Haakon Magnusson, on 10 December 2016 - 05:08 AM, said:
And why not make it a 100t vehicle, it would have MUCH lower profile and would be easier to cover (and have natural cover) from long distance sniping.
Tanks on btech stay on fairly even ground so no exotic pathing needs to be considered (Well, it's propably not going to be exotic pathing algoritm anyways, I guess VIP will follow a road anyways)
And yeah, mwo does not need to have vehicles through the armor crit chance.
Behemoth tank or a command vehicle works. Preferably multiple vehicles of varying sizes with the reward increasing for each one that makes it. By technicality all Battletech campaign matches have 4 levels of success and failure. Total victory, major victory, lesser victory, and draw... while applicable the opposing states to victories are: lesser defeat, major defeat, and total defeat.
Example, if there's a Command vehicle and a few lesser VIP vehicles..
Losing all units: Total defeat for defenders, total victory for attackers.
Losing all defenders, but all vehicles made it, total victory defenders (they did their job and sacrificed their lives to do it just as the objective said.)
Losing the command vehicle but rest make it OR lost some vehicles but the command vehicle and the left overs make it, Major victory.
Lost the Command vehicle and 1 other vehicle OR lost the lesser vehicles but the Command vehicle makes it: Lesser victory.
Got a vehicle other than the command vehicle to the point and that's it... draw.
Ideas like that.
Obviously you have the best cashout for total victory, excellent cashouts for major, decent for lesser, and modest for draw.
Behemoth Tanks. I would prefer the Armor Config, which has superior armor to even an Atlas (so rather than 612 [or BT's 306] which is the maximum that can be put on a 100 ton 'Mech, the Behemoth Armor variant carries 336 which in MWO is 672 stock.)
It is armed with twin AC/10s, twin SRM-6 (all turret mounted) and 4 LRM-5s (mounted on the front of the tank and is independent of the turret, with 2 tons per weapon type. Which reminds me if the VIP does have weapons it should have finite ammunition supplies).

This is me using a Behemoth tank (and a Commando), versus an Atlas custom armed with quad LB-10x and 8 Enforcers... Up to this point my tank already has 3 kills and has already disabled a few more as can be seen. In this very move, the Behemoth levels the Atlas in a single blow.

In the end my tank had 5 kills, 3 disables before it was finally destroyed. (...Admittedly my left track was destroyed in the first shot I took, and a mech had to stand behind me and continuously hammer me for 40 seconds to take me down).
(The four arrows leading to Enforcers are separate commands to fire an LRM-5 launcher at each target. Since the turn is within 10 seconds, it's lock, launch, lock, launch, lock, launch, lock, launch. The one off to my far right (I'm facing South West) missed. The others all made their marks and I made another disable in this turn. The arrow pointed at the Atlas is me channeling my twin AC/10s and SRMs on his rear torso.)
(Environment is a Solaris Arena. The arrow hexes are pillars that could go up or down. Green ones are about to or currently moving. Red ones could move but are not in the process of doing so within the next turn.)
Looking up command vehicles, I discovered the Puma combat vehicle, which is a 95 ton tank.

Crew of 7. Wields: a Donal (brand) PPC on the turret. A Holly-20 LRM launcher on each side with a combined 180 degree firing arc (90 degree per launcher) with a total of 12 reloads between them (or 2 tons, so.. in MWO it would be 18 reloads). A pair of Krieger (brand name) medium lasers and a Holly SRM-4 mounted forward with 25 reloads (1 ton). Finally it has a Krieger small laser and a Skylight Model 5 flamer both for anti-infantry use. M
Makes a good VIP escort vehicle, its armor is 368 in MWO (that's after doubling it) so while it is offensively formidable, it is easily destroyed and goes roughly the speed of a Dire Wolf (53 so in MWO that'd be 48.6). Before I realized the armor I would've said it would have made a good VIP vehicle. In truth, it is an old SLDF command tank.
The mobile field base PGI has already done a 3D model for is more than sufficient though. Have it and its trailer (or sans the trailer) be the VIP.
This said... I'd prefer to be able to give commands to the vehicle or have it choose a player to follow and in the event that there are no players left to follow, to head for the objective as fast as it can.
Edited by Koniving, 10 December 2016 - 09:52 AM.