Kodiak Champion Build
Posted 13 January 2017 - 02:25 PM
We've got another set of Champion Mech's we'd like your help making builds for!
Keep in mind these will mostly be used by new playersl!
Please submit your build for the Kodiak Champion!
Post your build using Smurfy Mechlab, with whichever variant you'd like.
Remember to click the Like button at the bottom of other posted builds for your favorites!
The top 3 voted builds will be taken into a separate discussion thread which our designer will then later review your discussions and debates on it to make the final call as to which is the best of the 3 to implement.
Thank you very much again for your contribution!
Posted 13 January 2017 - 02:35 PM
Posted 13 January 2017 - 02:45 PM
Here's what I'd like to see those filthy clanners run:
Posted 13 January 2017 - 02:54 PM
Big Tin Man, on 13 January 2017 - 02:45 PM, said:
Here's what I'd like to see those filthy clanners run:
Bzzzzt Wrong ! But thanks for playing... the hero's cannot be used for champion variants.
Posted 13 January 2017 - 02:57 PM
how about.......
edit, realized id messed up the srm ammo.
Edited by naterist, 13 January 2017 - 03:00 PM.
Posted 13 January 2017 - 03:00 PM
Dee Eight, on 13 January 2017 - 02:54 PM, said:
Bzzzzt Wrong ! But thanks for playing... the hero's cannot be used for champion variants.
And Tina said "Post your build using Smurfy Mechlab, with whichever variant you'd like..." so I chose the hero.
Ok, here's another serious build.
Seriously, I saw a streamer running this build and it worked well.
Edited by Big Tin Man, 13 January 2017 - 03:00 PM.
Posted 13 January 2017 - 03:03 PM
I do wonder if PGI's willing to include a champion 'mech that comes with weapons that have no ammo... might be an odd experience for a new player, even if their inclusion makes sense.
Posted 13 January 2017 - 03:04 PM
The idea here is to make it an absolutely hilarious brawler. LBXX-AC plus 12 ASRMs for the maximum splat effect, plus 8 cSPLs to act as scalpels. It has completely maxed armor and engine rating. Default the arms to two separate weapon groups, and the missiles and AC could be put in one though I'd prefer they each be their own trigger group as well. I shifted some armor from the back to the front, but not as much as a typical comp build, since Champion builds are geared toward newer players who are less careful of their backsides and need that little bit of additional leeway when it comes to driving assaults due to their inherent vulnerability to attacks from behind.
Posted 13 January 2017 - 03:07 PM
Kanil, on 13 January 2017 - 03:03 PM, said:
They're Kodiaks. Even if they're terrible, they'll still be better than 90% of IS assaults. About time the clans have a bad champ, and about time something bad happens to the KDK.
That said, I should build the 9 tag bear for this thread.
And is there any question the champ will end up as a KDK-3 with 2xUAC5 and 2xUAC10?
Posted 13 January 2017 - 03:11 PM
Yes, it's stupid meta UAC boating spam. Yes, this will end up being the champion whether I'm the one to post it or not. Maybe if I'm toxic enough about these stupid OP mechs, it won't happen.
[/double reverse psychology]
Edited by Big Tin Man, 13 January 2017 - 03:12 PM.
Posted 13 January 2017 - 03:12 PM
Big Tin Man, on 13 January 2017 - 03:07 PM, said:
They're Kodiaks. Even if they're terrible, they'll still be better than 90% of IS assaults. About time the clans have a bad champ, and about time something bad happens to the KDK.
Why don't you instead put your effort towards making a good Mauler, if you want the IS to have better champions?
Posted 13 January 2017 - 03:18 PM
Kanil, on 13 January 2017 - 03:12 PM, said:
Because I can't move ST hardpoints from the beltline to the top of the shoulders, or make it XL friendly.
Edited by Big Tin Man, 13 January 2017 - 03:19 PM.
Posted 13 January 2017 - 03:25 PM
Big Tin Man, on 13 January 2017 - 03:18 PM, said:
Because I can't move ST hardpoints from the beltline to the top of the shoulders, or make it XL friendly.
So if you don't care about it, then I'm assuming you'll be fine with my LRM-20x2, MGx6 build being the chosen champion?
Posted 13 January 2017 - 03:26 PM
I would prefer dakka for this mech just because Gauss/ERPPCs is a bit tougher of a build to run especially given you can be gimped fairly easy if you get one side focused. Not really a fan of the PPC next to the dakka anymore but I wasn't really sure if 4 cSPLs was worth it so went with just some ERMLs to use when you need to a bit extra burst damage.
Posted 13 January 2017 - 03:34 PM
Kanil, on 13 January 2017 - 03:25 PM, said:
I care more that new players will be running the most OP build on the most OP mech in the game in a trial and think they're doing great, rather than bad trials pushing players to buy their own mech and customizing it to fit them (aka learning to play). This has implications to push new players PSR too high too fast and hit FW and solo queue with a flood of meta-cheese in the form of trial mechs.
So yes, meta trials are bad. Balanced trials are good. A balanced KDK is not a thing because it literally has EVERYTHING going for it.
And post that Mauler build, I'll vote for it. Maybe toss in a command console too.
Edited by Big Tin Man, 13 January 2017 - 03:35 PM.
Posted 13 January 2017 - 03:36 PM
Posted 13 January 2017 - 03:43 PM
Big Tin Man, on 13 January 2017 - 03:00 PM, said:
And Tina said "Post your build using Smurfy Mechlab, with whichever variant you'd like..." so I chose the hero.
PGI NEVER BUILDS CHAMPIONS OUT OF HERO variants. How you can be a member for three plus years and NOT understand that is beyond me. Also current loyalty variants are not actually available at all to players until next summer so again... not a variant actually useable.
Edited by Dee Eight, 13 January 2017 - 03:50 PM.
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