El Bandito, on 10 November 2016 - 05:06 AM, said:
I thought the devs had said sound mods are ok.

This quote from Alexander Garden:
Posted 28 August 2015 - 11:58 PM
Need to rain on the parade a little bit here, unfortunately.
The modification of game PAK files is not permitted in any form. This restriction extends to modifications that may not provide any tactical advantage, such as a sound pack.
We all agree that custom sound packs would be a sweet feature to implement, but we do not currently have plans to do so. As far as I'm aware the file system is not designed to support end-user modification right now, and with all the other tasks currently at hand we don't have the development resources available that would be required for implementing that kind of functionality.
Regarding dynamic/functional cockpit monitors, well....I've seen some things.....
Is the last time I saw a Dev post on this subject matter. But, I don't get on the forums as much anymore.
Edited by OldOrgandonor, 10 November 2016 - 06:02 PM.