The Atlas AS-7-S in brawling configuration will destroy anything in close range combat 1v1 , even a spirit bear or Dakka Dire wolf providing you torso twist to the maximum and place your shots well.
A low heat 71.5 damage AC/SRM barrage will immediately cripple most mechs and destroy them on the second. The 81.5 Alpha with the medium lasers is devasting but is considerably hotter. You can get 3-4 barrages off before heat becomes an issue or just 2 alphas.
Along with a medium mech in structure quirks and very good shield arms you literally have ton for ton the most health.
However in an Atlas you can count on
1. It will never be 1v1 , more like 1v3 because you're so slow so its hard to get proper positioning. And being a 100 tonner your not exactly hard to miss.The Atlas-D-DC's ECM helps you become more subtle but its a bit less brutal than the 7.
2. Your useless in ranged combat (beyond 270m) so you must weather the storm or get really creative on how your going to close range to punch his face in.
3. Lights can be interesting , but a competent pilot can land one ac/srm salvo and immediately cripple a light.
Edited by Skanderborg, 15 January 2017 - 08:25 AM.