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Got The Dress, Got The Look, Where's The Prom?

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#1 Ziogualty


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Posted 18 November 2016 - 04:27 AM

Let me start saying that it looks like a FW "fault" here, but really...what do you do with your mechs once they got mastered?

I mean, apart from the ones with 30% cbills (usefull in case you need some cash flow), i always had this strange feeling.

You buy your 3 variants, having fun in the mechlab, testing them on the field, focus on the one the fits best your style. Maniacs (like me) will master all 3 of them anyway. Most rational ones will master only the one they like most.

And once you did it....you put it back in his plastic wrap and start with another chassis.

I need a scenario where for some reason you have to field the best of the best, for something that really matter, so that your beloved mastered mech would take you to the battlefield and shine like no others.
A capital defence, invading a Clan (i'm IS) stronghold, or just some FW battle where your faction need every pilot at his best with a specific tonnage, or config, in order to make all your mastered mechs worth.

What do you do with your mastered mech?
Grinding Bills? Store XP waiting to convert them when a x2 happens? Or like me you just see at them with a smile while playing with the new toy you just got?

Edited by Attank, 18 November 2016 - 04:52 AM.

#2 LordNothing


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Posted 18 November 2016 - 04:41 AM

at first i mastered 3 varients of everything and then kept the ones i liked. finishing that, im doing 3rd and 4th variants. lately ive just been mastering everything i havent mastered yet. its a short list, 22 assault varients and 4 vipers. everything else is either mastered or in my favorites list being mastered. i have no qualms about selling mechs back, in fact ive done all this with just 110 mech bays (gonna buy a few more when they go on sale). if a crappy mech changes into a badass mech i can always buy it back.

when my mad quest is complete, i can actually run mechs i like and go to t1.

Edited by LordNothing, 18 November 2016 - 04:48 AM.

#3 El Bandito


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Posted 18 November 2016 - 04:51 AM

View PostAttank, on 18 November 2016 - 04:27 AM, said:

What do you do with your mastered mech?
Grinding Bills? Store XP waiting to convert them when a x2 happens? Or like me you just see at them with a smile while playing with the new toy you just got?

I continue to ride mastered mechs mostly to make a point. I drove ARC-5W religiously for two months just so I could show people some statistics to convince them that variant is actually good for solo-q. Afterwards I drove the KDK-3 for the past two months for the exclusive purpose of helping it to get nerfed.

Stuff like that. Posted Image

Edited by El Bandito, 18 November 2016 - 04:52 AM.

#4 DGTLDaemon


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Posted 18 November 2016 - 05:01 AM

View PostAttank, on 18 November 2016 - 04:27 AM, said:

You buy your 3 variants, having fun in the mechlab, testing them on the field, focus on the one the fits best your style. Maniacs (like me) will master all 3 of them anyway. Most rational ones will master only the one they like most.

And once you did it....you put it back in his plastic wrap and start with another chassis.

It's the exact opposite for me Posted Image I only really start enjoing my mechs once I have fully mastered and outfitted them, because it means I no longer have to grind them and worry about the amount of XP earned per match, but instead I can have fun playing whichever mech I want whenever I want. I might even go as far as to say that I hate the process of leveling mechs Posted Image Makes me feel like I'm playing a derated piece of junk, and have to work my a$$ off to dig it out of the hole it's in.

P.S. Why is it that I keep reading the last part of the topic title as "Where's the Porn"? :D

Edited by DGTLDaemon, 18 November 2016 - 06:00 AM.

#5 DovisKhan


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Posted 18 November 2016 - 05:02 AM

Weirdly that's exactly how it goes, despite liking a mech, once its mastered i go on mastering another one

I always keep just 1 variant, It gives me an itch to see more than one of the same mech, it looks wrong, even when they offer completely different things like say a K2 and a Butterbee

Anyway that's pretty much the only way how you "beat" a game that has no single player component, after reaching Tier 1 all that remains is mech mastery and achievement chase

Faction warfare could not exist at all as far as I'm concerned, It's a distraction, an unnecessary one at that, with a small player base, this game needs to focus on one core aspect and improve upon that.

#6 Tristan Winter


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Posted 18 November 2016 - 05:05 AM

Historically? I equip it with the best engine and weapons I can afford, then I leave it in storage until the next Requirkening. Then I need to reconsider the engine and weapons, so I spend time and money finding a new build. Then I leave it in storage and wait for the next Requirkening.

At some point, maybe PGI will release some new tech, so there's a reason for me to revisit those old mechs.

#7 Bud Crue


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Posted 18 November 2016 - 05:19 AM

View PostTristan Winter, on 18 November 2016 - 05:05 AM, said:

Historically? I equip it with the best engine and weapons I can afford, then I leave it in storage until the next Requirkening. Then I need to reconsider the engine and weapons, so I spend time and money finding a new build. Then I leave it in storage and wait for the next Requirkening.

At some point, maybe PGI will release some new tech, so there's a reason for me to revisit those old mechs.

Yup. At the moment all this game offers in terms of "end game content" is pokemech (perhaps you've all noticed the new mechs every month?). My way of playing that game is once one mech is mastered, I make it perfect. I obsess over the look of it: the camo, maybe put on some FRR decals how the guns look, etc...get everything juuuuussst right. Ah, there, that's perfect.

If it is a mech I really like, and I have an epiphany of a new build for it, I'll go buy another one and build it, test it, and do the same obsessive thing. I'm to the point though were I have given up hoping that some of my aesthetic masterpieces will ever be good performers and so I think I will sell the Victors and Dragons and maybe a few others. Gonna wait until mechcon and see what they do ala the skills tree as that may end up starting the whole process over. I expect however, that even then, the crap mechs will still be crap so there will not be much point in playing pokemech anymore The illusion of balance and all mechs being of equivelant value is indeed an illusion. So as with the state of CW being advertised "end game content" so to is the actual "end game content" of pokemech: yet another failure.

#8 Duke Nedo


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Posted 18 November 2016 - 05:46 AM

View PostAttank, on 18 November 2016 - 04:27 AM, said:

What do you do with your mastered mech?

Play mech roulette! :)

#9 LordKnightFandragon


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Posted 18 November 2016 - 06:11 AM

What do I do with 3 chassis? I keep the one I like, sell the rest. With Clans the 3 chassis thing is even more ********.

There is no good logical reason to keep that 3 chassis requirement besides just a terribly artificial inflation to the grind. Since PGI couldnt figure anything else out, they just go "lets make them buy the same mech 3x......

#10 invernomuto


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Posted 18 November 2016 - 06:34 AM

View PostAttank, on 18 November 2016 - 04:27 AM, said:

What do you do with your mastered mech? Grinding Bills? Store XP waiting to convert them when a x2 happens? Or like me you just see at them with a smile while playing with the new toy you just got?

I use my mastered mechs (my beloved Marauders, Kodiak 3 and Spirit Bear, etc), but I agree with you that once mastered I usually use a mech less. Mastering mech is part of the fun...

#11 Radbane


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Posted 18 November 2016 - 07:25 AM

View PostAttank, on 18 November 2016 - 04:27 AM, said:

What do you do with your mastered mech?
Grinding Bills? Store XP waiting to convert them when a x2 happens? Or like me you just see at them with a smile while playing with the new toy you just got?

Keep playing them because they're fun? Looking cool is more important than Meta, so I'll be riding my dressed up Catapults
untill they pull the plug on the server =)

#12 Hunka Junk


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Posted 18 November 2016 - 07:31 AM

View PostAttank, on 18 November 2016 - 04:27 AM, said:

Let me start saying that it looks like a FW "fault" here, but really...what do you do with your mechs once they got mastered?

I mean, apart from the ones with 30% cbills (usefull in case you need some cash flow), i always had this strange feeling.

You buy your 3 variants, having fun in the mechlab, testing them on the field, focus on the one the fits best your style. Maniacs (like me) will master all 3 of them anyway. Most rational ones will master only the one they like most.

And once you did it....you put it back in his plastic wrap and start with another chassis.

I need a scenario where for some reason you have to field the best of the best, for something that really matter, so that your beloved mastered mech would take you to the battlefield and shine like no others.
A capital defence, invading a Clan (i'm IS) stronghold, or just some FW battle where your faction need every pilot at his best with a specific tonnage, or config, in order to make all your mastered mechs worth.

What do you do with your mastered mech?
Grinding Bills? Store XP waiting to convert them when a x2 happens? Or like me you just see at them with a smile while playing with the new toy you just got?

There was a roundtable about the prom. The principal listened to all of our prom ideas and then decided what we really wanted was a tug of war.

#13 Remillard


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Posted 18 November 2016 - 08:11 AM

I'll admit, I like playing the mastered mechs, but I can't stand grinding C-bills without some other goal, so I frequently move on to another chassis, or another variant if it's one I like.

Then there was La Malinche where I just got it through Elite and stripped and mothballed it.

#14 AphexTwin11


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Posted 18 November 2016 - 08:40 AM

For me, the grind is way too real. I work my A$$ off to get variants mastered (XP grind), and then fill all module slots (c-bill grind). Once my mech of choosing is mastered and stock full of applicable modules, I find playing to be SO much more enjoyable. I think chasing the carrot at the end of the stick wears on me a little bit, and I feel under pressure to earn as much XP/C-bill as possible. Only once my mechs are fully outfitted can I 'relax' a little bit, and focus more on being a good teammate, getting kills, strategic positioning, and getting a match win. Not that I don't do any of those things while grinding, but the main focus during grinding is accumulating resources, not necessarily ACTUALLY enjoying the match. While some may say these two things do not have to be mutually exclusive, I find that a grind-focus, in certain ways, modifies the way I approach a match.

My mastering-goals were primarily for my CW dropdecks, but, well, that seems like the distant past at this point given the state of FW. Now I master for the sake of mastering mechs that I want to have in my bays (18).

EDIT: spelling

Edited by AphexTwin11, 18 November 2016 - 08:40 AM.

#15 blood4blood


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Posted 18 November 2016 - 08:54 AM

How I used to do it: Get mechs, master mechs, mothball mechs & quit playing MWO for a while due to grind burnout/boredom, come back to game, get mechs from storage & play a few to get a feel for in-game changes, get more mechs, rinse'n'repeat.

How I do it: Get mechs, begin the grind, keep grinding if they're fun to play, otherwise mothball them without finishing mastery, maybe come back later, maybe pull one of the mothballed/mastered mechs out for fun or just to deal with meta/complete event challenges.

Exception: Sarah's Jenner. It's basically trash now as far as in-game performance, but I still like to run it for nostalgia and because for what it represents, it will always be the best mech in the game.

#16 DjPush


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Posted 18 November 2016 - 09:01 AM

I have almost 200 mechs. I play them depending on how I feel when I log in. It's nice having the option of picking a different load out to take at a moments notice without having to waste time in the mech lab.

As an example. I have 8 Atlases. 2 have XL engines, 2 have Missiles and the other 4 are various brawler builds. I also have 8 Cataphracts. Each with it's own load out and method of approach when fighting in matches. Some of my mech chassis have load outs that are strictly for pug queue and others that are only meant for FW.

I feel like selling mechs after you have leveled them up is like throwing away all that effort you put into them to get them leveled. Why bother buying them in the first place if you are going to sell them after you're done?

#17 Remillard


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Posted 18 November 2016 - 09:18 AM

View Postblood4blood, on 18 November 2016 - 08:54 AM, said:

Exception: Sarah's Jenner. It's basically trash now as far as in-game performance, but I still like to run it for nostalgia and because for what it represents, it will always be the best mech in the game.

I've always wondered why they don't do this as an annual cancer drive, almost like a PGI cancer awareness holiday. Just the one time with a mech and I guess that was enough altruism.

#18 Bud Crue


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Posted 18 November 2016 - 11:38 AM

View PostThe Potatoe Whisperer, on 18 November 2016 - 09:01 AM, said:

I have almost 200 mechs. I play them depending on how I feel when I log in. It's nice having the option of picking a different load out to take at a moments notice without having to waste time in the mech lab.

As an example. I have 8 Atlases. 2 have XL engines, 2 have Missiles and the other 4 are various brawler builds. I also have 8 Cataphracts. Each with it's own load out and method of approach when fighting in matches. Some of my mech chassis have load outs that are strictly for pug queue and others that are only meant for FW.

I feel like selling mechs after you have leveled them up is like throwing away all that effort you put into them to get them leveled. Why bother buying them in the first place if you are going to sell them after you're done?

Totally agree, but for some, namely the Victor and the Dragon, I had hoped that between the rescale and the passage of time that PGI would eventually fix them, or at least buff them to an extent that makes them worth playing (I am not asking for OP mechs, just mechs that aren't a drain on my team), or at least gives them some novelty for a fun round now and again. But even after the 2 years that I've been playing, including the rescale, the various quirk passes, etc. it seems to me that some mechs are just beyond PGI's ability to fix to the extent that I think is necessary to make them at least fun if not competitive. As such, I see no reason to keep em; nostalgia be damned. May as well free up the bays for something else that isn't just bad on its face.

#19 C E Dwyer


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Posted 18 November 2016 - 11:50 AM

I keep them in storage, I have enough now to take over the world, nukes and long tom not withstanding

#20 RestosIII


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Posted 18 November 2016 - 11:57 AM

View PostRemillard, on 18 November 2016 - 09:18 AM, said:

I've always wondered why they don't do this as an annual cancer drive, almost like a PGI cancer awareness holiday. Just the one time with a mech and I guess that was enough altruism.

I'd like an annual charity event, but bringing back Sarah's Jenner would be wrong. It's best to not bring the spotlight back to the family, and let them stay ouf of all this.

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