Tank, on 27 January 2017 - 07:32 AM, said:
I would love to be dropped right on the objective if team is boggled to a original drop zone and control on objectives. Will give incentive to all Mecha-Snow-Flakes to do something.
That is how it was originally in the very beginning of CW. But people complained that it was too easy to spawn camp and that was pretty much the first thing that got changed about CW, ever.
There's really no fix to spawncamping. There just isn't.
If you drop players right at the objective like it used to be in the beginning, defenders complain about getting spawncamped because the attacker's objective is at the defenders spawn. So the attackers have no choice but to spawn camp.
If you have it like it is now, with the defenders spawning out of the way of the objective, the attackers just walk up to the spawn zone and camp it.
If you spread out the spawns over a large area so that it's harder to spawn camp, then defenders will complain that they are too far from the objective and it's too easy for the attackers to take it.
You can't make imbalanced matches fair. The problem isn't spawn camping, it's imbalanced matches. Spawn camping doesn't happen in balanced matches. Imbalanced matches drive players away, because highly skilled teams don't want to sealclub all day (except for [EVIL]), and low-skilled teams don't want to get roflstomped all day.
The only solution is to segregate the good players from the bad via a rudimentary matchmaking system. But PGI won't do it because it we don't have the population to sustain it. A lot of the population left because there was no matchmaking system, because imbalanced matches aren't fun, and spawncamping isn't fun. Give balanced matches, and maybe... just maybe people will come back to enjoy them.