House Steiner/lyran Commonwealth Battlemech's
Posted 26 January 2017 - 02:36 AM
As it stands I'm fleshing out my roster of mechs adhering to the combat philosophy of House Steiner. I'm aware that Steiner has a preference for heavy duty hardware and as such I've picked up the Zeus and Atlas given, according to the lore, Steiner operated these mechs in conjunction with each other to great effect but as I'm sure many of you are aware it is impossible to build a Faction Play purely from these mechs alone.
I was looking to flesh out my deck with a selection of heavies and possibly a medium or light. I'm not overly concerned with the meta as I'll be looking to produce loadouts which are relatively effective without heavily compromising the backstory of the mech in question.
Thank you for any help and insight.
Posted 26 January 2017 - 08:18 AM
a great place to find information that you are looking for is Sarna.net, below you will find a link to the Lyran Alliance mech list, complete with information on each mech.
As for mediums that are currently in MWO:
They also make extensive use of the humble Commando and Wolfhound.
Posted 27 January 2017 - 01:31 AM
The Flashman would be a nice unique Lyran mech if it was in the game and for many people the medium Uziel battlemech is another iconic mech.
That said, much like the Atlas a mech like the Thunderbolt was quite common in the Lyran Commonwealth as only they and the Free Worlds League build those mech (but were quite willing to trade them as well. merchants eh? also Assault bias). Still a decent CW design too btw.
Riflemen are also notably build within Lyran space but like the others it's not an exclusive.
I could mention the Archer but that mech is build almost everywhere, which is rather rare for a BattleTech mech.
Posted 27 January 2017 - 06:12 AM
One thing I've noticed is that Steiner don't seem very keen on Medium mechs? At least from what I've read in the supporting book, although the Bushwacker is mentioned in the listing given but unfortunately this isn't available for C-Bills given it's a new release. The Griffin is also mentioned so this maybe the option I go for.
As far as lights go I've looked at the Commando several times, I love the design of the mech but from what I've read the Firestarter is a better option? I'll admit, I'd like to see the Hollander introduced even if just for the novelty.
Again thank you for your help ladies and gents, it's really appreciated.
I find it a little odd that in the descriptions and supporting books that there is little mention as to the preferred tools of these nations armed forces.
Posted 27 January 2017 - 07:53 AM
FreeFragUK, on 27 January 2017 - 06:12 AM, said:
To some extend most Mechs featured in TRO:3025 are common to all powers of the Inner Sphere, some are just more typical for certain factions and more numerous in their armies.
The Orion for example was found in the LCAF too, but it the archetypical Marik-Mech. The first association is Free Worlds League, because almost all Orions were produced there. I would avoid it if you want to have some Steiner-flair.
The Thunderbolt is more of a common design; nobody would be surprised to see one. The LCAF had a good number of them too, so it would not be a bad choice.
The same is true for Mechs like the Marauder, Warhammer, and Archer (even if the Commonwealth was the largest Archer user and producer by far). You can ride any of them in the colours of a Lyran unit and be fine.
FreeFragUK, on 27 January 2017 - 06:12 AM, said:
It is true that the Lyrans had a somewhat lower percentage of medium Mechs than the FedSuns e.g. But the Commonwealth is an industrial powerhouse. The total number of medium Mechs is not low at all. Coventry Metal Works is one the largest, if not the largest producer of light and medium Mechs. Lyran factories have many active medium Mech lines; many of them are missing in game, but we have some at least: Phoenix Hawk (Coventry), Hunchback (Coventry, Loxley), Bushwacker (Tharkad), Griffin (Hesperus), Enforcer (Hesperus; although that is a Davion signature Mech).
As Metus Regem said, of those Griffin and Bushwacker are Steiner signature Mechs, even if the Bushwacker was also popular in the FedSuns for a while, and even if the Griffin was produced by other houses too.
FreeFragUK, on 27 January 2017 - 06:12 AM, said:
Originally, in the 1980ies, the Successor States were to have the same Mechs more or less. The designs of TRO:3025 can be seen as common designs, with only little variations in different deployments, manufacturers, and variants. Even Mechs which were strongly associated with a house early on, were almost randomly given to other houses too. The Zeus, perhaps the Lyran Mech, had its first novel appearence in the ranks of the St. Ives Lanciers, a storied Liao unit!
In universe that has something to do with the Star League and the loss of technology, I guess. Nonetheless you could still find information on what house preferred what design in the novels and in parts of the TRO-fluff.
In the 1990ies, the developers of BattleTech made much stronger efforts to "nationalize" the Mech production and distribution. And they were not subtle about it... Capellan Mechs got Chinese names, the Lyrans began loving Germanic mythology apparently, etc.
The result is that few of the Mechs featured in later TROs like 3067 were common designs, but most of them tied to a faction or two.
Edited by FLG 01, 27 January 2017 - 07:54 AM.
Posted 01 February 2017 - 02:16 PM
The Warhammer 7S is another favorite of mine. More or less turned it into a mini Battlemaster.
Got the Wolfhound just because it's the Wolfhound!
As FLG 01 mentioned above, nothing really exclusive in the BTU (Zack Hawkins piloted a captured Mauler after all) just splash some Steiner colors, add a Warhorn and it's a Lyran mech.
Posted 04 February 2017 - 07:39 PM
I'm still yet to decide as I've been focusing on mastering my three Zeus chassis' and the three Atlas chassis which I've acquired. I've found that the Atlas feels rather natural given my past preference for the HBK-4SP. The Zeus has taken some getting used to but is now an absolute pleasure to pilot.
As far as light mechs go I'm considering the Commando, Firestarter or Wolfhound. At this point in time the Firestarter is edging out as it seems as though it would possibly make for a strong supporting mech within a lance providing additional versatility. The Commando is a close second as its tonnage is very appealing for deck building and it looks as though it would make for a good "striker" style mech.
Mediums are still giving me some difficulty, I already have the HBK so at present this is my main preference. I was looking at the Centurion given I already possess one and these seem common throughout the BTU with production taking place courtesy of Lockheed/CBM of Donegal. The Griffin has edged its way out into a close second as point of consideration.
Heavies seem to be pretty much settled upon at this point, the Thunderbolt although the Marauder and Warhammer are both being considered still as I'd like to have some more ballistics. I've found that I especially enjoy using AC20's.
I've managed to get the Zeus and Atlas under my belt for the Assault category which I'm focusing on their mastery at present. I'm considering expanding upon this arsenal with either the Battlemaster or the, seemingly, maligned Banshee.
Again, thank you all for your feedback. This has been very enlightening and given me a lot of thought. I'd love to hear anymore feedback relating to my above comments. As it stands I'm still striving to maintain my identity as a pilot with House Steiner and I fully acknowledge that the choice of mech can always be challenged readily within the lore due to salvage, recovery, exchange of facilities, trading and numerous other reasons.
I look forward to more responses.

Posted 04 February 2017 - 09:22 PM
FreeFragUK, on 04 February 2017 - 07:39 PM, said:
I don't think the Centurion was ever produced on Donegal. You may be confusing it with the Centurion AeroSpace-Fighter produced by Lockheed-CBM. But anyway there are lots of Centurions in the LCAF. It is just not a signature Mech.
FreeFragUK, on 04 February 2017 - 07:39 PM, said:
The Warhammer, while not unqiue to the Commonwealth, has special meaning for Lyrans: it was Archon Katrina Steiner's Mech of choice. ...and that of her daughter, Melissa Steiner-Davion, but she was nowhere near as good as her mother.
A Warhammer in the Blue and Gold of the Royal Guards, traditionally sported by the Archon's Mech, would evoke that memory. But Lyran Guards colours would also be fine (the "Steiner" faction camo in game) as Katrina had commanded the 10th Lyran Guards once.
FreeFragUK, on 04 February 2017 - 07:39 PM, said:
From the lore point of view, the Banshee might be a better choice. Defiance on Hesperus was the first to transform this Mech from a joke to viable assault Mech, and a number of Lyran generals really liked it. It was a well liked design until the Fafnir came along.
The BattleMaster... yes, the LCAF had it too, but I can't but associate it with Hanse and Ian Davion. Other notable pilots include celebrities like Takashi Kurita, the Red Corsair, Waco Rogers, and Jackson Davion - no Lyran that springs to mind. Again, a perfectly valid choice for Lyrans too, but the LCAF are not the first association I have.
Also, keep in mind I am talking about the lore only. I would not recommend running the Firestarter in game e.g.
Posted 05 February 2017 - 09:01 PM
The Battlemaster is simply a great mech, why everyone uses it. I got a Banshee myself for Steiner Pride though I found it difficult to master. The 3E is very much a support mech vs tip of the spear.
Posted 06 February 2017 - 05:59 AM
Posted 22 April 2017 - 05:28 PM
Posted 22 April 2017 - 08:59 PM
Vanguard319, on 22 April 2017 - 05:28 PM, said:
As far as the lore goes, the Mech is largely irrelevant especially in the FCCW. It is neither present in the FCCW stories nor in the FCCW-era RATs (FM:LA, FM:U, ER:3062). While it does become slightly more noteworthy during and after the Jihad, the Uziel is still more of a footnote. And it definitely should not have been the first choice for a FCCW-era Mech pack.
Posted 22 April 2017 - 11:29 PM
Although i don't unterstand how the loyalists get theirs through the blockade or why Defiance on Furillo delivered supplies to the Free Skye units...
Posted 23 April 2017 - 04:14 AM
FreeFragUK, on 26 January 2017 - 02:36 AM, said:
Do you have an Android phone (literally any smart phone aside from blackberry and iphone)?
If so, consider downloading MechFactory. It's an app by one of the biggest Battletech sites: Http://Battletech.RPG.HU
It's a splendid resource and it has more information than Sarna does on mechs and details. Though it fails to directly include statements of whether or not the mech has specific Design_Quirks by the official list, it will happily give within its paragraphs numerous "flaws" and "merits" that the mechs have (which you can then compare to the official design quirk list to figure out which ones apply).
For example the Goliath quadruped has machine guns "Prone to overheating" and "jamming." So the design quirk Poor Cooling Jacket would give the overheating issue, and the design quirk Ammo Feed Problem would facilitate the jamming issue. Edit: Goliath machine guns also have mention of being highly accurate and flexible, here you would just use "Accurate Weapon" on the machine guns too which improves to hit chances.
Most importantly, however, you can sort Mechs, Vehicles, Aircraft and Battle Armor by Source material (TRO year, book, etc) or by faction (removing all from the list not associated with the faction you want. "Common" or "General" mechs are also not removed.)
Just open Mech Factory -> Mechs -> Sort -> Lyran Alliance.
Another great feature is you can build your own mechs on there and even assign them as variants of other mechs. However, fan-made mechs are not included on the roster and are private use. Supposedly you can also play BT online using it but I haven't figured out how to do it.
Edited by Koniving, 23 April 2017 - 04:19 AM.
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