They already tried focusing on Mercs.
The original reward scheme
incentivized merc behavior. Doing the so-called 'grand tour' netted
twenty mechbays for only 318000 LP. In contrast, a loyalist would have reached reward tier 14 and received four mechbays.
The revised reward scheme in Phase III
ignored loyalists, and once again incentivized Mercs, this time with their own reward tier (why it gives Mercs fewer c-bills than loyalists earn is something you will have to ask PGI at MechCon).
For that matter, under the original roll-out of FW
everyone was considered a merc. It flat-out said so. It's just that units had the option of being permanently contracted to a specific faction. This irritated some lore-junkies who were associated with factions that dislike/despise mercs (DC, FRR, any Clan...) but ultimately it was something that we lived with.
If I thought, for one minute, that ditching lore--which is a good portion of why any loyalist is still playing this game--would somehow 'fix', or enable PGI to fix, CW, I'd be behind it. But I see nothing in the original post that makes me believe that a fix will materialize by taking the step of not only calling everyone a merc, but forcing them to change faction as needed to balance population.
I mean, if you aren't forcing the proposed former-loyalists to change faction when you need, then nothing will stop the 'loyalists' from being 'permanently contacted' to a specific faction. If you
are going to force them to change faction you're basically dictating what corner of the sandbox MechWarrior Joseph Bloggs is playing in on any given day. One of these makes the proposed change meaningless, the other makes it reprehensible.
The only way to make "the focus...on merc units rather than politics or factions" without doing either of these, is to not have politics or factions at all. At which point we are no longer playing MechWarrior but 'giant, stompy robots'.
Edited by Kael Posavatz, 02 December 2016 - 08:10 PM.