This is by far the longest updated thread with constant fan support and artwork update for an incredible span of over 2 years.
The thread is longer than my playing career.
So I just want to know whether such a mech is even in the consideration for future releases? I mean, as much as I like the Hellhound (MW4) and other mechs, there has not been such a dedication as the people in that thread.
In the meantime:
You've announced 3060 mechs
You've gone off-canon to create your own "PGI" mech
You've gone to explore mechs not even on fans' radar
So why not announce something with such a broad support? It's also a very unique Inner Sphere Chicken Leg, which up till now, is pretty much a Clan patent.
So why not make this happen?
Edited by razenWing, 24 January 2017 - 03:31 PM.