PhoenixFire55, on 30 January 2017 - 08:46 AM, said:
IS? Fragile? ... You must be playing a different game because IS structure quirks make IS mechs far more durable than anything clans can offer. And big XL engines provide you with enough torso turn rates to protect both side torsoes as well as CT far better than Std engines of the same tonnage. But of course if you stand still and stare at a Kodiak your IS mech (or any mech on that regard) is fragile.
- Yeap. Fragile because of easy loosing side torso when XL have less or same speed as Clan mech. because having bigger engine = less weapon, more heat, less armor. And quirks wont help you if you being shot from greater distance by 2-3 enemy mech in one spot. Also IS mech have less weapons and loose it cause bigger difference in firepower as well. Big XL provide better turn rates, but not protect from huge one point impact, not save you from LRM rain and do nothing with close combat SSRM impact or short range massive blow also. And I talk not about KDK. same situation with all mech when you strictly fight IS mech against Clan. If you lucky enough have good team - you play and win. If not - you take shot from own team in back side torso and die (low armor in back right?) If your team not great and 4 players don't know how to use XL - you loose besides of your own skill. It's a team play game... so not all can be great in your team and weak point of mech become problem more the less skiled players in your team. What? Suggest leave unit and go to endless journey for searching better one? I like to play with gamers which I know... And in same time I don't want see some of them dead again in the start because of XL.
So... All IS light mech just glass comparing to any Clan. One lucky shot and they off play. Most of medium IS mech with big enough XL engine just have no room for good weapon. HBK, Centurion and many other medium come to mind. As well as bad mech for XL like Crabs, Trebuchet, Vindicator and Wolverine. BlackJack become a bit better as well as Cicada - but they also die quick from focused clan fire if go to duel. Some Clan mech just great to killing IS mech even by stock build.
PhoenixFire55, on 30 January 2017 - 08:46 AM, said:
If you are dying losing a side all the time then you are doing it wrong. Either in a mech that is completely not suitable for an XL engine or simply by facing the enemy too much. Mechs live long enough (all mechs) provided they are used properly, but if you are trying to peek against a firing line of several mechs you are going to be dead in a matter of seconds anyway, XL or not.
- I loose side torso not because of lack of piloting skill. Sometimes it's lag in game. Sometimes it's friendly fire. Duel 1 vs 2 clan always end bad. Yeah, mostly I prefer zombie mech and those who can shoot on really close distance or max long. Both of them nice work on STD engines. But what about mech which need speed, but they bad with XL? What about mech which use XL and have less firepower than they can have and compete with Clan? What about tier 5-3 players who take XL mech and make battle 8 vs 12 because they die? As for me - my mech based on cold really effective builds which works in good team and let me handle some situation with not skilled team also. But it's me. I tested weapon on PTS, I tried enough builds for extreme play and for novice pilots as well. And I remember frustration from XL mech which was blown up at first second of enemy encounter! That's why I understand players who cant level skill enough because of time higher than tier 3. Those players who played most and fill gaps in queue. They try IS mech, feel bad after death from "one shot" and go to clan. All go to clan and make population so high, that we get not nice tonnage change. I simply want have more player in game and with them - more teammate and enemy as well. And that can be possible if XL mech won't die from side torso loose.
PhoenixFire55, on 30 January 2017 - 08:46 AM, said:
You might wanna do your homework before posting nonesense like this. Such system already exists in BT and is called BattleValue. It isn't directly applicable in MWO but can be used with some modifications. I've already mentioned it, but of course you don't bother to read so ...
- And? Bringing here dice count after shot, or make match making based on weapons in load-up? Something what can't implement without huge modification can't work right.
PhoenixFire55, on 30 January 2017 - 08:46 AM, said:
No, because IS is already competitive in QP, FP and whatever else P you can think of, both in terms of firepower and speed.
- It is not. Since we have IS vs Clan only. No need think about mech only from tier 1 high. You already have no enough players to fill the queue in FP because not everyone have high tier in their mass! That's why we have all tiers in FP and pilots who just ballast in game. You really think that you can win the game when 1\3 of your team not skilled enough to run "great and powerful meta mech"? I like the joke about firepower and speed. Speed - maybe. But fire power 1\2 less than Clan... Take calculator and make match. Take down side torso of heavy or medium mech with full armor need 2-3 shots... In same time take both side torso or side torso and center torso of clan mech - need 5-8 shots. If you get close enough.
For example... Centurion with XL260 have 30-48 firepower with really low ammo and die fast because it's arm not shielding enough. There no room to place enough ammo or weapon. I can take any mech which I play or build and nearly half of them suffer from free tonnage or slots after using XL so what firepower do you mean?
If you have no problem that doesn't mean that everyone don't have them.
It's same like if I say - "
HBK Grid Iron great mech because I can kill any Clan medium on it in duel". So all who have problem with that mech and I know many of them, say -
"No way, that bad mech and we too often die on it". Who right?
Nerf mech because 6 players play good on it or make other mech a bit better to make them less easy targets for those 6 players. What you choose?
Edited by Tiantara, 30 January 2017 - 10:35 AM.