Prosperity Park, on 24 January 2017 - 02:13 PM, said:
I have seen this addressed from two different viewpoints. My personal Viewpoint is that losing two crits means you've lost two-thirds of your engines health because three Crits will kill an engine. Others have said that losing two crits is only a small fraction of your engines overall health because although 3 crits will kill an engine your engines overall health actually deteriorates from working fine to slightly damaged to completely broken with no interim between those last two. So losing two crits should be a minor decrease in performance and losing three crits means kaput.
That second Viewpoint is based on the idea that it only takes a small amount of damage to take a nuclear reactor from working to completely broken. It's not like you can damage 68% of the components inside a nuclear reactor and still have it functional.
However I'm still strongly of the camp that losing two crits means you lost two-thirds of your engine's health and it should barely function.
The 3 crit rule was when there were only STD engines, which have 6 total engine slots. 3 crit rule meant the enough shielding was damaged to scram the engine and shut it down (no Stackpole effect

) The additional engine slots in the side torsos only allowed additional opportunities (dice- probability hit/miss/location), in a game where whether most components, be it 1 slot or 7slots, one crit rendered that component non-operational with addtional crits causing more damage to be repaired or completely destroyed, excepts Engine, Gyro and Sensors.
Of course the real issue is that PGI said they had plans to add actual engine crits, in early beta with the STD themselves when they were talking about Health Points but no effects when crit, and when they added the first 20% heat penalty to the cXL. imho without actual engine crits, non-STD engines should follow the cXL penalty settings with different percentages for the Flavor. Then for the players the choices would be STD, be a bit slower, may be not equip enough or larger weapons and avoid the penalties vs go faster, and for the non-meta mechs, equip decent enough payload to where they sit closer to the meta-mechs, allow more mech options without being OP.
Unfortunately, it appears PGi has made up its m.. something. All they really need to do is string us along long enough to get MW5 completed/sold before license comes up for renewal. New tech, constant changing of quirks will cover up the issue but all they need to do is keep enough happy til that appointed time.