.

Players should not be required to adjust their game brightness and gamma on every different map in game

#30 KursedVixen


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Posted 06 January 2023 - 01:51 PM

STILL CRAP i prefer the classic over both versions we have.

#31 H4RDCA5E


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Posted 08 February 2023 - 11:19 PM

Horrible, all versions of it so far. Too dark, too big, impossible to use it as a team, and just a completely useless map altogether. Should be removed from queue. There are maps that can be redone as a high heat challenge with even less amount of effort going into it than this.

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