Requiemking, on 18 January 2017 - 08:53 PM, said:
It was poorly made because number 1) its a battlemech(that makes it inferior to Omnis) and number 2) it is a 90 tonner, which is about the worst weight for an Assault you could possibly imagine.
It's funny, in lore and TT (campaign games) Omni's are superior to Battlemechs, in MWO Battlemechs are superior to Omni's, due in large part that everyone has a factory level refit center where our mechs go back to after each match, for free repair, rearm and load out changes.
As for point 2, 90t only sucks
if you want a jumping mech, it's also the weight point where 4/6 becomes borderline of a too large tonnage investment (360 engine size), as you have to start making large compromises to get good fire power and good speed with jumping at 90t, 85t is more efficient for 4/6 and jumping (1t JJ's), for what I mean see a 90t Mad Cat Mk. II vs an 85t Mad Cat Mk. II, at 85t running the same load out, the 85t weighs in at 84t, leaving it enough tonnage to bring the armour up, add a 4th JJ, add 1t more Guass ammo, 1t more LRM ammo or one more DHS.