Sergeant Destroy, on 04 December 2021 - 01:42 PM, said:
Wow , really?
First off, Mwo is free to play.
Then Squadrons needs a flightstick or at least a gamepad, which is an absurd idea for some PC "purists",
and, believe it or not, Squadrons is way too demanding in versus mode for most peeps.
Also Squadrons doesnt even have remotely enough "unlocks" to keep the dopamin junkies busy.
Finally, I`m pretty sure it never had a big playerbase to begin with.
I have played Squadrons with a mouse and keyboard and it worked okay.
As for beeing to demanding, that is actualy a pretty interesting point to make. Do you realy think its that much more demanding then MWO? I mean most people now that aren't fresh to the game still don't get some of the ways the game is played, most likely me included.
Unlocks, that is indeed a point where Squadrons is indeed a bit behind MWO. On the other hand the upgrades are fewer but have more impact on gameplay and IIRC it took much longer to unlock them. Still a valid point.
Squadron has sold 1.1million copies.
MWO had, according to Jarls list, at top 350.000 players.
While this mght be nothing compared to titles like League of Legends or maybe Call of Duty its still a lot more potential Squadron players then MWO.
ThreeStooges, on 04 December 2021 - 02:35 PM, said:
Haven't bothered with squadrons since 1. It's ea. 2. I don't want to buy a joystick even the cheap $40 ones plus shipping. 3. I grew up on the originals of lucasarts which ea has probably turned to doo doo with dlc and micro-transactions.
2. You can actualy play it with mouse and keyboard
3. Squadrons had to my knowledge no DLC or Micro transactions what was actualy a big critic point by EA headquarters but Motive Studios pushed for not to be included. Don't know if it later changed.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Urbie, on 04 December 2021 - 03:22 PM, said:
I love my MWO, I love my Squadrons (though I haven't played it for months).
both are quite different games, not sure you can compare them.
But I have to admit: I thought Squadrons would be a 'bigger' thing, since it's SW;
and without a doubt there's more SW_fans out there than BT_fans.
anyway; gotta polish my Tie-Interceptor some more; don't wanna get on Lord Vaders bad side.
To me they are comparable in the regard that both are competitive multiplayer games. Yah that is a very, very basic comparsion. Still made me wonder as yourself because of the StarWars license that mostly makes everything sell like fresh cut bread. Still it dosn't seam to be enough to retain a playerbase.
I find that part espacialy interesting, cause it could mean there is some importend lesson to be learned for the future of MWO, if PGI ever decided to stop watching their belly button and realise that MWO is a greate thing that needs some love, attention and a freaking dedicated team. Dearon, Matt and the others are doing what they can with the limited resources but its not enough.