Posted 23 January 2017 - 10:56 AM
my first few hours I played MWO taught me some valuable lessons
you see I was in my Jager and shot and hit a summoner it turned ran up to me and pounded my Mech into the ground
my thoughts were he was not even phased by my puny weapons "I better get a bigger gun"
I am not asking to win every battle but it would be nice if they at least ducked when I shot at them
Posted 23 January 2017 - 11:39 AM
Some of them fall into the "meta": HBK-IIC-Prime, Nova-S, Black Widow, etc
Some not so much: UM-R63, EXC-C
I drive the "meta" ones because they perform well.
I drive the "not-so-meta" ones because I like how they look; the UM-R63(S) is the one of the best looking special variants in the game, in my opinion. Also, they each have a special trick that makes them fun; 360 torso twist and MASC, respectively.
Posted 23 January 2017 - 11:46 AM
I just suck in anything bigger then 55 tons it seems.
Posted 23 January 2017 - 11:53 AM
Natred, on 23 January 2017 - 10:52 AM, said:
And conversely, no matter how meta I run them, I can't do squat in a Hellbie. Haven't played the Jag enough to form an opinion. And the MetaSummoner builds I don't click worth.
Give me a Mad Dog, or a near stock Summoner, or Gargoyle Prime and I do surprisingly well.
In the IS, I do fast better in VNDs than the metalords say is possible. I placed 3rd in theVND chassis leaderboard, and either second or third in the Hunchback.... Both with less than 8 hours of play time over the event. So I reckon that means I know a little something about their capabilities.
Posted 23 January 2017 - 11:57 AM
Some, mostly clans like the Vulture, Black Hawk, Mad Cat, Daishi and cauldron-born, are nostalgia from MW3.
But most of my lights I pilot just because they're fast and fun (locusts, jenners, spiders) or because I'm one of those clowns who likes to do an occasional NARC build on my MLX (and just bought the Raven 3L as well). Urbs b/c urbs.
A couple, like the Maruaders and enforcers are more about aesthetics. I bought a rifleman last week for looks and am struggling with making it work.
And then there's the Highlander IICs, which I keep coming back to probably because they were my first assault. I think I like these so much simply because there's no "perfect" build that I can find. I'm always striving to post good numbers in them, and I think that's what really drives me.
I tend to play if not Hipster 'mechs, at least non-meta chassis or builds. Something that makes me reach every time I drop, to such an extent I feel guilty any time I take out my TBRs, KDKs, or EBJs.
Posted 23 January 2017 - 12:14 PM
That said, every time I play it in MWO, I am brutally reminded of how much bad geometry plays into a mech's performance. LRM mechanics blow and mad dogs are so incredibly easy to neuter in a brawl. It's only counfounded that "lrms op pls nerf" threads ensure the mad dog has terribly mediocre quirks for a 60 tonner. They're not good laser or ballistic platforms either.
At least a side torso lost doesn't kill it instantly. Poor dragon..
Posted 23 January 2017 - 12:18 PM
Posted 23 January 2017 - 12:24 PM
Summoner with 2x UAC5 (torso mounted) and 4x CERML because nobody respects the SMN and I like a challenge, but it tends to do surprisingly well.
WHK-B w/ LRMs because sometimes I just want to make my opponents rage on certain maps and gimp myself on others.
SHC-P 1x CLPL, 7x MG for the lulz.
DWF with 6x LBX5, also for the lulz.
KDK-3 when I am loosing too much on the others and need to feel better about myself.
Posted 23 January 2017 - 12:39 PM
Snazzy Dragon, on 23 January 2017 - 12:26 PM, said:
Loyalty omni pods changed that
Yeah, I guess, I haven't got them and haven't seen anybody running them but I also haven't played much lately. I wouldn't change my SMN build if I had them, I have a PPC poptart already.
Posted 23 January 2017 - 01:25 PM
Hunchbacks and Summoners and Hellbringers were always my top 3. I've said it many times in the past as well.
I'm a Davion and Ghost Bear person from the lore and novels. So I tend to stick to those mechs as well but each side does have some ugly ones.
That being said, the mechs I've enjoyed have been the Kit Fox, Hunchbacks, Cicadas, Shadow Hawks, Griffins, Jagermechs, Summoners, Hellbringers, Mad Dogs, Storm Crows, Highlanders and Battlemasters.
I do have the Marauders and Crabs but have not played yet and plan to get the Warhammer, Archer, and Cyclops at some point.
Posted 23 January 2017 - 04:46 PM
In the past I've been a LRMisher. I run LRMs on a Catapult, up close and personal. I really like the A1 and Jester Catapults. And alternating LRM Catapults and the Jester, I got interested in mixed builds for direct fire mechs, because to LRMish well you have to have credible secondary weapons and the ability to get in, share armor, and mix it up. I ran Marauders and Riflemen for awhile, as I have an emotional connection to them from Multiplayer Online Battletech back in the day. I got into Wolverines when the 7D(L) came out, first because I wanted to level the free mech and then because I really liked the mixed build of the Quarantine, but I can't get quite enough jump out of them and XL engines are too squishy, though Quarantine rocks one pretty well.
Wolverines got me into medium mechs. I'd really started liking 60-ton IS mechs. Dragons, Quickdraws, Riflemen. QKDs need XLs..that a problem. So do most Dragons. And QKDs can jump...that is fun to be able to do. I tried assaults, and like Victors. I mastered all the Zeuses, and like the 6S®, my only Resistance mech, best, but then they made the Zeus monstrous and that was the end of that. But the fun was waning...because no jump jets. I did get Executioners...which taught me how to poptart. I tried the IIC Marauder because I like the IS version so much..but I don't click with it. I don't really gel with any Clan mech other than the prime Summoner, and Summoners are so meta they're getting nerfed. EBJs and HBRs hate me. I have one of each and haven't ever got the loyalty HBR out of mothballs because of the lack of fun the Cbill versions were for me. I know everyone loves them. I don't. That's just me. Your mileage may vary.
The Phoenix Hawk was another emotional tie to MPBT. But I didn't click with anything but the original PXH-1. I love it. It jumps high, runs decently fast, doesn't draw tons of aggro, and just fits. But I like having a LRM5 rack around for some indirect fire from time to time and I'm hoping for just a little more tankiness.
So. Right now I like IS mediums. I like speed, 80-100 kph that can hang with assaults and heavies to cover them and hunt lights. I like tankiness. I like jump jets. And I like standard engines for durability. I like a lot of armor. I also like mixed loadouts that include something with some mid to long range punch-a large laser or PPC preferred-some medium lasers for closer range brawling, and a LRM5 or LRM10 rack to toss a few LRMs over a hill when I can't see over it, or popLRM a little, and from time to time jump,up and nail the guy I'm shooting at with a large laser or PPC. So right now I'm running the Wolverine Q and 7D, Phoenix Hawk 1, and...leveling Vindicators.
Posted 23 January 2017 - 04:59 PM
1) I'll have fun and run whatever is not popular... but that's rare (I don't play enough to go this route).
2) I'll run a light... though it'll probably be the ACH (because every other Light sucks for the most part). If there's salt involved... well, I'm there.
3) I'll run whatever is the meta (at least close enough to it) because not contributing and not being effective at any point is just detrimental to the team IMO.
Posted 23 January 2017 - 05:01 PM
(for the most part)
Posted 23 January 2017 - 05:45 PM
Jables McBarty, on 23 January 2017 - 11:57 AM, said:
Try this RFL-3N and go full-ham on targets and to make all the C-bills. Try this 3N if you are a good shot and want to play a tankier Medium. Try this 3N if you like meta-cheese (I promise it runs frosty).
This is the only RFL-3C worth running, in my opinion.
Posted 23 January 2017 - 06:55 PM
Posted 23 January 2017 - 07:18 PM

Only mechs I really run on a regular basis are mechs that I enjoyed in previous Mechwarrior titles. There are exceptions that I make just because I enjoy the lore behind them, or the factions that used them, but it's mostly nostalgia.
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