Escort mode is bad? Yea because we need more static campy modes........
Escort mode forces team to be more dynamic and to juggle one~two more things then normal (OMG the chaos and complicity). And it is still super quite static compared to other games.
Alot of the rants I read are really really due to PUGs going derp while the other team derps way less.
There is no reason your VIP should be alone in the front, walking pass enemy teams unless you team decides to frake it and derp for the win. Escort mode is the camper's worst game mode... which too me explains a lot why certain people hate it... But campers already Domination.
Also, if your team derps and dont capture the radar tower directly next to you, I have nothing to say about enemy team pawning your team and having the magic eye from the sky to spot your whole team.
Main problem is Escort is bad for Derp. Which might be a huge issue for PUGs. But is nothing really PGI can do without nerfing it to the ground, which I prefer PGI does not do.
Edited by Gaden Phoenix, 15 December 2016 - 05:38 PM.