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240 Tons! Really?

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#121 Leone


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Posted 19 December 2016 - 07:02 PM

View PostKoniving, on 19 December 2016 - 09:56 AM, said:

Indeed. It's the Freebirths crying out, not the Trueborn.

To be fair, I'm a freebirth taken as Isorla, I just managed to earn the right to get back in the cockpit and show the trueborn how a real warrior pilots a mech.


Edited by Leone, 19 December 2016 - 10:00 PM.

#122 no one


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Posted 19 December 2016 - 08:16 PM

Some people say clan tech ya gotta bad rap
A poor mech's made outta ferro and scrap
ferro and scrap and salvage and slag
A speed that's a-tweaked and a laser that's long

You lose twentyfive tons, what do you get?
Another pre-order and buyer's regret
faction warfare don't tempt me 'cause it matches so slow
I'd like some balance that's anchored in lore

#123 MovinTarget


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Posted 19 December 2016 - 08:47 PM

View Postno one, on 19 December 2016 - 08:16 PM, said:

faction warfare don't tempt me 'cause it matches so slow
I'd like some balance that's anchored in lo'


#124 Unendingmenace


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Posted 19 December 2016 - 09:21 PM

View PostEd Steele, on 19 December 2016 - 04:26 PM, said:

Simple solution is to just set FW in 3025 and only allow stock IS Mechs that were available in that time. Keep Clans in QM and private matches only. Also, limit the amount of Mercs that any one faction can hire at any given time. Just make it 200 tons / side, no quirks, totally stock 3025.

That first bit right there that I've highlighted is ludicrous. Lets just tell everyone who wants to play Clan mechs to get F'd hey? Let alone all of those people who have spent hard earned real money to get some of those mechs. Faction Warfare is exactly where it should be Clan vs IS. The Faction Warfare system as a whole needs an overhaul and it needs to start with the fundamentals.

On topic, Current Clan tonnage is fine. You can build plenty of great drop decks with 240 tons.

#125 Bownd


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Posted 19 December 2016 - 09:35 PM

PGI can't just keep moving tonnage around. It'll just seesaw back and forth for the pugs on both sides. The tech isn't winning the fights..Its the organized merc units that are heavily favoring the clans right now. PGI has to change the way they allow mercs to maneuver back and forth. A few suggestions would be lower their drop tonnage and/or increase the minimum amount of time they serve out their contracts. Or place a limit on the number of top merc units per side. PGI has to provide better incentives for being a loyalist.

The problem with changing the matchmaking is there just aren't enough big units dropping..its always a mixed bag.
It would slow down that side of the searching and matchmaking immensely to where they don't want to drop anymore.

Edited by Bownd, 19 December 2016 - 09:45 PM.

#126 NotASecretAce


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Posted 19 December 2016 - 09:35 PM

Yeah, I don't really get the hate over 240 tons. I just got back to MWO after being away for a while. I remember it always being 240 tons!

#127 NocturnalBeast


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Posted 19 December 2016 - 11:55 PM

View PostUnendingmenace, on 19 December 2016 - 09:21 PM, said:

That first bit right there that I've highlighted is ludicrous. Lets just tell everyone who wants to play Clan mechs to get F'd hey? Let alone all of those people who have spent hard earned real money to get some of those mechs. Faction Warfare is exactly where it should be Clan vs IS. The Faction Warfare system as a whole needs an overhaul and it needs to start with the fundamentals.

On topic, Current Clan tonnage is fine. You can build plenty of great drop decks with 240 tons.

I own both on two separate accounts. If you want you could make a separate FP that is just clans fighting each other in the Kerensky Cluster and Pentagon Worlds. I was just giving an option that would be as close to "balanced" as possible without completely throwing out lore.

Edited by Ed Steele, 19 December 2016 - 11:56 PM.

#128 Unendingmenace


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Posted 20 December 2016 - 02:19 AM

I agree, we do need some Clan vs Clan action along with some IS vs IS action too. In saying that thought in my opinion, the "Invasion" with Clan vs IS is truly a unique Battletech aspect that we should always try to explore more. Not only from lore elements but also possible gameplay elements.

#129 Joe Decker


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Posted 20 December 2016 - 02:41 AM

Tonnage is a bad Way to try to balance this. What they need to do is making sure that Comp Teams are evenly put on IS and Clan Side. That has always been one of the Core Problems the Game has. With such a low Number of Teams and Players currently in the Game it becomes high Priority to make sure Comp Teams are balanced on both Sides.

Since the Start of CW/FW I was asking for a Moderator/Gamemaster for managing the Contracts and making sure Numbers are even/Comp Team Deployment is even.

As long as Population is low it won't be too much Work. When Population is high that Balance is not needed so much anymore anyway.

#130 RogoRogo Wolf


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Posted 20 December 2016 - 02:59 AM

on a serious note, other arena-type games manage such things just fine, by.. fe..
- limiting squads to max 4 members in an 16x16 or whatever the number is the engine carries in the particular case
- offering a matchup for fullout sqads (max number)
The problem... again (as with, planets discernation, faction meaning or lack thereof, gamemodes etc etc)... PGI has managed to kill off its own player base by its horrible decision an extremely poor executions of.. everything... I have recently heard Mr. B. did not include the SINGLE drop quickplay into the map because of "buckets".
What on earth have "buckets" aka.. queue-draw-pools to do with an INTERFACE (UI/GUI) choice...?
Also.. most of the "normal" players - myself included... are constantly put off by the game being stripped to some sort of twisted real-game e.sport... something (just look at that cringeworthy Dane "balance" MRBC idiocy video a few pages above).
So - in conclusion - low playerbase... is the excuse to make things even worse or keep things as-is..

Yes, the skirmish/QP maps have gotten better (because they finally hired someone who CAN actually design maps), yes, at least mode-wise Faction games are now more interesting (and diverse in gameplay, unless you get 12-men versus not-12-men first wave stomped plus spawncamped), but... that is not an epiphany of game extension.. it just things that should be expected on the barest level... but because of the way things are we have to hail them as if they were the second coming of Kerensky and Blake as a unified ComStar Angel or something...


View PostMovinTarget, on 18 December 2016 - 05:28 PM, said:

... all I can say at this point is that for a man of few posts, you've much to say...

yeah.. sorry about that... accumulated rage above the upper explosion limit has that effect on mid-life people (I should buy a boat or something...) Posted Image

Edited by RogoRogo Wolf, 20 December 2016 - 04:39 AM.

#131 Natural Predator


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Posted 20 December 2016 - 06:25 AM

I feel bad for clan puggies these days. I mean i drop solo just to get a feel for what everyone is going through on both sides. Clan puggies just get effed hard by the 240 ton drop decks. If i wasn't part of a unit i would be pissed.

#132 Stormie


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Posted 20 December 2016 - 06:30 AM

View PostRagnar Baron Leiningen, on 20 December 2016 - 06:25 AM, said:

I feel bad for clan puggies these days. I mean i drop solo just to get a feel for what everyone is going through on both sides. Clan puggies just get effed hard by the 240 ton drop decks. If i wasn't part of a unit i would be pissed.

Uh what?
dropped four 12 hours today either solo, or in group of two or three, lost twice? how is that being 'effed hard' honestly the tonnage needs to be reduced further if they want it to be even. maybe 230 tonnes?

Edited by Stormie, 20 December 2016 - 06:31 AM.

#133 Fake News


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Posted 20 December 2016 - 06:48 AM

View PostStormie, on 20 December 2016 - 06:30 AM, said:

Uh what?
dropped four 12 hours today either solo, or in group of two or three, lost twice? how is that being 'effed hard' honestly the tonnage needs to be reduced further if they want it to be even. maybe 230 tonnes?

you're going is soon, you clown

#134 Monster Ultra Zero


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Posted 20 December 2016 - 07:07 AM

View Postebolachan, on 20 December 2016 - 06:48 AM, said:

you're going is soon, you clown

How is that relevant? Clan still has better mechs per tonnage, not to mention the majority of higher-tier groups.

#135 Kheigar


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Posted 20 December 2016 - 08:01 AM

Enjoy 50 tons scouting decks

#136 MovinTarget


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Posted 20 December 2016 - 08:34 AM

View PostKheigar, on 20 December 2016 - 08:01 AM, said:

Enjoy 50 tons scouting decks

okay in scouting, it really is about picking the right mech for the map and coordination... honestly, there are few circumstances where an IS team of equal skill couldn't hold its own vs clans...

...except at the potato level... Bad IS is screwed by learning curve

#137 Kusunoki Masashige


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Posted 20 December 2016 - 09:07 AM

lol 50 scouting will have little impact based on last nights runs. Suffice to say clans should be at 45 tons to the IS 55 tons.
Clan should really have a bid system put in for scouting and regular FP.

#138 NocturnalBeast


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Posted 20 December 2016 - 09:49 AM

View PostUnendingmenace, on 20 December 2016 - 02:19 AM, said:

I agree, we do need some Clan vs Clan action along with some IS vs IS action too. In saying that thought in my opinion, the "Invasion" with Clan vs IS is truly a unique Battletech aspect that we should always try to explore more. Not only from lore elements but also possible gameplay elements.

The Clans in BATTLETECH are like the White Walkers in Game of Thrones, yes, but there is still allot of things that happened in both the IS and Pentagon Worlds / Kerensky Cluster before the invasion that cold be made into FP with Clans and IS separated.

#139 NotSoDeadpool15


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Posted 20 December 2016 - 09:55 AM

View PostMarquis De Lafayette, on 16 December 2016 - 10:07 PM, said:

How Clan pilots are dealing with this news:

Stage 1: Denial.. "that can't be right, they just buffed the IS to 265 tons yesterday...it can't be true.."

Stage 2: Anger: "They JUST buffed the IS 15 tons.. now I am facing 4 waves of laser vomit Heavies or 2 Assaults per IS pilot!...with WHAT?!?!?"

Stage 3: Bargaining: "maybe if they made the IS XL engine like the Clan XL or let IS pilots drop Clan Mechs they would give us those 10 tons back."

Stage 4: Depression: "I have to redo all my dropdecks...all of them...I haven't used some of those mechs in months or years...maybe I should put a Mist Lynx in there...I need another beer"

Stage 5: Acceptance: "I am going to take those 240 tons and those mechs I hadn't used in months and kill them all with it"

This guy gets it
But to be honest were still owning the IS on all fronts so it won't matter to me until I see that innersphere bar grow more than half way. Clans have the better (more experienced) players from what I've seen and that's why the new drop deck tonnage doesn't really bother me that much. The only problem is getting the full 240 tons I hate dropping at 235 :(

#140 Novakaine


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Posted 20 December 2016 - 10:16 AM

View PostMovinTarget, on 16 December 2016 - 08:18 PM, said:

They used to do that, but i don't think it worked, or at least it didn't have the intended consequence.

My solution (and consider i am a merc as well, our unit just took an extended stay in kurita for our newer players to tool up)

Simply put, as mercs have the advantage of playing both sides, simply restrict them from contracting/renewing with the four/five most active/successful factions. If we can quantify this (simple population is far too misleading) then it would be pretty simple to engineer...

This would create a bit of a see-saw effect, but it would prevent a persistent overload on one side or the other. Could mercs be frozen out of any/all clans? Temporarily, yes, it *could* happen, but it would be difficult for it to be that way permanently.

TL;DR - mercs go to the factions that need the most help.

Mercs should never not be allowed to go Clans in the first place.
The Clans would have never used them in the first place.
Except for target practice.
This see saw merc effect needs to simply stop.
Pick a side and own it.
If you want to play with the opposite sides shiny toys.
Do it in QP or GP.
Simple solution.

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