Speculation Tech Used
Light Autocannon 2 (LAC/2)
Light Autocannon 2 Ammo (LAC/2 Ammo)
Targeting Computer Mk. III
Quirks (Restricted to quirks categories that are slated to 'Survive' the Skill Tree)
Armor Bonus (CT): +10
Armor Bonus (LT): +7
Armor Bonus (RT): +7
Armor Bonus (LA): +5
Armor Bonus (RA): +5
Armor Bonus (LL): +7
Armor Bonus (RL): +7
Torso Turn Rate: 15%
Fluff (Quick and Rough)
Used as a test bed for the original Light Autocannons. Left laser arm replaced with a right ballastic arm. Targeting computer included to assist with calibrating the cannons and recording test data.
Because of how simple the Urbanmech is, I found it difficult to do something truly novel, yet not Pay2Win, that didn't just include a little hard point bloat or weapon switching. Then I thought of a build I was considering if LAC/2s do get released, and figured 'Hell, what if we just split the difference rather then overloading one arm.' So while the mech is different from the regular Urbanmech, it doesn't really do anything a standard Urbanmech can't, besides being symmetric, which is arguably worse.
If I'm honest, I somehow doubt Light Autocannons are going to get released, but to hell with it, I'm having fun. And the TC... I'm assuming Targeting Computers are going to be roughly similar, ton and crit wise, to Clan models. This may not be the case, of course.
So, thoughts?
Visual Prototype (Also featured later in thread)
Edited by Bombast, 15 January 2017 - 06:34 PM.