don't get Pirates Bane unless you are already good with locusts.
Firestarter hero is kinda meh. Raven hero is also meh, so is Spider, Deathknell if you are good already at Locusts/Commando's, The Jenner hero is strong and is a worthy buy if your willing to learn Jenner's.
Mediums get more interesting, but some are still kinda crappy.
The cicada X-5 is good, Blackjack hero is kinda meh, but can do well under some circumstances, Vindicator Hero is kinda crappy, and Vindicator's themselves need help, Centurian hero is good,if a bit limited in build choices, grid iron is so close to the 4G to almost make it not worth your time. Trebuchet hero aint that great, the entire trebuchet line has difficulties due to its design and hardpoint placement. Griffin hero Sparky is good, other griffins are somewhat underquirked but have really good missile hardpoints. Kintaro hero seems alright, especially if you want to spam LRM 5's, Shadowhawk hero is very same-y to all the other shadowhawks, It honestly doesn't stand out enough to make it a must buy, I feel. Wolverine hero has a weird mix of hardpoints and quirks that make it a good poker I guess, but I feel it is ultimately forgettable.
I suggest you consider the Cicada, Centurian, Griffin or the Jenner hero for the best bang for your buck with current quirks in mind.
ones not to get are definitely the Vindicator and Trebuchet and all the other ones are either meh, or too similar to other variants of the chassis or only worth buying if your a strong fan of the mech.
i own the cicada, Blackjack, trebuchet, shadowhawk and locust hero's and am about to also be a proud owner of a shiny, new Sparky as well.
Edited by Nullmancer, 28 November 2016 - 04:18 PM.