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Marauder Iic Prep.

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#1 Bandilly


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Posted 30 November 2016 - 03:13 PM

In two weeks we receiver our glorious evolution of an icon. I'll be listing here are a few things you might (or may not) need to know about it. I'm not here as much to give you exact builds, but more to educate you on the ins and outs of what we should be expecting. With knowledge comes power, and a properly equipped will be able to create it's own builds...or at least have an expectation of what can be done.


First off, a quick list of the variants, I'll go more into detail later

MAD-IIC and the MAD-IIC(S): Standard pack and Collectors pack. Primary model, lots of lasers.
MAD-IIC-8: Special variant for early adopters only, don't feel bad if you aren't getting it, it's meh.
MAD-IIC-A: Standard and Collectors pack. Clone of the classic MAD-3R, only bigger/heavier and with clan tech.
MAD-IIC-B: Standard and Collectors Pack. Clone of the classic MAD-5D, but bigger/heavier/clan tech.
MAD-IIC-C: Reinforcements add on. Clone of the classic MAD-5M, but bigger/heavier/clan tech.
MAD-IIC-D: Reinforcements add on. ECM Dual Guass Sniper with room for ERPPC and missiles, some 13 y/o just peed his pants.
MAD-IIC-S: Hero add on. I just peed my pants.

As to the big gun on top/awesome high mount.

In MWO on the classic Marauders the gun on top is reserved only for ballistic mounts in the right torso. In the concept art for the IIC the gun is show for the LT mounted ERPPC. From this we can assume that most models with either ballistic or energy as their primary RT or LT weapon will display the model. Though we can't be entirely sure as the classic 5D has a RT mounted energy hardpoint that was never displayed on top, and the B is a direct clone hardpoint wise of that mech. Whether each individual model displays the gun or not should hopefully not disparage us as the 5D still has a very high mount for that laser, basically at the top level of the cockpit. Scorch only has missile mounts in the torsos and presumably will not have the top mount.

Are those arms of much use to a Zentradi officer?

Every Marauder IIC has multiple hardpoints in each arm, how useful are those arms? Assuming no dramatic change in modeling from the classic Marauder to the IIC we know that the arms will likely be fairly neutral. What does neutral mean? Well the arms aren't high mounts, but they aren't super low knuckle draggers. At the same time the arms are fairly tight into the body so combined with the mid height they fire at you won't be spraying every rock, building, and friendly mech that wanders within half a block of your line of fire. So, as I said, neutral, they aren't going to give you a huge advantage, but they aren't going out of their way to hinder you either.

Start saving your money.

3(4) variants come with a standard engine, 3 come with a 340XL, and one comes with a 255XL. Those aren't optimal engines, you are going to want all XL engines, and probably larger engines at the same time. For most variants you'll want a 350XL or 375XL engine, which is going to cost you around 6m cbills per engine. For the D model which can't use larger than a 340XL you might just drop one of your left over 340XLs in it, or you might put like a 300XL or 325XL in, either way costing lots of money.

Considering a full mastery set of 3 mechs you'll need around 20m cbills for engines, weapons, and other mods. You will get a little back for selling those worthless 340 standards, but I would keep at least on 340XL and the 255XL as spares, the 255XL in particular is useful for other mechs like the Hunchy IIC.

If you want new modules on top of that then you'll need even more cbills by the millions.

How much free weight will I have?

Usually referred to as podspace in Clan mechs, but since the MAD-IIC isn't an Omni mech it isn't quite right to refer to it as that. So, the (common) numbers:

8.5 tons - Standard Structure
4.5 tons - Endosteel Structure (7 Crit Slots)

16.5 tons - Standard Armor
13.7 tons - Ferro Fibrous Armor (7 Crit Slots)

34 tons - 340 Standard Engine
12.5 tons - 255XL Engine (4 Crit Slots)
20.5 tons - 340XL Engine (4 Crit Slots)
22 tons - 350XL Engine (4 Crit Slots)
26.5 tons - 375XL Engine (4 Crit Slots)
33.5 tons - 400XL Engine (4 Crit Slots)

1 ton/ea - Jump Jets, B & C only, max 4 (1 Crit Slot)

Total Tonnage Available: 85
Total Crit Slots Available: 49 (9 LA, 9 RA, 12 LT, 12 RT, 1 H, 2 CT, 2 LL, 2 RL)

So say if you were running ES structure, max standard armor, and a 350XL engine that would total 43 tons. Since the MAD-IIC is an 85 ton mech you would have 42 tons leftover for weapons and heatsinks (past 10). Space wise you would have 38 (49-4-7) free slots to work with, and the first 4 extra heat sinks you add past the default 10 can be placed in the engine to save crit slots (engines hold rating/25 round down total heat sinks...which is why engines ratings that are perfect multiples of 25 are often optimal choices).

In this case if you couldn't quite add Ferro Fibrous because you are 1 or 2 crit slots short then I would increase the engine size to soak one more heat sink and then add FF to free the tonnage for the larger engine. Remember that for every 25 rating of the engine it can hold an extra heatsink, so larger engines help free up crit slots even if they do weigh more.

Personally 350XL and 375XL engines seem to be the sweet spot. All models, aside from the D, can run up to a 400XL engine, but that last jump is a whopping 7 tons while only producing a tiny amount of extra speed. I would reserve 400XL for truly dedicated short range brawlers.

By model.


9 Energy Hardpoints

The basic model that you get with the Standard pack and the (S)pecial +30% cbill version of the basic model, if you happened to order the Collectors pack. The base model has a solid 9 energy hard points and can not mount any other types of weapons. This leaves us with laser vomit, wub brawling and the like. My only issue with 9 hard points is it is one higher than a perfect 2+6 set up that can avoid ghost heat...meaning you'll end up with either more than 2 ERPPCs/ERLL/LPL or more than 6 mixed small/medium. That is of course if you use every hardpoint and don't mix in a TAG laser or Flamer. You have plenty of tonnage for lots of big or small lasers and heat sinks to go with them. As I said, just make sure to watch the ghost heat on your set up.

A nice bonus is that, unlike the classic Marauder, these hardpoints are more spread out. This means you can make a set up that isn't crippled by the loss of one torso. You literally have energy mounts sprouting from nearly every component aside from the head.


7 Energy + 1 Missile Hardpoint

This is the special bonus mech you get if you were an early adopter. This boy is a bit of an odd duck. The 8 trades 2 of the basic models energy hardpoints for one missile hardpoint. I'm all for missiles and the like, but seriously, what to do with 1 missile hardpoint? That being said you can make some servicable builds with this model. Maybe you want an LRM to go with your ERPPC spam, an SRM to go with your brawling spam, or a SSRM to take out those pesky lights? Missiles are naturally lower heat compared to lasers, so using that one missile hardpoint can help you manage heat better. Again it's still only 1 hardpoint so if you didn't early adopter don't feel bad, I don't see the 8 as being a game changer.

The Classic Clones

The next three models are clones of existing classic Marauder variants. They have the same number of hardpoints that are located in the same places. Since the classic Marauders are all nice mechs we know that these will be as well. Do remember that the IIC is 10 tons heavier than the classic and uses clan tech, meaning you won't be able to port your classic build straight over without likely having a lot of tons free, think bigger!


4 Energy + 3 Ballistic Hardpoints

This clone of our beloved MAR-3R comes in both the Standard and Collectors packs. It has 2 energy mounts in each arm and 3 ballistic mounts in the right torso. The main downside is that it has the vulnerability of the classic 3R in that losing that right torso removes 5 of your 7 hardpoints. Consider balancing that vulnerability by putting the larger energy weapons in the left arm.

Also note that all the ballistic hardpoints are in the same torso, you'll likely want an XL engine, so you'll probably only have 10 crit slots to play with in that torso. Still with clan weapon 10 crit slots goes pretty far, so you can put that pair of UAC10s on or one UAC10 and 2UAC5s.


5 Energy + 2 Missile Hardpoints

This clone of the lovely MAD-5D comes in both the Standard and Collectors packs. The B has 5 energy mounts and 2 missile mounts as well as sporting Jump Jets. I would call it a much improved version of the 8. Much like the 8 the missile hardpoints can be used to emphasize range with LRMs or brawling with SRMS, only with two hardpoints it can actually get it's point across. Hardpoints are more spread out on the B than the other two clones, so it isn't as devastated by a single side torso loss.

As mentioned earlier the 5D does not have the iconic large top mounted weapon, instead it's torso laser is mounted in the torso itself, just above cockpit level. Whether the clone of the 5D will use the same mount location or not is yet to be seen.


5 Energy + 2 Ballistic Hardpoints

This clone of the versatile MAD-5M only comes in the Reinforcements add on. The C is much like the A, only it has JJs and one ballistic mount is traded for a laser. Thankfully the extra laser thumb (it's so hideous) is added to left arm so it's opposite the cannons in the RT, making this model slightly less vulnerable to weapon loss through side torso loss than the A. The C is generally acts as an improved version of the A, since it has Jump Jets and because it's easier to cram 2 big ballistic weapons in one torso than 3. If you have both cram 3 in the A and save the 2 gun set up for the C

Now on with the real show!

These last two models vary dramatically from traditional Marauders and are each more uniquely suited to certain roles. These are probably the two most looked forward to variants.


2 Ballistic + 2 Missile + 2 Energy Hardpoints (+ECM)

This unique model only comes in the Reinforcements add on. The D starts with a drool worthy ECM plus dual Guass Rifle set up. The D has 2 ballistic and 2 missile hardpoints, 1 of each in each arm, as well as 2 energy hardpoints. One of the energy hardpoints is in the head, so no dual Guass combined with Dual ERPPC...otherwise this mech might have been perfection.

The engine is too small and the Targetting Computer is too big. Drop the computer, or put in a TC1, and biggie size the engine. If you leave the base 255XL engine in you'll be moving at Dire Whale speed, don't say I didn't warn you.

Theoretical set ups I see mostly staying with the ECM and dual Guass. You could add one ERPPC and some LRMs and make it the long range everything mech. However you set it up, this mech should be fun.


2 Ballistic + 2 Energy + 4 Missile Hardpoints

This brawler from beyond is only available as the Hero add on. Unlike most heroes it doesn't look like Scorch will be left unused by anyone that owns him. Scorch uniquely has 2 ballistic and 2 energy hardpoints, 1 of each in each arm, as well as 4 missile hardpoints, 2 in each side torso.

Dual large autocannons and 4ASRM6s will likely be the go to build for Scorch, and maybe some lasers in there as well if the cannons aren't too oversized. This is the last enemy mech you want to see round a corner right in front of you. Much fun will be had.

Edited by Bandilly, 03 December 2016 - 11:19 AM.

#2 Zookeeper Dan


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Posted 01 December 2016 - 10:02 AM

Great write up. I was wondering if I should upgrade to the Reinforcement pack or get the Hero.

I think you sold me on the Hero.

I love my other AC/SRM brawlers and it looks like the Scorch will put them all to shame.

2 UAC10s, 4 ASRM6's, with Endo, Ferro, and a 375XL leaves 10.5 tons and 15 slots left for ammo and extra HS!!


You may also be able to fit 2 UAC20's instead of the 10's if you drop down to a 325XL and standard armor.

Plus the ECM version will eventually be available for c-bills.

#3 TercieI


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Posted 01 December 2016 - 10:21 AM

View PostZookeeper Dan, on 01 December 2016 - 10:02 AM, said:

Great write up. I was wondering if I should upgrade to the Reinforcement pack or get the Hero.

I think you sold me on the Hero.

I think you're right, but since preorder bonuses are over, you can also just wait and see how the mech plays before making that call. Preordering the basic pack and deciding on the rest once you've sat in the cockpit is generally my approach and it works well.

Nice writeup, OP.

Edited by TercieI, 01 December 2016 - 10:21 AM.

#4 Bandilly


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Posted 01 December 2016 - 11:41 AM

View PostZookeeper Dan, on 01 December 2016 - 10:02 AM, said:

You may also be able to fit 2 UAC20's instead of the 10's if you drop down to a 325XL and standard armor.

You gotta watch the ghost heat on dual UAC20s. Dual LB20Xs bypass ghost heat or you can even do one UAC20 + one UAC10. Obviously mixing is a little harder on weapon groups and modules, but it is doable.

I was planning on a 350XL with dual UAC10s plus 4ASRM6s and 2ERML. Lasers and cannons for midrange work then cannons and SRMs for brawling. With proper armor distribution I should squeak by on heat sinks, just have to be careful with the laser usage.

#5 Bandilly


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Posted 01 December 2016 - 02:20 PM

12 More Days!!!

Posted Image

Also added crit slot counts by the tonnage area, just in case someone didn't know how many slots they were working with.

Edit: Added definitive hardpoint counts for each model for anyone that didn't want to try and piece them together from the narratives.

Edited by Bandilly, 01 December 2016 - 02:32 PM.

#6 Tremendous Upside


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Posted 01 December 2016 - 08:28 PM

Nice write-up. I think the MAD IIC has a good chance of being the best clan assault not named Kodiak. Not that that's saying a lot... but it should have a lot of things going for it. Great available tonnage and engine size options. Lots of variety between the different variants as well. Some with jets. One with ECM.

LOTS of energy-heavy options to use with those XL400/375 engines you have laying around in your KDKs :) I'm definitely looking forward to 82kph with a pair of ERPPCs/LPLs and 5 torso-mounted ERMLs on the prime/special variant.

#7 Zookeeper Dan


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Posted 02 December 2016 - 06:34 PM

View PostBandilly, on 01 December 2016 - 11:41 AM, said:

You gotta watch the ghost heat on dual UAC20s. Dual LB20Xs bypass ghost heat or you can even do one UAC20 + one UAC10. Obviously mixing is a little harder on weapon groups and modules, but it is doable.

I was planning on a 350XL with dual UAC10s plus 4ASRM6s and 2ERML. Lasers and cannons for midrange work then cannons and SRMs for brawling. With proper armor distribution I should squeak by on heat sinks, just have to be careful with the laser usage.

Yeah, I usually like LBX20's for brawling when they are paired with SRM's. You get instant firing and the spread for the LBX is lower than the SRM spread so you aren't really losing any pinpoint damage like you get with IS AC20's.

#8 Blue Frog


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Posted 08 December 2016 - 06:04 PM

I can't wait. The Linebacker was such a letdown for me. I see this being MUCH better. Glad I got the whole kit and kaboodle.

#9 Steel Raven


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Posted 08 December 2016 - 06:08 PM

On a budget so I'm not a early adopt but I'm looking forward to seeing how the Mad IIC handles.

#10 Mister Glitchdragon


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Posted 10 December 2016 - 01:35 AM

This is my first post. I am waiting for my IIC Marauders to deliver before I continue playing and accruing my cadet bonus; I don't want to waste it running stock mechs! Any word on how soon smurfy's will be letting us play around with builds? I'm kind of eager to start tinkering...

Edited by Mister Glitchdragon, 10 December 2016 - 01:37 AM.

#11 Bandilly


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Posted 10 December 2016 - 06:26 AM

View PostMister Glitchdragon, on 10 December 2016 - 01:35 AM, said:

This is my first post. I am waiting for my IIC Marauders to deliver before I continue playing and accruing my cadet bonus; I don't want to waste it running stock mechs! Any word on how soon smurfy's will be letting us play around with builds? I'm kind of eager to start tinkering...

The cadet bonus is a fixed amount of cash per match, doesn't change with performance (or premium). My suggestion is to burn through those 25 matches as soon as possible so you have a decent amount of starting cash. You are going to need a lot of money to retrofit these things, to start about 6 million for any new engines you want to get. Not to mention structure/armor/Artemis changes and new weapon systems.

If you want to boost their performance you are also going to want some modules. Modules require lots of GXP and huge amounts of cash. Better to get some now and be more ready than to wait.

The other thing playing trial mechs help with is understanding what weapons systems you like and dislike. That way you know more of how you want to equip them without wasting money on systems you end up despising.

Since you preordered your premium time should bank rather than becoming active immediately. Assuming you don't already have active premium male sure it is active once you start grinding out those Marauders, it's a huge xp/cash boost.

Otherwise good luck, this looks to be an incredibly fun and potent mech set to play with.

Edited by Bandilly, 10 December 2016 - 06:28 AM.

#12 Bandilly


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Posted 10 December 2016 - 06:33 AM

Quirk list revealed in the patch notes. Here it is (deep breath):

/start quirk list

    MAD-IIC-8 15% missile cooldown

/end quirk list

Yeah, that's it. I was expecting maybe just a hair more, like PPC velocity on the base model and very minor bonuses for the others, but nope. To be fair they should stomp robot *** without quirks and the 8 was the underdog of the group...it's almost like they read my post about it.

Edited by Bandilly, 10 December 2016 - 06:36 AM.

#13 Bandilly


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Posted 10 December 2016 - 07:21 AM

Also note Gauss sniping took a hit in the patch notes, the D is a touch less sexy. I'll still give it a shot, but just a heads up.

#14 Mister Glitchdragon


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Posted 10 December 2016 - 09:01 AM

View PostBandilly, on 10 December 2016 - 06:26 AM, said:

The cadet bonus is a fixed amount of cash per match, doesn't change with performance (or premium).

Oh! I thought it was a % increase that I would waste trying to figure the game out in (what people tell me) are substandard trial mechs. Thanks!

#15 Bandilly


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Posted 10 December 2016 - 09:34 AM

View PostMister Glitchdragon, on 10 December 2016 - 09:01 AM, said:

Oh! I thought it was a % increase that I would waste trying to figure the game out in (what people tell me) are substandard trial mechs. Thanks!

Nah, it's a fixed 12.5m over 25 matches. 1st match is 800k then goes down by 25k per match until it bottoms out at 200k. Since it's an achievement award rather than a match reward it's unaffected by premium time.

A couple of the trial mechs work pretty well. The Highlander IIC isn't too far off from the Marauder IICs size and it's good dual UAC10 practice on a big guy, which is going to be a common setup on the A and C.

Which set of Marauder IICs did you get, basic, all, or somewhere in between?

#16 Anunknownlurker


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Posted 10 December 2016 - 09:43 AM

@Bandilly - with quirks being removed (potentially) in around 2 months I would assume any "quirking" has been included in the mech's base stats. Should the suggested skill tree/quirk replacement not arrive on time then I am sure any necessary quirks will be introduced in a forthcoming patch.

#17 Bandilly


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Posted 10 December 2016 - 11:26 AM

Got logged out in the middle of typing my beautiful response...aaargh. So here's the quick version:

I'm fine with no quirks.

The 8's missile hardpoint kinda needed a reason to live.

I'm used to the classic Marauder's agility quirks, but with the larger engines we'll be packing the IIC might handle just as well.

#18 Navy Sixes


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Posted 11 December 2016 - 12:06 AM

View PostBandilly, on 10 December 2016 - 09:34 AM, said:

A couple of the trial mechs work pretty well.

The Shadowcat is a lot of fun, too. Nowhere near the 85-ton Marauder, but fast and pretty good for stock.

#19 Tetsujin


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Posted 11 December 2016 - 06:34 PM

Looking fwd to making a 85 ton clan king crab build. Dual Uac or lbs 20s

#20 Bandilly


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Posted 12 December 2016 - 06:48 AM

View PostTetsujin, on 11 December 2016 - 06:34 PM, said:

Looking fwd to making a 85 ton clan king crab build. Dual Uac or lbs 20s

Waiting for Boiler to make a true clan KGC, but Scorch is close.

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