Everyone in the unit has the same rights/responsibilities. If you join, you have recruiting rights. We figure if your our type of player, you know what type of player will fit in and thus can recruit anyone of the same type. Everyone gets a vote on our website, cbr1.enjin.com, and we choose contracts by vote every week. First Tuesday of every month is Clan week, but what clan is chosen is also put to a vote.
If this sounds attractive to you ( I left out details, sorry, lazy and would rather shoot mechs than type) jump onto rodcbr1.teamspeak3.com and drop with us or just say hi. Just make sure you've got a bit of masochist in you; we don't dodge tough enemies or duck the hard fights. We'll happily queue up again and again against whatever the other team throws at us. But at the end of the day, you'll have a lotta fun, shoot giant robots and get to meet over 100 cool as hell people from across the globe who all share the same desire to wreck metal *** and joke around in TS.
(couldn't resist.....