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Patch Notes - 1.4.88 - 15-Nov-2016

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#181 MarineTechs Protege


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Posted 12 November 2016 - 09:52 AM

Finally I can spell **** on my mech's back.

#182 zudukai


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Posted 12 November 2016 - 10:13 AM

fix the damn victor already, sheesh. it needs some love.

also, not digging the UAC changes, that swing is too far in the red.

#183 Cy Mitchell


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Posted 12 November 2016 - 10:14 AM

View PostMoonShaman, on 12 November 2016 - 07:42 AM, said:

I have a Maddog that is an LRM boat and after he runs out of LRMs, (in theory) having suffered very little damage, I can then start brawling with Small Lasers. I also hit upon the idea of using Small Lasers when I was being nuked by enemies up close, but having Medium and Large Lasers was causing me to overheat real fast. In fact, myself and I think it was maybe a Marauder, were the last two guys left. We were up against three or four guys- and we won. All thanks to my Small Lasers and having a lot of my armour left. It was one of those magic moments that you think "This is what I made this for." Also, my Artic Cheet is armed with Small Lasers. Finally, my Nova is armed to the friggin teeth with them (Twelve!) so yeah, I have serval builds that will enjoy this.

Clan Mechs use ersmall lasers. The buffs are for small lasers (IS). This change is not going to help your Mad Dog, Nova or Arctic Cheetah.

#184 Gernot von Kurzmann


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Posted 12 November 2016 - 10:15 AM

That nerf of the clan uac10 sucks sooooooo bad! 5sec is long when you fight vs a laser is doomer but 8sec is unplayable!!!!!!

My favorite mech is a dual uac10 maddog and i have four of them.

Why you destroy my lovly build????

Only that the laser vomits now easier can win???

That suck sooo much.

Thx for made me angry thx very glad

#185 Wintersdark


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Posted 12 November 2016 - 10:16 AM

View Postslodeath, on 11 November 2016 - 05:52 PM, said:

Or you could just reduce the RT and LT slots until all KDK 3 will carry are UAC 2 or machine guns. Bet that would make you happy. The nerfing of the KDK is what has brought the meta of gauss/cerppc sniper that you cant focus fire down because it is 900m away.

Well, no, it didn't bring that. dual gauss/dual erppc builds are not new; they were one of the first things people made. It's a common Direwolf build as well, in fact.

But the quad 10 / and the 5/10 dakka variants were more popular particularly in the solo queue because they're way easier to use. Just point and click, near or far, and mechs dissolve. The sniper build is dangerous at range, but there's nowhere you can be where you can't get much closer to them than that under cover/concealment.

#186 Krizalius


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Posted 12 November 2016 - 10:22 AM

View PostInnerSphereNews, on 11 November 2016 - 11:02 AM, said:

Clan UAC/2
• Jam Chance increased to 17% (from 6%)

Clan UAC/5
• Jam Chance increased to 17% (from 15%)

Clan UAC/10
• Jam Chance increased to 17% (from 15%)

Clan UAC/20
• Jam Chance increased to 17% (from 15%)

I'm sorry you have little chance of jamming a wrong.

Clan UAC/2
On Smurfy 14%
In game JammingChance="0.14"

Clan UAC/5
On Smurfy 15%
In game JammingChance="0.15"

Clan UAC/10
On Smurfy 16%
In game JammingChance="0.16"

Clan UAC/20
On Smurfy 17%
In game JammingChance="0.17"

Edited by Krizalius, 12 November 2016 - 10:22 AM.

#187 Agent 0 Fortune


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Posted 12 November 2016 - 10:23 AM

Looks good, and I appreciate the flavor text providing insight as to why certain things were changed. I am always amazed how some players attempt to dispute the actual in-game telemetry with anecdotal guesswork.

#188 Diznitch


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Posted 12 November 2016 - 10:34 AM

Oh come on, that's just one giant decal (wrap)! Posted Image

(What does the quote button do? I thought it would quote the message I was replying to, but clearly it does not. Pretend quote worked and showed the NASCAR up there and that this weird edt box doesn't keep dropping the letters because I can actually type at speed..)

Edited by Diznitch, 12 November 2016 - 10:36 AM.

#189 Eweqer


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Posted 12 November 2016 - 10:37 AM

worst patch, imho.
we need more lurm buff!



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Posted 12 November 2016 - 10:50 AM

View PostEweqer, on 12 November 2016 - 10:37 AM, said:

worst patch, imho.
we need more lurm buff!


2 LRM dedicated mechs with support can really nuke a mech to hell

Edited by BLOOD WOLF, 12 November 2016 - 10:50 AM.

#191 Oberost


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Posted 12 November 2016 - 11:03 AM

View PostBLOOD WOLF, on 12 November 2016 - 10:50 AM, said:


2 LRM dedicated mechs with support can really nuke a mech to hell

Like if 2 [insert weapon of choice here] dedicated mechs with support couldn't nuke a mech to hell?

#192 Kurbeks


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Posted 12 November 2016 - 12:05 PM

This not getting fixed?


Edited by Kurbeks, 12 November 2016 - 12:05 PM.

#193 Jaspbo1


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Posted 12 November 2016 - 12:06 PM

I'm just disgusted this update doesn't address the crippling issues of the Urbanmech, c'mon PGI we didn't buy this 'mech under the false pretense that it'd be a bad 'mech...
It has to be tier 1, minimum.

#194 NighthawK1337


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Posted 12 November 2016 - 12:20 PM

View Postanonymous161, on 12 November 2016 - 05:03 AM, said:

How about a patch that adds a single player story? I've been away from this game for several months now and I keep hoping they will add at least a 4 hour campaign at some point.

The last time I spent money on this game was day of the wave 1 clan mechs and it was fun for like a week then they nerfed them and never could get myself to pay money again.

Whenever they do this it breaks the balance of the game and all you get is a bunch of broken mechs in less than a minute and a ton of bitter complaining, not to mention a lot of headaches form constant shaking of the screen.

I agree with you in the single player content, its something that this game really needs.
Screen shake is part of the game and helps with immersion, I'd understand if you said you didn't like brawling but come on complaining about screen shake? You'd rather go with COD's red blurry screen when you get shot and regenerate organs in a few seconds? Personally, I think the meta is getting boring. All the laser vomit, gauss vomit, ERPPC Gauss, its boring as hell, might as well rename the game to peek-a-boo online. Incremental buffs to brawlers won't break mechs if they tread lightly, saying that any buffs to them will break mechs unquestionably is quite negative. Maybe it won't be so bad, a few structure/armor quirks here and there, maybe normalize SSRM and SRM ranges, nerf LRMs(counting this a buff, for everybody), buff SRM and AC velocity, maybe make the machine guns and flamers not terribad. I'm not saying that PPFLD should go, I'm saying that we should recover the lost art of brawling and give incentives to it.

#195 Deadead


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Posted 12 November 2016 - 12:33 PM

So i came here after readong patch notes to crack a summoners op pgi nerf joke since they supposedly got nerfed. But reading the log im just not really seeing it. Sure things are a little different after change but all im mostly deeing is moving things around. If anything it appears to me they kinda got buffed. Especially dont understand those who are screaming about primes torso losing the structure +15. Are they not noticing the 5% laser buffs on that torso now? Hell i'd take that trade any day. And buffs fpr 8 part sets is nice considering you still dont have to take them. Its a freeby. Why the hate. Im genuinely confused. Can someone explain why they think summoners got hurt? Love summoners and own 6. I feel this patch is good for them.

Edited by Deadead, 12 November 2016 - 12:35 PM.

#196 BWS2K


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Posted 12 November 2016 - 12:51 PM


Can someone explain why they think summoners got hurt?

I just re-read the actual spreadsheet and saw the changes and, at least for the three I run, you're right - it doesn't affect much of what I do either way. I like the Prime's set buffs just reinforcing what it's already got. 40% ERPPC velocity and 20% Ballistic cooldown for a small speed reduction? I'll take that for a dollar! My earlier comment about the Summoners was just that I wish we could see the data they use to make those changes... like, what are they looking at that makes them say "Hmm... They're too good with the Summoners. Need to take them down a bit." Just pilots getting better in general is a phenomenon that should happen over time.

Edited by BWS2K, 12 November 2016 - 12:51 PM.

#197 Mcgral18


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Posted 12 November 2016 - 01:08 PM

View PostDGTLDaemon, on 12 November 2016 - 12:25 AM, said:

Well, I wasn't going to reply in this thread any more, but since you're phrasing it this way... There is a difference between balancing and nerfing. Balancing implies that you take something and give something back. For example, if PGI indeed wanted to give the cLPL "a bit more distinction in its role when compared against its ER Large Laser counterpart", they could have reduced the range, but buffed the damage or the burn time to make up for it. Instead, they just cut off roughly 1/3rd of the weapon's max range without any compensation. This is not balancing, this is PGI's way of saying "hey, we're seeing too many people using cLPLs, and we want players to stop doing it and use something else". Same with the UACs, same with the stupid Kodiak nerfs. Clan UACs could be balanced by increasing the jam chance and duration, but making them a single-projectile weapon like their IS counterparts. And if PGI were so much concerned about the OP dakka KDK-3, they could have, for example, given it negative UAC jam quirks, but positive LBX quirks. That would provide players with an incentive to actually adapt and try running something different on their Kodiaks. Instead, PGI is once again sending the players the same message: "we don't want to see so many Kodiaks, so let's take steps to discourage players from bringing them". This November patch is not a balance pass, it's just a straight "f*ck you" to the Clans. And the only way to "adapt" to such a balance change is to switch over from the Clan side to the IS side, which I'm NOT going to do.

Your AC change would not be balance either.

Your cLPL change would be ridiculous. Why would it need more than 13 damage?
It has better stats than the isLPL, and is lighter. You could REDUCE damage, range and duration, to make it more comparable, but you can't make it straight up better. You also can't make them the same, because it should be inferior, due to being a ton Lighter (but PGI tends not to do that...Gauss, MG being exceptions, while SRMs have that one insignificant damage, and more significant range difference)

The 600-840 range bracket is tiny, but the 0-600 is also very large. It's a Pulse laser, it didn't need a KM extra range. It was the only Clam lasers (ERLL aside) which didn't have the 70% extended range. At that value, the cLPL still has a KM range (1020)

The current change is big, but the cLPL will remain a viable weapon (unlike the UACs) because it's optimal is completely unaffected.

The KDK-3 needed those changes. The others did not. PGI dun goofed, but I'll accept that change, for the greater good.

I will not stop using Clams, because they are the top performers. Only one top performer was significantly hit, they retain the best Med in the game, with loadouts which were not touched (but some which were)

As an aside....please use paragraphs.

#198 Gwydion Ward


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Posted 12 November 2016 - 01:19 PM

View PostMcgral18, on 12 November 2016 - 01:08 PM, said:

I will not stop using Clams, because they are the top performers. Only one top performer was significantly hit, they retain the best Med in the game, with loadouts which were not touched (but some which were)

I'll keep useing Clans as well.. mostly because i like having 'options' that the omnipods give. But i'll be stripping all the UAC's off my Clan mech's and going back to standard AC's.

I dont 'boat' UAC's, most of my Mech's have only 1 UAC on them.. but the changes they've made to them almost 'force' you to boat them because at least then when 1 or 2 jam, your not completely defenceless for 4-8 seconds.

#199 tee5


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Posted 12 November 2016 - 01:32 PM

Thanks PGI for trying to balance things, I know it is a hard and stony road. And you will mistakes but look into this thread there are some good suggestions, and don't be so proud, to not neglect your balancing tries and to take the balancing thoughts of the community.

And let Energy-Draw System die. To late in the Life Cycle of MWO to introduce such a new thing. You should have thought about that when creating the game. Try to balance it with Boating-Pennalty-Jam-Rates, or Ghost-Heat, or capacity of Heat-Sinks or or or
But don't introduce such a radical change so late in the game.

View PostDGTLDaemon, on 11 November 2016 - 12:22 PM, said:

.... 1083 hours on the Steam counter, 1083 f*cking hours spent building the wrong mechs and developing the wrong gameplay skills. Oh well, congratulations to all those IS whiners who've been crying about the need for Clan nerfs - you got your way, now you can gloat all you want. ....

I hope you spent this 1083 hours playing and not only building mechs in mechlab? Buy the intensity you complain, I think it was latter.
Forgot that IS mechs have been several times being nerfed in the past? I appreciate PGI trying to balance the game. Most of the time they have good intentions, but do it wrong. But at least they try. But it is not only YOUR Clan who get nerfed, IS gets nerfed too from time to time.

View PostPariah Devalis, on 11 November 2016 - 04:21 PM, said:

Agreed. Which is why I was fine with the concept of a higher heat, higher PPFLD C-ERPPC and a long cooldown. ...


View PostKuaron, on 11 November 2016 - 04:34 PM, said:

I also welcome the strengthening of 8/8 Omnipod quirks.

But aren't the Omni-Mechs supposed to switch out Omni-Pods? I don't approve this 8/8 Omni-Pods quirks.

View PostFeralTitan, on 11 November 2016 - 07:15 PM, said:

I don't know why I think that reading the forums is worth while. I started playing this game at the start of this summer, and since then I keep reading the forums, But all I see is crying and more crying. Its disgusting and sad, At this Point, I've turned off my Voip and this will be the last forum I waste my time reading because if I wanted to endure so much crying, I'd talk to my family instead of playing a game that is supposed to be fun. Seriously, if you hate it so much, either do something to fix it or shut up and leave, but your crying only indicates how lazy and worthless you are hoping someone else will live your life for you

PS, IF the shoe fits, wear it, don't take offense that's not yours

They are only crying because they care so much about the Game, Universe, Battletech, Mechwarrior, Lore etc.
Every normal Player would have said 2 years ago." I am out. There are other more interesting games to play."
So be glad they cry so much, when you hear nobody crying, nobody is caring, and then the game is dead.

View PostGwydion Ward, on 11 November 2016 - 07:18 PM, said:


Your basing the change off mech's that "Boat" UAC's... but the changes youve made, are essentially making them less and less desireable to use singly. (ie, a Mech that may carry 3 energy and 1 ballistic might as well now use a standard AC2 rather than the UAC2 as their now going to jam OVER 2x as often as they use to.)

You already have 'ghost heat' that tries to minimize how often people 'boat' heavy Energy weapons... or lots of smaller energy weapons without cutting the feet out from under the people who DON'T 'boat' Energy / Laser-vomit, ... Why not do the same thing for UAC's. Figure out a way to implement a "Ghost Jam" chance of sorts, that's not so much a 'ghost' chance, but more a direct "for each UAC of the same type equipped, Jam chance goes up by X". Hell this would even make mechanical sense as the Multiple UAC's are drawing shells from the SAME ammo hoppers... so having more shells moving at a faster rate would cause a increased chance for things to sieze up.

So How about it? Rather than cutting the legs out of 'everyone' who uses UAC's... focus your 'fix' to those who "Boat" them.

this Sir is a good suggestion, sounds better than raising JAM rates of all UAC's.

View PostHawok79, on 12 November 2016 - 12:18 AM, said:

There will come a Day in the near future...are no Claners left who want play this Game,and then you are going down.
So keep going this curse and make the Licence free for a company how knows how to deal with Online Games.
You have proven so many Times that you are not able to do it.
In every other Franchise you had been lost,years ago...

Call me back, when the competitive Teams use solely IS mechs. Till now they are almost using only Clan mechs.
When balancing there will never be the perfect state of balance. There will always be one side a little bit better.
When Clans came out: Clan>IS, then IS>Clan now Clan>IS , I profitted and I suffered, and I complained (sometimes), and I got used to it, and then I accepted it, that it was maybe right, do the same.

View PostThe Nerf Bat, on 12 November 2016 - 12:52 AM, said:

PGI has been whacking the I.S. with The Nerf Bat ever since that glorious 2 month time period between Tukayyid 2 (which the clans won even with a 20 ton advantage) and the nerf hammer hitting in February. You know, the one time the I.S. mechs actually had an advantage over the clan mechs. The I.S. mechs have been nerfed to the point that mercs won't even touch them.

After 7 or 8 whacks at the I.S. PGI finally addresses the "overperforming" Kodiak and Arctic cheetah. Long overdo most would say.

Touch the precious clan mechs once with the nerfbat, and you people lose your minds

Thank you for writing this The Nerf Bat. Claners tend to forget, that IS has been nerfed too.

View PostMoonShaman, on 12 November 2016 - 07:42 AM, said:

... I can then start brawling with Small Lasers. I also hit upon the idea of using Small Lasers when I was being nuked by enemies up close, but having Medium and Large Lasers was causing me to overheat real fast. In fact, myself and I think it was maybe a Marauder, were the last two guys left. We were up against three or four guys- and we won. All thanks to my Small Lasers and having a lot of my armour left. It was one of those magic moments that you think "This is what I made this for." Also, my Artic Cheet is armed with Small Lasers. Finally, my Nova is armed to the friggin teeth with them (Twelve!) so yeah, I have serval builds that will enjoy this.

Have you read that this range extension is for IS- small Lasers?

EDIT: three spelling errors in the first and second line of text. rest didn't changed.

Edited by tee5, 12 November 2016 - 01:37 PM.

#200 Wintersdark


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Posted 12 November 2016 - 01:33 PM

View PostGwydion Ward, on 12 November 2016 - 01:19 PM, said:

I'll keep useing Clans as well.. mostly because i like having 'options' that the omnipods give. But i'll be stripping all the UAC's off my Clan mech's and going back to standard AC's.

I dont 'boat' UAC's, most of my Mech's have only 1 UAC on them.. but the changes they've made to them almost 'force' you to boat them because at least then when 1 or 2 jam, your not completely defenceless for 4-8 seconds.

Wait, you're taking UAC's off clan mechs and putting clan AC's on? Did you really just say that? Or did I misread?

Because Clan AC's remain pointless. There is no reason to mount one instead of a UAC. UAC's have zero chance to jam if you don't Doubletap (read: fire like a regular AC), but still offer the potential to double down on damage.

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