DrxAbstract, on 22 November 2016 - 08:25 AM, said:
This is purely your opinion based on nothing. Superior to what? Small pulses? ... Yeah, sure, if you put ONE UAC5 on a KingCrab it is going to be superior to ONE SPL on the same KingCrab. But funny thing is, there are weapons that completely suck by themselves and yet suddenly become real good in big numbers ... LRMs, SRMs, UACs, SL/SPLs etc. Practically half of all the mechs in game can boat lasers. And only like 5-6 mechs in game can boat UACs to make them any viable. And yet its the UACs that got nerfed. A single UAC already sucked when you put it on your mech ... ask any Centurion or Hunchback or whatever, they'd tell you that you are way better off with 1-2 LPLs and some heat sinks instead.
DrxAbstract, on 22 November 2016 - 08:25 AM, said:
1. Limited Firepower.
2. Limited Survivability.
Nope. They just require brains to play, unlike heavies and assaults.
DrxAbstract, on 22 November 2016 - 08:25 AM, said:
I'm not going to spread the damage on a Locust, I'm going to avoid it alltogether. Unlike your BK I have the speed required to do so. A DireWolf vs Locust scenario that you called an anecdote is actually plain and simple truth. With limited turn ratios and speed Dire simply can't do anything, Locust has enough speed and accel/deceel quirks to stay out of Dire's frontal arc at all times if he chooses to. Dire can literally do nothing when it is caught alone in the open.
DrxAbstract, on 22 November 2016 - 08:25 AM, said:
It depends on a mech, but trust me, I practice often enough with some of the top players to know that isn't as simple as you may think. A 1v1 between a top tier pilot in a Kodiak and a top tier pilot in a Locust isn't anywhere near as one-sided as you might imagine.
DrxAbstract, on 22 November 2016 - 08:25 AM, said:
Depending on the map and what mech they bring it just might be a Locust. I'll once again give you an "anecdote" scenario as you call it ... If I'm to fight against a brawler Atlas for example, I'd bring something like a LPL Locust any day.
DrxAbstract, on 22 November 2016 - 08:25 AM, said:

Laughable tbh. SHC isn't considered a top performing mech by any standarts and yet "somehow" in several particular scenarios it becomes OP compared to any mech that can be considered a top performing mech. Something tells me that same thing goes for a Locust or nearly any other mech. But please, keep rambling about what you think "legitimate threat" is or isn't.
DrxAbstract, on 22 November 2016 - 08:25 AM, said:
LOL ... you truly amaze us all with your understanding of jam mechanics and related stats. Yep, jam only happens "rarely", i.e. with ~20% chance. Problem is, when it happens it lasts far longer than related weapon cooldown for most UACs. That's why on the stats page I linked to you CUAC2 for example suffered a decrease in DPS with double tapping. I find it mildly amusing that you don't understand it and yet are still trying to bring some sort of "argumentation" over here. FFS.
Once again, there are facts and then there is your personal irrelevant opinion.
DrxAbstract, on 22 November 2016 - 08:25 AM, said:
LOL ... not even reading anymore huh? Mediums are like 3-4 times bigger than a Locust and twice slower than a Locust, they have none/minor accel/deccel quirks etc. But please, keep your delusions and tell yourself mediums can perform same role some more. Even most lights can't do it anymore, let alone mediums.
DrxAbstract, on 22 November 2016 - 08:25 AM, said:
RHoD and MRBC used to have tonnage based dropdecks instead of classes based one back in the "poptart" era. And FYI for the heaviest possible dropdecks people still brought assaults and lights, not heavies or mediums. The most common dropdecks were something like 9 Highlanders with 3 Spiders or 8 Highlanders with 4 Ravens. I guess now you are gonna tell me that competitive teams are just like that ... they bring mechs into matches "for fun". Once again your suspicion/opinion is entirely wrong.
DrxAbstract, on 22 November 2016 - 08:25 AM, said:
How you get "All mechs must be the same" from that requires twisting my words - I said 'comparable', which means relatively equal in overall potential contribution via manipulation of, but not specifically limited to, the areas I listed. That means there can be any number of varied intricacies that collectively achieve the goal of relatively equal potential... Which they are not, hence the comparison of the 3 Mechs to show just how much more potential one generally unremarkable Mech has specifically due to the use of UACs... Kind of like the KDK-3 vs. Other KDK variants. The Dire was in the same position, but unlike the KDK it doesn't have the huge engine bonus to maneuverability, meaning you had more options and a larger margin of error and a wider array of Mechs/Builds could deal with them.
I've quoted the exact phrase with full context. Your quote is 4 times longer and yet 3/4 of it isn't even related because its useless rambling about how UACs are magically good on everything with nothing to do with what mechs can mount them in bunches. You said what you said, its not my problem you lack the backbone to stand by your words, and your words were exactly as follows ...
... "comparable" or similar/nearly similar DPS + "comparable" effective damage per shot + "comparable" range + comparable survivability = all mechs doing the same = all mechs being the same for all intents and purposes.
DrxAbstract, on 22 November 2016 - 08:25 AM, said:
Yeah, right ... not similar. 12 DPS isn't similar to 15 DPS at all. 250 damage you dish out without sending yourself to overheat in 20 seconds isn't similar to 300 damage you dish out without sending yourself to overheat in 20 seconds. Like ... not at all.
A Battlemaster overheats and becomes useless in 2 shots dishing out ~100-120 damage, but yeah, of course its a much better comparison. [/sarcasm]
DrxAbstract, on 22 November 2016 - 08:25 AM, said:

This isn't about how much merit these or other threads have. People create threads about certain mechs and loadouts because they constantly see these mechs and loadouts in game. For each UAC boat you see in game there are 3 LRM boats and 6 laservomit boats. But please, keep trying to tell us how its UACs that are overpowered compared to everything else. This truly is beyond hilarious. Whats even worse is that devs are just as clueless.
Prior to the release of the Kodiak there wasn't a single thread on the forum with whine about how UACs were overpowered. Same time there were dozens if not hundreds legitimate and otherwise threads about laservomit this and laservomit that, along your usual LRMs OP ones. And even after KDK came out, there are threads specifically claiming that Kodiak is OP, which has nothing to do with ACs/UACs in general.
DrxAbstract, on 22 November 2016 - 08:25 AM, said:
Don't see "swarms" of Locusts? Sorry, but apart from the days in CB I've never seen "swarms" of any lights, ever. But nowadays the only viable lights I see in game are exactly Locusts. With a small addition of ACH's. Every other light in game you see nowadays is either utterly fails in its job or playes the game like a medium mech would. MWWC (as you yourself have properly noted) runs a different game build, where other lights are still capable of doing what Locust does and then some.
As for "proliferation" of Gauss-PPC and other whatnot ... once again, laughable. If you call one mech out of a dozen a "proliferation" ... well, nothing to talk about really. Funny tho that Gauss+PPC were just as proliferated if not more proliferated that UACs even before the patch, and yet its UACs getting the nerf. And laservomit spam that was about 5-6 times more proliferated before the patch isn't even considered ...
Clueless. Typical.
Edited by PhoenixFire55, 24 November 2016 - 01:07 AM.