PhoenixFire55, on 22 November 2016 - 05:30 AM, said:
What are you trying to prove? That in a stand-still vs stand-still fight your 75t mech puts out more damage than my 20t mech? Who are you shooting? A DireWolf will put more damage into you then you into him and can take more. Neither will miss because both are too slow and too big. And if you are gonna fight a Locust that engages you starting at 100m from an awkward angle you'll have an open XL torso before you even touch it, and out of 520 damage you'll then put out into space in 18-23 seconds only 100 at best will actually spread itself into said Locust. But its most likely you'll be dead in 5 seconds, let alone 20. BlackKnight with IS pulse durations at least stands a chance, unlike anything with clan durations. I've mastered three Locusts over previous week, when you find a lone assault its not even fair, I disassemble it completely within said 20 seconds. The short burts DPS and even sustained is simply insane.
No, actually, that isnt what I'm trying to 'prove'. I'm just stating numerics and hoping you realize how ridiculous comparing an LCT-1E to a Multi-UAC Assault is, but... Nope. Citing hypotheticals to disprove the facts will get you nowhere, because I can counter your anecdote with one of my own... Like the time I faced 2 ACHs, a Jenner IIC and Shadowcat 4v1 in an Atlas-S and crushed them without getting a single breached section, or the time I killed 2 LCTs and an ACH 3v1 in my 4xUAC5 KGC-000, again, pounding them to a pulp nearly instantaneously also without getting sections opened. Chalk that up to whatever reasons you want, I'm just saying there's no comparison to be made - UACs are a superior weapon more often than not.
PhoenixFire55, on 22 November 2016 - 05:30 AM, said:
LOL ... multiple hits. Your BK absorbs 96 damage. Thats it, with zero armor on rears. Thats less than two full alphas from the same BK. And hitting your ST is far easier that hitting a Locust that can stay outside of frontal arcs of mechs slower than 80 kph at all times if he chooses so.
Do you have any idea what the two primary reasons for Lights being undesirable are?
1. Limited Firepower.
2. Limited Survivability.
Sure, my BK only requires pinpointing 96 Damage into one location...
Only. And yet there's still the option to, and possibility of, spreading damage safely to other portions of the chassis - Which is a common practice to increase survival time, I hear... Now, where are you going to spread that damage on an LCT? Let's ignore the very real possibility that taking a hit from said weapons wouldn't, in all likelihood, kill or cripple you regardless of where they hit. It might take 10 shots to kill a BK and it might take 10 shots to kill an LCT... The difference is the BK isn't going to implode from a single direct hit - That kind of matters... A lot.
Admittedly, it
can be easier to peg specific sections on a BK than hitting a LCT in general... But, BUT - The people capable of nailing those kinds of shots despite the twisting and spreading are the same ones that don't have much difficulty hitting a wily Locust. Indulge me for a moment: Which Mech would you rather be in when facing those people? A Locust, or
any other Mech?
PhoenixFire55, on 22 November 2016 - 05:30 AM, said:
A simple question then, is ShadowCat a legitimate threat? ... Because it has twice the range, 1.5 times the speed and 3 times the mobility. It can run around you all day you won't even touch it. Pinning yourself into a tight alley with your back against a wall isn't really dictating terms of engagement you know ...
Not sure what you don't understand about me saying "
most Mechs" and then you intentionally pull from the pool of Mech Builds that obviously doesn't fall into that category... Really?
![Posted Image](
... But to answer your dubious question: In my opinion an 2xERPPC Shadowcat is a large threat to both the Locust
and BK while the 3xERLL and 2xLPlas could go either way for the LCT.
PhoenixFire55, on 22 November 2016 - 05:30 AM, said:
You can repeat this nonsense all you want. There is this and then there is
maths. Maths (which was brought on the very first page of the thread you are or rather are not reading) clearly says that DPS increase is ~30%. For every pretty bloody often double tap that doesn't jam there is a pretty bloody just as often double tap that does.
That's funny because math also states having an an 83-85% chance of something not happening means it is the
majority, and
most likely, outcome. Can it bite you in the backside? Sure... Odds are it will not--Odds are you're hitting the potential more often than not... With an 83% chance, odds are you're going to hit the potential
pretty bloody often.
PhoenixFire55, on 22 November 2016 - 05:30 AM, said:
There are plenty. Even if we put all non-combat related ones including scouting aside. A light can easily flank and force the enemy to respond or change position, a light can easily make a fast peek without taking damage to finish off a enemy mech, which slower mechs can't do. A light can easily find and kill lone enemy mechs. A light with ranged weaponry can do whatever it wants to any significantly slower mech.
All of which can be performed by a Medium, and in some cases a Heavy: Cicada, Blackjack, Griffin, Shadowhawk, Viper, Shadowcat, Nova, Hunchback IIC, Huntsman, Linebacker, Summoner... So, what can Lights do that those Mechs cannot? Since that list covers: Speed, Mobility, Damage Output, Poking, Flanking and Vulturing with the added bonus of more survability; By all means--Give me the situations Lights are uniquely suited for... I'll wait.
PhoenixFire55, on 22 November 2016 - 05:30 AM, said:
There is substance plenty. Your ignorance is your own problem. Feel free to watch the MWWC regional finals and see how lights decide the outcome of the match and how its their teammates relying on them not the other way around.
Well, ignoring that they're playing on a different version of MWO than we are(Last I checked), I'll give you this easily overlooked tidbit concerning MWOWC Rules:
"After discussions with community league organizers and consulting player feedback in the Tonnage Limits thread here we have decided to go with a 2/2/2/2 weight class structure, instead of limiting by standard tonnage values. This means that Teams will purely be restricted to:"
2 Light 'Mechs
2 Medium 'Mechs
2 Heavy 'Mechs
2 Assault 'Mechs
While pointing out this was the most favored option to make the Tournament
"more interesting",
not to make it conducive to min-maxing efficiency - I'll posit this question: Would those teams have picked Lights for the most efficient min-max dropdeck layout? I can't answer that because I'm not them... But I've a strong suspicion the answer would be "No." Likely because it wouldn't be
as entertaining... Which just happens to be one of the main reasons people still play Lights: They're hilariously fun sometimes(preference over viability).
PhoenixFire55, on 22 November 2016 - 05:30 AM, said:
Oh, but lets see ...
Same DPS, same damage per shot at same range ... i.e. doing the same, i.e. being same.
That is
not what I said. Here's the entire statement, context and all:
"Now, in a balanced combat game Mech builds across all weight classes and chassis should have comparable statistics in terms of DPS, Effective Damage per Shot, Range and Survivability; As you can see, the LCT is sub-par and the UAC Assault is leaps and bounds ahead of the other two not because the KGC is an exceptional chassis - Quite the contrary - But specifically because of UACs... And that's why they needed a nerf. Hell, even after the nerf they still have the potential for absurd damage output."
How you get "All mechs must be the same" from that requires twisting my words - I said 'comparable', which means relatively equal in overall potential contribution via manipulation of, but not specifically limited to, the areas I listed. That means there can be any number of varied intricacies that collectively achieve the goal of relatively equal potential... Which they are not, hence the comparison of the 3 Mechs to show just how much more potential one generally unremarkable Mech has specifically due to the use of UACs... Kind of like the KDK-3 vs. Other KDK variants. The Dire was in the same position, but unlike the KDK it doesn't have the huge engine bonus to maneuverability, meaning you had more options and a larger margin of error and a wider array of Mechs/Builds could deal with them.
PhoenixFire55, on 22 November 2016 - 05:30 AM, said:
Yep. Totally missing the point still.
The entire point is comparing the DPS of a mech with 6 tons of weapons to a mech with 50 tons of weapons and suddenly realizing that they are quite similiar and yet its the latter that gets reduced.
Except they're not similar... They're not even close: Minimal heat, superior burst and sustained damage, superior range... And why are you comparing weapons with high tonnage requirements to those with low tonnage requirements? A Battlemaster would have been a better comparison to an LCT-1E than a UAC boat... But really, they're
not similar.
PhoenixFire55, on 22 November 2016 - 05:30 AM, said:
As for the UACs performing better than lasers. I don't even know what to say, you must be playing some kind of a different game from nearly everyone else. Because all I saw on this very forum prior to Kodiak release was laservomit this, laservomit that ...
I suppose that means you think the "LRMs are OP" and "Lights are OP" threads have merit too, then?
I don't disagree the LCT-1E can be useful given the
right circumstances, but you don't see swarms of Locusts; It's the shiniest peanut in the **** due to the re-scale and nerfs to historically superior Lights. The proliferation of Gauss-PPC, UAC+Laser, UAC and even SRM builds should be indication enough one has considerably less situational and universal viability than the others... Hell, how often have you even seen an LCT in the MWOWC, for that matter... ? I doubt it's because the Light pilots and their teams felt it was too stronk. Gimmick builds like SRM bombers have been utilized more often and I dont see you mentioning those, ironically.