I understand it was probably done this way because it was MEANT to be tiresome and was meant to motivate us to purchase more than one of each module. This made some sense back when there weren't that many modules to available to purchase. But NOW, there are a million and one modules available and I'm sure there are more modules coming down the pipe-line as well!! People just are not, and do NOT want, to buy more than one of each module. Implementing this change will not decrease module purchases, I guarantee it! To the contrary, it will increase module purchases because this change will kick-in the 'gotta-have-them-all' mentality because now modules will be a snap to equip at a moments notice!
The UI should automatically un-equip and re-equip modules for you all IN THE BACKGROUND. You can move this UI a HUGE step forward by simply allowing users to equip modules in two or three key-presses.
ADDED BONUS! Please note: This will also decrease matchmaker wait times dramatically! How you say? Just ask anyone HOW MANY TIMES they've had to wait for someone in group to locate that one stinking module before being able to launch! Think about it PGI, it's a win-win. We get a more intuitive UI and you get a decrease in match-maker wait times and an increase in the available pool of players allowing the MM to make higher quality matching.. and you know matchmaker wait-times and quality match-making are big thorns in your side right now.
Edited by DAEDALOS513, 23 September 2014 - 10:23 AM.