I put the Leaderboard in the order of Matches and always used the first row figure. In my opinion this gives a pretty good indication of the activity of the player base.
Season 1 was longer than the following ones ( I think, please correct me if I am wrong) and the leader of the played matches is usually an extreme outlier.
These figures do not reflect activity in FW.

Let´s try to analyse this:
There are roughly 30.000 accounts showing regular activity every month.
There are more than 50.000 acounts logging in each month.
Number of logged in accounts decreased.
The number of active accounts stabilized and increased their activity.
Especially the average players picked up their activity in season 4 and overcame even season 1 in the lower number of matches bracket.
The daily events had positive effects on the activity of the player base.
If the FW event in Season 3 is responsible for the drop in games in pubic queue could be investigated.
All in all. Summer is over, activity is rising but it is not sure yet if this was a onetime effect of the recent events. The player base is not growing but stable. Doomsday is definitely not here yet but the growth of the game has stopped (if there was one after steam release).
The daily events had a positive effect and kept many players motivated to play. Whether this is a one-trickpony or if PGI runs this until we all burn out... the future will show.
i will keep this thread updated as time allows. I will not update the front page though.
If anyone wants the figures to play around, here you go:
Edited by Flitzomat, 05 May 2017 - 04:51 AM.