December Roadmap And Beyond
Posted 05 December 2016 - 11:50 PM
Posted 06 December 2016 - 02:12 AM
Wing 0, on 05 December 2016 - 10:12 PM, said:
Its not integrating quick play.... its integrating the QP maps and some of the modes, to break the stagnation of the same four maps all the damn time, and the same two basic modes.
Posted 06 December 2016 - 07:40 AM
radiv, on 05 December 2016 - 11:32 PM, said:
They are developing the game just fine?????? what did they do the last year?
added 2 maps and a bunch of cashgrabs
throwing the balance wheel around showing they have no understandings of they own game. In example Kodiak why did the best one come with quirks and not the rest?
They screwed the endgame mode over to the point that they have to reduce it now cus people arent playing.
They annonced a whole new heatsystem and took it back.(that was hillarious)
Yeah ur right theyr doing fine..... except for the fact that the game was probably better 1 year ago.. atleast then the endgame was alive
Well first of all the game is fun to play and it works. Second they added those maps, remade a few, as well as added a bunch of mechs. That's "fine" to me.
Second, game is ftp, they are supposed to be grabbing your cash, hard. They don't charge you at the door and they don't charge you for a subscription. If they didn't grab your f***ing cash with something the game would be dead. We should be glad the game isn't p2w. If PGI really were a bunch of cash snatching dopes, that's what this game would be.
They have more understanding then you're giving them credit for. Sure they screw up, and they don't know as much as comp players, they aren't blizzard, but that doesn't mean "spinning the balance wheel" or throwing "darts at the balance board" are anything but hyperbolic bellyaching.
As opposed to what? Not trying to salvage FP at all? leaving it in it's dead state? what? Personally I just play quickplay and I think that's good enough, but I can't fault them for trying to be responsible.
The energy draw system was bad move, I'm glad that's dead. Good on them for killing it.
Yeah the game is doing fine. No it wasn't better a year ago. It was just the ****** game mode was dying and not dead. Oh well.
Posted 06 December 2016 - 09:50 AM
Posted 06 December 2016 - 10:55 AM
I still hope for Solaris 1v1 matches, hopefully coupled with regular tournaments.
Posted 06 December 2016 - 11:26 AM
Jack Shayu Walker, on 06 December 2016 - 07:40 AM, said:
Well first of all the game is fun to play and it works. Second they added those maps, remade a few, as well as added a bunch of mechs. That's "fine" to me.
They did almost nothing constructive and playercount is more than likely half of what it was a year ago. Maybe thats fine to you, to me its sad.
Posted 06 December 2016 - 01:03 PM
As I said, based on what we know now the XP required seems really high at the moment. But I'm not in any kind of panic over ZOMG DECADES FOR EVERYTHING!
Posted 06 December 2016 - 01:09 PM
Did I read the same "roadmap" as you guys?
All I saw was "sorry for our previous f#ckups, here's our new non-lore mech, a MW5 sneakpeek, and... new gamemode with A.I. atlas!"
Where's all the extra info coming from?
Posted 06 December 2016 - 01:12 PM
Confused why this won't kill their pack sales dead as there's no way anyone will be able to max out a full pack in a month.... at which point the next one drops... and then the next.... and the next? I buy mech packs as I like to actually change my playstyle and feel like I'm progressing while helping fund the game but why would I under this new system? I can see why this is amazing for competitive players who rarely change mechs but for anyone regularly buying packs and funding the game it seems awful?
Posted 06 December 2016 - 01:32 PM
radiv, on 06 December 2016 - 11:26 AM, said:
They did almost nothing constructive and playercount is more than likely half of what it was a year ago. Maybe thats fine to you, to me its sad.
Enlighten me. What exactly counts as "constructive" to you?
See where I come from, just because you do something constructive doesn't mean it works out. PGI has tried a couple of rebalances, their community has been unhappy, they put them away. They rescaled mechs to their proper sizes, that was constructive and it worked out. They gave us scouting mode in FP, it buzzed up interest for a while, but ultimately players still found it boring. Now they're bringing the fun elements of Quickplay into FP to try and breath life in it again.
What exactly do you want from PGI? What would be "constructive?"
Posted 06 December 2016 - 01:37 PM
Willothius, on 06 December 2016 - 01:09 PM, said:
Did I read the same "roadmap" as you guys?
All I saw was "sorry for our previous f#ckups, here's our new non-lore mech, a MW5 sneakpeek, and... new gamemode with A.I. atlas!"
Where's all the extra info coming from?

Posted 06 December 2016 - 01:43 PM
Posted 06 December 2016 - 01:47 PM
In fact, don't even bother with PTU- it just generates unreasonable fear in the dinosaur brained portion of the community which makes design more conservative. Just give us more content fast as you can.
Maybe, if you really do need legit feedback rather than change-hate, use a star citizen esc Evocati invitational group of analytical play-testers to try to break new content prior to full release. Looking forward to the future of MW.
Edited by Wibbledtodeath, 06 December 2016 - 02:13 PM.
Posted 06 December 2016 - 02:32 PM
Dee Eight, on 06 December 2016 - 01:43 PM, said:
Wibbledtodeath, on 06 December 2016 - 01:47 PM, said:
In fact, don't even bother with PTU- it just generates unreasonable fear in the dinosaur brained portion of the community which makes design more conservative. Just give us more content fast as you can.
Maybe, if you really do need legit feedback rather than change-hate, use a star citizen esc Evocati invitational group of analytical play-testers to try to break new content prior to full release. Looking forward to the future of MW.
(A lot of really delusional people in this thread. Its fine to be excited or hopeful, but the sycophants are getting ridiculous.)
Edited by WarHippy, 06 December 2016 - 02:35 PM.
Posted 06 December 2016 - 03:02 PM
WarHippy, on 06 December 2016 - 02:32 PM, said:
As are the salt-casters still butthurt about things that happened years ago.
Yes, all enthusiasm should be tempered, unless you want to end up like many of the embittered ones in these forums. I know some of them are pissed due to promised broken or stalled, but I swear so many more are mad because what they imagined in their head is not what ended up being developed and blame PGI/IGP/M$/Trump *and* Hilary for it not living up to their imagination.
Sorry I'm a bit salty myself.. RL reminding me there's a lot more to life than whining about a game.
Posted 06 December 2016 - 04:27 PM
Crashking, on 05 December 2016 - 05:35 PM, said:
now depending on the mech you use and its quirks there might be some delay In there where the AC5 aren't going off and you will see a slight heat decrease but it is possible to have the mech shut down from just firing off the AC5. For reference the mech I have built uses 17 double heat sinks - 10 defaults, 3 extra in engine and 4 in side torsos. If heat sinks were working constantly the mech should cool off by using less weapons and still allowing you to fire some.
I tested this with Clan and IS AC-5 and can't reproduce what you describe. With 17 DHS, i'm unable to overheat myself with two chainfiring AC5 or any other weapon even on hot maps and while moving. It also does not matter if you are over 80% Heat or not, dissipation always works the same and as expected.
Whatever you may have experienced, it was probably fixed since you tested last time. So please test it again and if you still think that something's wrong i suppose you make a video so we (and more important PGI) know exactly how to reproduce the problem.
Posted 06 December 2016 - 05:00 PM
Daggett, on 06 December 2016 - 04:27 PM, said:
Whatever you may have experienced, it was probably fixed since you tested last time. So please test it again and if you still think that something's wrong i suppose you make a video so we (and more important PGI) know exactly how to reproduce the problem.
Not quite how he was doing it... I think he wasn't taking into account that if you fire 1 ML you don't exactly get X heat generation on your heat scale. You get ML Heat - HeatSink_Capacitance = X on your gauge. As long as you aren't losing HS/DHS in battle, your ability to negate a certain amount of initial heat is a constant, unmodified by the # of weapons fired. So of course if you fire 2 weapons and your HS can't cover all the heat coming at them it will raise your heat more than twice.
Here's how you test this:
Screw ML, grab Small Lasers and get on a cold map with minimal HS/DHS. Fire one SL and you'll notice that your heat scale only registers a little heat *and* its a bit delayed. Fire 2 SL and it will register faster on your heat scale *and* climb higher. You have to remember that with beam weapons, not all the heat occurs when you fire, its constant over the time of the beam.
Posted 06 December 2016 - 06:12 PM
- This is perhaps the most humble statement I have seen from you in over four years, and I sincerely appreciate it.
Faction Play Phase 4.1
- I seriously hope that this is the "shot in the arm" that FP needs.
- Please make FP meaningful. Give us reasons to align with certain factions. Please include creative rewards for the "special Faction Play events".
Escort Game Mode
- I am cautiously optimistic about this. You've done a decent job balancing planetary assault, but assymetric game modes always feel stacked for one side or the other.
'Mech Collision Improvements
- This was one of the major differences we noticed playing in a zero-ping environment. This should be a significant QOL improvement for Oceanic players.
Competitive 1v1 'Steiner Coliseum' Private Lobby Map
- The map is beautiful and felt like an improvement in gameplay (not just aesthetics) over the "grey boxed" version. The extra ramps, etc. were a very nice touch.
Marauder IIC
- I have a feeling that this 'mech will be nearly as OP as the KDK was on launch. STFB.
Improvements to the Domination Game Mode on Alpine Peaks
- Thank the coordinator.
Assault Game Mode Revamp
- Looking forward to seeing this in PTS.
All-new Skill Tree
- As I mentioned to both Russ and Paul, the competitive community is seriously looking forward to trying to break this system. I just hope you'll be giving full refunds when we do find the things that are
- "all GXP and 'Mech XP spent on Skill ... unlocks will be carried over as 'Legacy GXP'" ... Does this inlcude variants levelled but previously sold? I'm hoping, "yes".
Thank you for your playing, MechWarriors.
- Thank you for hosting my team mates and I in Vancouver, we had a phenomenal time getting to meet you and seeing your passion for the game, BattleTech in general, and the community.
Edited by Kageru Ikazuchi, 06 December 2016 - 06:12 PM.
Posted 06 December 2016 - 06:21 PM
Arkhangel, on 04 December 2016 - 09:18 PM, said:
Sorry for the slow response on this. I see no problem in eliminating the weapons quirks. The biggest problem I can see is the full elimination of structure quirks without making sure the mechs will not be paper thin on structure and armor. Some of the mechs truly needed the structure quirks to survive. We have seen this several times in the past.
I can see the quirk customization in the builds and like that I will be able to customize my mech the way I want. I just hope to see people taking a variety of mechs out instead of seeing only the mechs with the best hardpoints.
A question for PGI:
If we have a mech that we leveled up but sold, will we need to rebuy that mech to level out the tree. If we do then it will cost players a ton of extra c-bills just to level up and customize their mechs.
This could also be to the advantage of newer players. They could use trial mechs to level up their skill trees, then buy the mechs in order to customize their loadouts.
Posted 06 December 2016 - 08:26 PM
Are we getting the Mech XP returned to us for mechs we skilled and mastered, then sold because we didn't need to retain them?
Or are we only getting the Mech XP for mechs we currently own?
Edited by Commander A9, 06 December 2016 - 08:33 PM.
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