The Unstoppable Puggernaut, on 15 January 2017 - 04:25 AM, said:
They need to double the Ttiers, split people up nicer into them and re-work the brackets of who plays with who. Or if lazy split the T1 bracket to have T0 as well.
There's no way I should be in T1. I've seen some nasty (well nice) players and they need a bumpty to be in top tier. If I end up having to game with them then no problemos but some of the people I've been viewing are using just the keyboard to aim. They need to be moved to safety for their own sake of enjoyment and others.
I just came on here to make a thread about tiers, so perfect timing this thread is here. I have to quote this post because it is basically what I wanted to post about, and I want to make sure it is seen.
I am a tier 1 player as well, however I am not as good as some of the true T1 players, you know the guys everyone knows about, the regulars. There is no way I should be grouped in the same tier as those guys. I've been playing for years on and off, so I get why I would sometimes play against those guys, but I should not be weighted the same as them for matching purposes. I am not a part of a big clan or want to be, I just play a few hours a week with a friend of mine and that is what I want keep doing. But recently, me and my friend both made it to tier 1. And this is when it really became obvious. I am not opposed to a challenge, we always look forward to trying to beat these guys, but the reality is, we lose 95% of the games we play against them.
I must say it gets really annoying if you happen to play on a night a group of the pros happens to be on. Since i'm tier 1 it is a guaranteed chance I will have to play with or against them, and that is when the game gets really boring, really fast. Losing 12-0 on a match the game thought was fair, but in reality was over before it started, kills it for me. It's equally boring to be on their team because the game is over so fast, it feels like I could have just powered down at start and we would have still won. I understand part of the problem is the low population so they have to open the tiers up a bit for faster matchmaking, but they should create more tiers so that I am not counted for the same as someone that is a top 10 player in the game.
Also, it is too easy to level up in tier. I am not sure what the exact rules are, but it seems anyone that is half decent at this game will eventually make it to tier 1, even if they do not actually become better at the game. I think each tier should have its own range as what is considered a good game and what isn't. For example, 400 dmg might be a good game for a tier 3 player, but it shouldn't be a good game for a tier 1 player. I think they need to raise the threshold at when your skill decreases and greatly increase when your skill stays the same the higher the tier you are. This in combination with more tiers I would imagine would at least have the chance for more improved games, even if the same players match up on most days when population is low.
Edited by Wronka, 16 January 2017 - 11:47 AM.