Rampage, on 24 October 2016 - 08:35 PM, said:
Power creep. If you are constantly buffing everything up to match what ever is best then it ruins TTK and makes the game into a one shot shooting gallery.
If the game didn't decide to buff the ever loving hell out of every mech's structure, give more structure on top of that via quirks, and generally not make it so you're practically REQUIRED to focus fire mechs down, I'm confident it would end up being a better overall experience for everyone.
No, I'm not talking CS:GO levels of TTK here, but let's look at where the game currently sits:
- Nearly every match snowballs as soon as a single player dies. In fact, if you want to boost your WLR in solo queue, the easiest method is to simply do your best to ensure your team gets the first kill.
- A superior pilot will almost never clutch a 1v2 against inferior opponents, unless the opponents are severely damaged, or the better player can engage them one at a time.
- A T1 competitive player would likely struggle to clutch a 1v3 against even the worst T5 opponents, provided they aren't severely damaged or split up (like above).
- For matches with very minor skill disparity between players, it's practically downright impossible for a player to pull an upset, or win a 1v2. Winning a 1v3 or higher with most players around the same skill level is pretty much downright impossible, even if the single player happens to be playing at their very best that game.
Why is this a problem?
- It requires coordination, target calling, and focus fire. Competitive players do this with little to no issue, however the majority of the player base does not. You can make the game as tactical as you want, and require as much teamwork as you want, but it's only going to lower the quality of matches for the average player who very rarely ends up on random teams that actually do this.
- It encourages death balling.
- It encourages poke/trade style play with enormously high alphas.
- It directly contributes to the snowball effect, in which one team gets an early kill, and more or less seals the round right at that moment.
- It makes the game less fun to watch/spectate, which is not only bad for esports, but bad for bringing in viewers and potential new players.
- It stagnates the competitive scene. Individual players of high skill switching to another team have very little impact on the team's success. I don't know about you, but aren't you a little sick of SJR, EmP, 228BW, and Lords constantly ruling the brackets of every tournament? As long as each player's individual contribution matters less, the more or less these well established teams will stay the same for every tournament to come.