There's been much discussion about the option of IS XL Engines being provided the same benefits as Clan XL Engines, but in light of the other benefits provided by larger Engine sizes and the massive offensive boost XL Engines can facilitate, such a change is not currently conducive to appropriate XL versus Standard Engine balance.
I looked through this statement. I thought this statement has some forms of logical fallacies... but I realized it is really nonsense at best.
Let's say we are comparing apple A and apple B, and trying to choose. Here's the PGI logic:
"We think these apples from country A taste sour, and those apples form country B taste good. We should throw away apples from country A and keep B. However, an orange is even more sour than both of the apples, so we will just keep both of them!"
As I think more and more of this statement, I cannot stop thinking but the whole statement is delusional. Seriously why are we suddenly talking about standard engines when we are talking about XL engines?
And even if we take that statement as it is, what about clan standard engines? They are already absolutely obsolete unless you are trying to do quad gauss on Kodiak. Clan standard engines are completely obsolete for such a long time, yet PGI never tried to balance Clan XL engines and standard engines. Why does suddenly IS XL and IS standard engine balance matter when we are already ignoring half of the equation?
More I try to understand this company, I only feel more dumbfounded. I understand a lot of companies have very weird and terrible company culture that lead to really stupid decisions, but PGI really takes cake despite the fact that PGI is rather a smaller company that should not have such toxic decisions.