PhoenixFire55, on 30 January 2017 - 12:10 PM, said:
Not saying they are. Just saying that I'm not as familiar with NA dropdecks, is all.
Then maybe you should before making these claims because obviously there is some discrepancies.
PhoenixFire55, on 30 January 2017 - 12:10 PM, said:
Not really, no. SplatCat is better IMO, mostly because it isn't plagued by useless clan SRMs.
Splatcat is also easily neutered (the ears stick up higher in comparison to the torso which means they are easy to isolate as well), especially now that it doesn't have all the structure quirks. That said it is still up there on the list of backups for MRBC.
PhoenixFire55, on 30 January 2017 - 12:10 PM, said:
They are not more durable, they are slower and far bigger
They aren't really bigger and they aren't that much slower. The WHM-6R/BW ran between a 280-300 XL typically. The 280 is exactly the same speed as the Night Gyr while the 300 is only around 5kph faster. What you are really noticing is the agility difference, but that doesn't make up for the lack of a Clan XL which allows you to play less defensive when cored on a side. The DPS isn't really as bad as people think, especially when you don't have heat that limits you (meaning it is good at keeping pressure up in receiving a push) and you don't have to expose as often (the Warhammer has to expose more to do similar damage, and lacks JJs to poptart).
PhoenixFire55, on 30 January 2017 - 12:10 PM, said:
It is once again, purely an opinion. What are your builds for KDK-3? Dakka is using unreliable UACs.
Unreliable how? You are poking with them so that when they jam you are under cover, just like you did when during the UAC40 days (4 UAC10 was more about burst than sustained). That said, Gauss/PPCs are wonderful at mid/long to the point I don't really mess with dakka all that much (though the cAC40 is somewhat entertaining).
PhoenixFire55, on 30 January 2017 - 12:10 PM, said:
In a trade war between a KDK-3 and a Stalker with LLs/ERLLs my bet is on a Stalker.
Good thing the Kodiak has speed, since speed is the reason the Stalker fell out of use even before the Kodiak came along because the Battlemaster was faster.
PhoenixFire55, on 30 January 2017 - 12:10 PM, said:
TBH its going to be Marauder-IICs all season long in all possible scenarios.
If they are available, which they probably won't be given the release schedule, that said they don't replace KDK-3s. Honestly 4 ERPPC Warhawks are starting to be used at extreme range even over ERLL Battlemasters thanks to the versatility without loss of effectiveness while the Quad Gauss Kodiak pretty much died with the Gauss max range nerf.
PhoenixFire55, on 30 January 2017 - 12:10 PM, said:
Used for what? For long range poke wars? Well no **** sherlock. All the noobs trying to trade with clans from 1000m away in FP also think clans are OP. But when an actual brawl starts suddenly OP clans are just wiped out ggez mode. Now I wonder what would have happened if all the good maps like HPG weren't banned from MRBC for some magical reason.
HPG wasn't banned from season 7, and Clan was still dominant there so not really sure what you are talking about, and no, HPG isn't really that brawl oriented (it favors mid to long typically). That said, you still don't seem to understand that brawl is not this magical arena for IS, nor should it be, they should be equally competent at all ranges (just how they fight at those ranges will differ).
PhoenixFire55, on 30 January 2017 - 12:10 PM, said:
Look, even during MRBC-2 when SRMs were pretty much dominant in EU, NA never really adapted to it. Its your thing, to each its own. I can claim that you guys have no idea how to approach and brawl all the same. Doesn't change the fact that there always was regional differences in meta, I'm not the one who noticed it first.
Where did I disagree with the differences in meta? I'm sure there is a difference between NA and Oceanic too, but that doesn't mean that both are equally viable because skill differences play into that as well. We are assuming NA and EU are equally skilled and I would disagree.
PhoenixFire55, on 30 January 2017 - 12:10 PM, said:
And once again you come up with a conclusion taking it right outta yer rear (no offense).
No I'm not, I'm basing that off of current practices for comp.....the only one who is taking that conclusion out of their butt is you since you are basing your judgements solely off of past experiences with EU teams (since you haven't brought up your own practices as proof of anything, just EU teams former drop decs I'm guessing from season 7).
PhoenixFire55, on 30 January 2017 - 12:10 PM, said:
LOL ... Huntsman? Hmmm, yeah Somebody else does everything it can do but better.
8 ASRM4 is not something anything else can do, and even then 4 ASRM6 in the torso and 4 SPL is not something anything else can do.
Edited by Quicksilver Kalasa, 30 January 2017 - 12:32 PM.